Aoba Office

Chapter 1760 Psychic Medium (1)

My impression of the thin ex-girlfriend is limited to some keywords. I have completely forgotten her name and appearance.

When I was in college, I met her very rarely and didn't have many conversations. It's not surprising that he would forget such a person.

But after all, they are all people who know. After knowing the identity, the corresponding face appeared in my memory, which also confirmed the identity of the other party.

Compared with the young college freshman, the woman at this moment looks much more mature, with many changes in her facial features. This may also be because the other person's originally unadorned long black hair turned into curly brown hair. This change in hairstyle has a huge impact. Plus her hair covering her face made her even more unfamiliar to me.

After several confirmations, I started thinking about other issues.

Dreaming about this woman means that she is dead.

Although they were not familiar with each other, the other party was Shouzi’s ex-girlfriend, and she had been in contact with Shouzi before. It cannot be said that the relationship is unresolved, but after all, they are people with a very close relationship. How should the thin man feel when this person dies?

I sighed a little.

After walking around the movable range and seeing no Yin Qi and no weirdness, I had nothing to do.

If I could, of course I would save this woman. However, I have no idea what will happen to her, so I can only adapt to circumstances when the time comes.

The cell phone rang again.

This time it was the sound of the alarm clock.

The woman stood up lazily, and after being confused for a while, she got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

After washing up, changing clothes, eating, checking the phone...

None of this series of actions was related to the supernatural.

The woman put down her phone and ran to put on makeup.

I watched her modify her face shape and facial features, and I felt more and more strange to her.

However, after seeing her go to the study to get tarot cards and do some fortune-telling, a sense of familiarity arose.

"Not bad." The woman said, taking out her phone and searching for something.

I drifted over and took a look, it was about horoscopes. Judging from what is shown above, the woman should have a smooth sailing today.

I glanced at the time and date displayed on my phone.

This happened three days ago.

The woman put her mobile phone into her small bag, changed her shoes, and finally went out.

She took the subway for an hour and sent messages to the person named Tiantian.

I watched her get off the bus on Zhoushan Road, still confused as to what she was going to do.

There should be no commercial area on Zhoushan Road.

The woman walks through the subway station with familiarity. Take the escalator up from Exit 3, go straight and turn, and arrive at Yuqing Road.

This is the residential area.

At the gate of a community, she saw a woman standing on the roadside playing with her mobile phone, and shouted from a distance. The woman turned back, waved to her, and put the phone away.

This should be every day.

I look at this every day. She has pretty short hair, with a few locks of hair highlighted in purple. Dress smartly in casual attire. very common. There is no yin energy on his body, and he doesn't seem to be wearing anything strange.

The two women held hands and walked into the residential area, twisting and turning until they arrived in front of the residential building marked Seventeen.

Tiantian rang the doorbell.

Room 402.

"Why did you suddenly think of looking for Ayu? What happened?" Tiantian asked the woman while waiting for someone to open the door.

They were walking all the way just now, talking about trivial life matters such as whether they had eaten or drank, but now the conversation seemed to have turned to serious matters.

Ayu... I wrote down this name.

"I just have something I want to ask." The woman answered, a little evasive, and her thoughts were a little far away.

I unexpectedly saw the thin man's face in the woman's mind. However, his face was also green, as if he was a thin man when he first entered college. The woman's voice didn't change much as she recalled it.

"Qi Bai..."

Qi Bai, by the way, that’s the name of Shouzi’s ex-girlfriend.

"Hey, hey, are you thinking about spring? Are you asking Ayu about this?" Tiantian had already shouted.

The thin man's ex-girlfriend came back to her senses and looked a little unnatural, "Yeah, that's what I'm asking about."

"Someone is chasing you?" Tiantian became excited.

A voice came over the intercom. The voice was low and hoarse, but you could tell it was a woman's voice.

"Ayu, we're here!" Tiantian said to the walkie-talkie first.

With a clang, the door lock opened.

Tiantian pulled Qi Bai inside and still interrogated Qi Bai about his feelings.

I have mixed feelings at the moment.

Qi Bai was thinking about Shouzi. Qi Bai should be looking for a fortune teller to tell her and Shouzi's affairs today.

As an outsider, seeing this past and thinking about the fact that Qi Bai is dead, my heart inevitably becomes heavy.

The two went upstairs with a clear direction of action. It was obviously not the first time they came here.

The door of 402 was opened a crack.

After the two entered, they changed into slippers at the entrance, their movements still smooth and skillful.

After closing the door and walking inside, you can see the woman lying on the sofa in the living room watching TV.

The image of the woman is somewhat supernatural. The long black hair reaches her waist, is long and thick, and makes her face look smaller. She also has equally thick bangs that cover her eyebrows and slightly cover her eyes.

The clothes the woman wore were black nightgowns with layers of lace, which looked very heavy.

The woman's skin is that pale color, so white that it is transparent, and the blood vessels under the skin can be seen.

Although the image of the woman is very supernatural, the TV the woman is watching is not supernatural at all. It was a funny variety show. People in the show were laughing and joking, and the audience burst into fake laughter from time to time.

The woman's expressionless face made the atmosphere weird.

"Ayu, don't lie down! Come quickly! Someone is chasing you in vain!" Tiantian shouted.

The woman named Ayu raised her eyelids and said, "Isn't she often chased by people?"

"It's different this time! We're excited for nothing!" Tiantian shouted.

Qi Bai said nothing, neither agreed nor objected.

That Ayu sat up from the sofa and walked out lazily, "Is this the topic today?"

"Yes, yes!" Tiantian answered.

The three people walked towards a door.

The door is black, which is different from the warm and simple decoration style of the house, but it suits the Ayu very well.

After opening the door and turning on the light, the room was still dark.

The windows were boarded up, blocking out light. The walls and ceiling were painted black. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling is an exaggerated crystal chandelier, but the light is dim and the color of the light is purple.

The black room suddenly became eccentric when lit with purple lights.

Under the crystal lamp is a round table and two chairs facing each other. But there is also a row of chairs placed against the wall. They are all wooden chairs with backs. The outlines of the backs are carved, and there are strange embroidery patterns on the backs, which look very depressing.

The velvet cloth spread on the round table is also embroidered, and the patterns are complicated. I glanced at it a few times, but I didn't see the meaning from the abstract pattern.

The things placed on the flannel felt familiar.

It was a crystal ball, the size of a volleyball. While reflecting purple light, it also faintly emitted light of other colors.

Supplementary update

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