Aoba Office

Chapter 1765 Blood

This situation is really disgusting.

When I looked up again, I saw that the passenger in front did not have a bare head, but a pair of triangular eyes. Those eyes were staring at me, and they still had vertical pupils. They were not human eyes at all.

At the same time, my hands were grabbed by two people next to me.

The tremendous force made me feel pain. Looking left and right, I saw that the two people around me were not human beings. One had two heads with one eye on both heads, and the other had no head and only a long neck. It looked like a creature like a hagfish with a long neck at the front. An opening full of sharp teeth.

Their bodies were the same as those of humans, and they also had hands, holding me down so that I couldn't move.

A rustling sound came from in front of him. The mass of hair squirmed and turned over, revealing a normal human face. It's just that I don't know who the facial features are together at all. It must be someone I've never seen before.

In the aircraft cabin, various noises continued, and no one seemed to notice that something was wrong with me.

At this time, the stewardess pushed the trolley past and asked each passenger if he wanted a drink.

The flight attendant was a human being, but she turned a blind eye to the abnormality here.

I saw floating ghosts, zombies hanging with rotten flesh, monsters, and weird creatures...

There are no normal creatures in this cabin.

Even the stewardess, who I thought was a normal person just now, turned around and revealed the bat wings tattooed on her back. There are terrifying grimace patterns on the wing membranes. The two pairs of eyes stared at me for a while.

I broke out in a cold sweat and wanted to struggle, but I heard the plane announcement announcing the itinerary.

This is the flight to Minqing, with half an hour left to land. The weather and temperature in Minqing... The most important thing is that I heard the date and time.

December 3, 2071, 10:41 am.


wrong! These are all fake! Not the future world!

This is a side effect of ability!

The thought screamed in my head.

The plane disappeared and the monster disappeared. My body fell from a high altitude and I saw blue sky, white clouds and dazzling sunshine.

I closed my eyes subconsciously, and when I opened them again, I found myself lying on the bed.

Are the side effects over?

I was a little unsure, so I slowly pushed myself up and got up from the bed.

I looked around and found my phone. When I turned on the screen, I saw the correct date and time.

I thought about what I had been thinking about doing before and made the call.

Wu Ling quickly answered the phone. I didn't mention the side effects just now, and quickly reported the address I had memorized.

Many ghosts escaped from Ghost Whisper. I don’t know if Ye Qing succeeded in killing Ghost Whisper or how many ghosts he solved. Judging from the short-term side effects I experienced, Ye Qing's damage should be very small.

Even so, the whole thing certainly had a bad impact.

Any ghost that escapes may become an evil spirit.

I saw that the ghost who was called grandpa by Qi Bai's friends did not say hello to his grandson, but directly assumed an attacking posture and rushed towards those people.

Those ghosts may have lost their senses.

When I thought of this, Qi Bai's ghost appeared in my mind. Qi Bai is also dead! I felt danger. It’s not that I’m in danger, but thin people may be in danger.

After quickly explaining what happened to Wu Ling, without waiting for a reply, I hung up the phone and called the thin man again.

Clamping the phone to my ear, I tilted my head and pulled off the clothes hanging on the hanger.

After a few beeps, the call was connected.

When I heard the thin man's voice on the other end of the phone, I was speechless for a moment.

How should I tell the skinny guy about this? Tell him that his ex-girlfriend was killed by a ghost and turned into a ghost? Say it directly...

"Brother Qi, what's wrong? Calling so early..." the thin man said, yawning.

I didn't hesitate much and immediately said what I had just been thinking about.

It is really cruel to announce such bad news without psychologically preparing people. But I don’t have time to talk to thin people anymore.

Qi Bai died three days ago. If Ye Qing couldn't free his hands to deal with these ghosts, Qi Bai would have turned into a ghost, and it was almost time to do something.

The thin man's abilities cannot allow him to protect himself. His ability is similar to Gu Mo's. It can only be regarded as a support, and is worse than Fatty's ability. At least the fat man can damage himself by 800 and kill the enemy by 1,000, so he has some resistance.

The thin man on the other end of the phone didn't say anything. After listening to what I said, he stayed quiet. Only the sound of slightly heavy breathing came from the other end of the phone.

I felt depressed, but I could only bite the bullet and said: "I'll rush over right away. Just keep an eye on yourself for the time being, and be careful. She may be irrational like other ghosts, and may attack you..."

Before I finished speaking, I heard the thin man's scream.

"Qi Bai! Bai Bai, you - ugh! Ah! Brother Qi! Save me! Ah ah ah -"

With a clang, the thin man's cell phone seemed to fall to the ground, cutting off the call.

The thin man's screams were still echoing in my ears, and I just felt like the phone in my hand had turned into a brick, making me unable to hold it.

It's... too late? Too late? No, there is still a chance! I still have powers, and Slender Man may not be dead!

I closed my eyes and thought about the thin man desperately, trying to enter a dream.

I didn't feel weak, and I didn't fall into a dream state.

The thin man must still be alive!

I threw away the half-changed clothes, opened the door and rushed out.

The living room was very quiet, and neither of my parents got up.

However, the living room was filled with the smell of blood.

Eyes full of blood...

On the wall, on the floor, on the ceiling...

Finger prints, palm prints, blood stains shot up by Biao, dots of blood beads, and large pools of blood...

My eyes moved to the sofa in the living room.

Qi Bai was sitting in the corner of the sofa in the living room, her head resting on her knees.

Qi Bai stroked the man's hair and began to hum.

I didn’t know what she was singing, but I saw the body lying on the sofa.

The body is pieced together in pieces...

Qi Bai picked up the head lying on his knees and held it next to his face.

Her hands were covered in blood, and so was her head.

As if for this reason, her hand slipped and the head fell from her palm.


The head rolled all the way through the pool of blood and sank into the blood. After a while, it emerged from the blood and floated in front of my toes.

The blood rippled in the pool of blood, and the head was pushed and turned, revealing its face.

My heartbeat suddenly stopped.

But the face that turned around was not that of the thin man, but mine.

"Brother Qi...why don't you save me?"

The thin man's voice came from behind me.

I slowly turned around and saw the ghost of the thin man standing behind me. The figure was blood red, as if covered in blood.

He reached out and grabbed my neck, pushing me down.

I leaned back, fell into a pool of blood, and was forced to sink deeper into the blood.

Supplementary update

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