Aoba Office

Chapter 1775 The missing thin man

This sentence made me unable to react for a moment.

"Missing? could it be missing?" I asked stutteringly.

If the thin man died, this would make more sense. But... missing?

"He left the hotel to go to work in the morning. For safety reasons, Nangong Yao contacted his mobile phone location yesterday. Before walking out of the hotel, the location disappeared. We have searched in the hotel and did not find him or the mobile phone. Hotel The surveillance cameras didn't catch him."

"You didn't find the ghost either? Didn't you find Qi Bai?" I asked in a questioning tone.

"No." Wu Ling replied calmly, "It's possible that it wasn't Qi Bai who did it."

I was stunned.

"We are going to Qi Bai's parents' home to confirm. Although her parents died mysteriously, the murderer has not been found yet. The police have not found it. We have not confirmed that Qi Bai was the one who did it. Do you have time today? If possible, It’s best if you come with us to see it. If you have seen Qi Bai’s ghost, you should be able to identify Qi Bai’s yin energy.”

Of course I agreed.

I called Chen Xiaoqiu and told the old leader about asking for leave.

I'm asking for leave now, and the thin man and I are asking for leave together. All I can say is that the thin man suddenly felt unwell, so I accompanied him to the hospital.

This is a lame excuse, but it is also the most common reason for asking for leave.

The old leader granted the leave without asking any questions, or even taking the initiative to express condolences to the thin man.

When I hung up the phone, I had a strange feeling in my heart, but I didn't delve into it.

The old leader has such a wide range of interests, so it’s not surprising even if he knows something and hears something.

He pretended not to know, and I pretended nothing happened.

Wu Ling and Liu Miao drove to pick me up. In the car, they showed me the hotel’s surveillance video and the thin man’s location records.

The positioning that Nangong Yao came up with was very clear, and the map he used was the hotel's drawings. The route the thin man takes to take the elevator downstairs is marked.

The surveillance system in the elevator worked normally and captured the figure of the thin man. The passenger riding in the elevator together was a strange man carrying a briefcase. Another document is the identity file of this strange man. Aoba's people found nothing suspicious about him. This is an ordinary person. After watching it, I felt the same way.

On the first floor, the two of them got out of the elevator one after another and walked outside the surveillance screen.

I changed the surveillance camera in the corridor and photographed them still walking in tandem and walked out of the surveillance position again.

Looking at the hotel map, they should walk through a corner next, which is also a blind spot for surveillance.

The third camera is a camera in the hotel lobby. The camera only captured the man coming out of the corridor. After a while, someone came out again, but it was a woman, not a thin man.

Qingye also found out the identity of this woman. She checked into the hotel, left in the morning, and took the elevator downstairs. There was no doubt about the whole process. Like the man before him, this was an ordinary man.

"We have also inquired about these two people separately." Wu Ling, who was sitting next to me, introduced me, "Mr. Xu noticed that the person behind him stopped slightly, but he did not look back to check the situation. Miss Zhang did not see anyone else. No one noticed anything strange about that corner, so we also investigated it.”

Wu Ling opened another file.

The blind spot of the surveillance camera is at the corner of the corridor, and a half-person-high plant is placed for decoration. Wallpapers, carpets, ceilings and ceiling lights are all standard and the same as the rest of the hotel.

I didn't see anything fishy from the video.

"That's it?" I finished watching the short video.

"Yes. Not found." Wu Ling turned off the video.

I'm restless.

how so?

The thin man just disappeared?

"He was caught, in some kind of alien space?" I said a conjecture that I didn't even believe.

"Qi Bai probably doesn't have such power. But we don't rule out the possibility." Wu Ling said.

I have seen ghosts, spirits, and even people who can create independent and closed alien spaces.

Half of this kind of thing depends on the creator's own natural ability. Maybe his special ability is related to space; the other half depends on luck.

There are spells that can do this as well.

People from Aoba have handled this type of commission.

Liu Miao's driving skills were good, but it happened to be the morning rush hour and the speed was really slow.

As I sat in the car, I felt hot and uncomfortable.

The phone rang, it was Fatty calling.

I took a deep breath, answered the phone, and told Fatty about the current situation. He was as worried about Ari's safety as I was.

"Oh, there's good news. Yueyue didn't see any signs this time." Fatty laughed dryly, "Maybe Ari just met that Qi Bai. Qi Bai should still like him, right? It was unfair for them to break up... ...If we talk about it, maybe it will be fine? Brother Qi, your ability can also resurrect Qi Bai..."

The fat man made an optimistic assumption.

"Well, it's possible. The possibility is quite high." I felt a little relieved when I heard that Xue Jingyue didn't see any signs. Thinking about it again, I have been thinking about the thin man, but I have not entered the dream state yet. The thin man must still be alive. "Yes, that should be it!" I said again in a more firm tone.

Liu Miao drove the car into a small road at this time, and the speed of the car was increased.

After finishing the call with Fatty, my anxious mood relaxed a little.

The thin man is still alive...definitely still alive...

I thought about this thought over and over until the car stopped.

Qi Bai's parents live in a high-rise apartment in an elevator room, but they look a bit old.

The security guard at the door did not stop us, but the security door required a password or key to open.

Liu Miao had already prepared. He didn't take out the lockpicking tool, but calmly pressed the password.

Nangong Yao should have checked this out in advance.

The security door opened. After pulling it open, Wu Ling walked in first.

The elevator is a bit old and makes a heavy sound when running.

Qi Bai's parents live on the tenth floor.

When the elevator door opens, you will see two doors, one on the left and one on the left. There are only two households on one floor.

It is easy to tell which household is Qi Bai's parents' house.

I have seen Yin Qi on the door.

"It's Qi Bai." My heart felt heavy, and the optimism I had just now was gone.

"It may not be Qi Bai who kills." Wu Ling said.

This time, Liu Miao needed to pry the door open.

The door was opened, and the scene behind the door was ordinary. Only the floor was a little dirty. The dust has been trampled, leaving footprints.

Continuing to walk inside, I saw the messy kitchen. There were spilled flour and spice jars on the floor.

From this point of view, the gray powder on the floor is probably not dust, but these things.

The windows were open, and the wind blew into the room.

There was no peculiar smell in the room, just a faint yin gas.

The three of us went straight to the room with the most negative energy.

The bedroom door is open, but due to its location, you cannot see the bedroom after entering through the door.

But I still saw something that made me uneasy.

There was a clear bloody handprint on the door handle of the bedroom door.

Additional update 13 for those from Four Leagues~

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