Aoba Office

Chapter 1740 Gym (1)

For a long time, I was not so clear about the specific process of the matter. He was still in sports school at the time, just following his brother to watch the lively kids.

His brother's parents had died long ago, and his parents could only care about their nephew. They couldn't interfere in everything, let alone make decisions for his brother.

For a long time, I only knew that after his brother found Qingye's people, Qingye's people checked the gym and the entire shopping mall building to make sure that the ghost was not there.

"They found those women and the yoga teacher and drew a picture. The appearance of the ghost was revealed. My brother didn't know that person. They asked people to inquire and checked again. It took some time to figure out the ghost. Find him." He gestured for a while, "It was a passing ghost. He died on a road behind the mall about a year or two ago. However, they found that there had been several accidents around here. The building where his gym is located had the first accident. The previous accidents happened in the shopping mall building next door, and they had nothing in common. When my brother inquired about it, he didn’t find out. "

"If we find someone, we should be able to handle it soon." I said.

Xu Jiu nodded, "After they found out the person, they went to deal with it. It seems... it seems that they found the woman's family, they also found the tomb, and solved her. That's it."

"In that case, if we enter the gym, there will be nothing we can do. Can we leave the gym and go find the cemetery?" Qin Shu asked.

His question asked at a crucial point.

"Well, as far as I know, ghosts like that can only kill people who are afraid of them." I said, "If you are afraid, you will be controlled by them. If you are not afraid, at most you will see some hallucinations." . This is how they make people scared.”

"Just don't be afraid, okay? In that case, it would be easy. Everything here is fake." Xu Jiu said.

"But the ghosts here can kill us. Those NPCs in the game can kill us." Qin Shu said.

Stuck for a long time.

"If you don't be afraid, you probably won't be attacked by them. Even if you see yourself injured, it's just an illusion. The only thing you have to worry about is that they may be able to touch real objects. For example, knocking off the light tube, collapsing the floor... It's possible It will hurt."

"It's still very dangerous. We don't have any tools. We don't know how to use the things there." Qin Shu shook his head.

"There may be equipment we haven't discovered!" Xu Jiu said, already refreshed, and entered the storage room again.

Qin Shu and I could only follow in.

The things in the storage room are still the same, and no new amulets have appeared. There are no new documentation for other things. In this case, we still cannot use these props.

If you use it casually, it will cause trouble.

"Did the people in Qingye give your brother anything?" I asked for a long time.

He shook his head for a long time, saying that he didn't know.

"Otherwise, I'll look for the files. There may be details in the files." I suggested again.

Everything they experienced has been written into the archives. If we touch the archives, we will be directly pulled into the space of the archives. But if I touch the file, it will not cause changes.

With this decision, we returned to the archives.

I asked for a long time when it happened, but he only remembered that it happened in 2014 or 2015. In this case, the file number should be in the eighties.

I pulled out a layer of files from the middle of the filing cabinet, and when I opened it, I saw Lu Qiaolan's teddy bear.

Not this one.

After glancing at the date, I was about to close the file when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the color change on the side of the file. I opened the page and saw that the painting of a teddy bear was slowly changing.

"It's coming!" I turned to the other two and said.

"What?" He didn't react for a long time.

Qin Shu immediately shouted: "How is it possible? You haven't entrusted it..."

Before Qin Shu finished speaking, the scene around us had changed.

The archives room is gone, and so are the files in my hands.

The three of us were in a gym, looking at each other.

"It seems that the condition that triggers this is not that we open the file." Qin Shu said bitterly.

"How about leaving here first and finding that ghost's tomb?" Xu Jiu had already accepted this reality and came up with an idea based on his previous thinking.


There was a thud.

A piece of equipment in the corner of the gym suddenly moved. The equipment moved, the weights lifted and dropped, making a sound that echoed throughout the gym.

Qin Shu asked: "I don't go to the gym very often...but the sound of this thing..."


The machine moved again.

Xu Jiu said: "It won't be like this in normal training. There is a process for lifting and putting down, it is not just letting go directly..."

The conversation between the two could not continue.

This time, a device closer to us moved.

The sound of the weight falling became louder.

This was not an impact caused by free fall, but someone slamming down the counterweight.

when! when!

Several instruments moved continuously, like dominoes, one after another, and the sounds came and went, hitting people's eardrums.

With a buzzing sound, the treadmill next to us started to move at a very fast speed, and it seemed that we could see the sparks generated by the friction of the parts.

It's not "seemingly", but I actually saw electric sparks!

The treadmill malfunctioned in an instant, with smoke and sparks appearing from the machine.

"Run!" Qin Shu said in a panic.

"Calm down, don't be afraid. She is just scaring us. If we are afraid, she can kill us." I said while turning my head to catch the trace of gloom in the room.

The yin energy is spreading.

This female ghost is stronger than I thought, not the weak ghost in the long narrative.

She can definitely do a lot.

But this matter cannot be told to Qin Shu and Xu Jiu. If they become afraid, the female ghost will become more powerful.

I have to find her identity.

What we see now is just Yin Qi, not the true body.

Da da da da…

Suddenly, music came from the other end of the gym. The music was very rhythmic and dynamic.

"It's aerobics music." Xu Jiu suddenly said, "Well, it's the aerobics music in my class..."

Qin Shu and I both looked at it for a long time.

"My brother didn't teach this class. This is what I'm teaching now." Xu Jiu quickly explained, but he couldn't hide his doubts.

This is not something that my brother has experienced.

"Is this gym the one your brother owns?" I asked.

Xu Jiu nodded affirmatively.

"Let's go and have a look." I said again, taking the lead in walking towards the direction where the music was coming from, which was also the direction where the Yin Qi was coming from.

Xu Jiu and Qin Shu followed me.

The further you walked in, the louder the music became. The floors, walls, and ceiling seemed to vibrate with the sound. My breathing and heartbeat unconsciously kept up with the rhythm of the music.

After entering the corridor, the vision suddenly opened up.

The room is on the left and the floor-to-ceiling windows are on the right. The exterior walls of the room are also floor-to-ceiling glass windows. The sun shines in directly from both sides, and you can still see the tall buildings outside on both sides.

"Ah...this is the gym where I work!" Xu Jiu shouted.

My eyes have turned to the room on the left.

There was no one in the room, just music playing.

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