Aoba Office

Chapter 1727 Self-Introduction

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Xu Jiu." The man pointed at himself, "Fitness personal trainer, I really like playing games. In that apartment before, I entered 204 and killed the old man."

He gestured and made a few boxing moves, which looked decent.

As soon as he stopped moving, he added: "We also solved a black cat. Well, that should be something that is not in the game. Probably..." Looking around, "It probably has something to do with this place."

This person is obviously familiar with Ji Lai, and has a very cheerful personality. Under such circumstances, he can still talk endlessly and reveal his own secrets, which is very candid.

This is easy to impress.

Especially looking at Jiu Jiu's attitude, it doesn't look like he's lying. Everything he said should be true. His eloquence is not a manifestation of someone's nervous moments, it is what he wants to say.

After looking away for a long time, he added: "As for this office, I have been here before. Ah, it's not this. Oh, how should I put it..." He scratched his head, "The name of the office is the same, but there is something different inside. Same. I haven't gone inside, just to that hall. The area is not that big even if the houses in this row are opened, haha. Not necessarily. In reality, that office is not normal, it's very mysterious, maybe there's a lot of space in it. Hey, it's incredible that so many people have been caught in the game. It’s just like the movie.”

The long nagging finally caused dissatisfaction.

One of the two people standing at the door, a man wearing dark home clothes, frowned. He pushed up his glasses and interrupted what he had been saying for a long time.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. You killed the wanted man on the second floor and didn't provoke other NPCs? Didn't you provoke the ghosts either?" The man brought the topic back to the beginning. This was the first question I asked for a long time.

After nodding for a long time, he asked, "What do you call me?"

The man's eyes flickered, "Just call me Huan Guang. That's the name of my game account."

He was quite magnanimous in his behavior and did not hide his defensiveness at all.

Without waiting for a long time to say anything, Huan Guang continued: "I entered the game and went to the seventh floor, and found the female hacker on the seventh floor. I reported her and she was taken away by the police. After that, I watched in the room It’s a game.”

"A game within a game?" Xu Jiu was surprised.

Huan Guang nodded, "It's an online game. I cut off the power and smashed the computer. Then I went out and went outside, which is the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. If I remember correctly, this office should be called this name. "Inside the community."

"Ah!" Xu Jiu exclaimed again, directly expressing his surprise.

Huan Guang pushed up his glasses, "I have never been here, but someone I know has been here."

Huan Guang said, looking at the man beside him.

The man looked to be the oldest of the three, in his thirties or forties. He was also wearing pajamas. His hair seemed to have been freshly washed and was still a little wet.

"Qin Shu." The man said his name, "It's the same hacker on the seventh floor. I also reported her. After she was taken away, she saw the game on the computer."

"Did you smash the computer too?" Xu Jiu blurted out.

"No, I made a small program to close that game." Qin Shu replied.

"Oh! Master! Are you a hacker?" Xu Jiu looked very interested.

Qin Shu frowned, "I'm just a programmer..."

Huan Guang raised his hand, stopped impatiently for a long time, and asked Qin Shu directly: "Have you been here too, or have you heard of it?"

"Been here." Qin Shu replied.

The phantom turned its gaze to me.

"The game you saw is an online game with many...many strange characters? You just can't see the background. The characters of the players are all kinds of, and many of them are characters from other games." I saw what Huan Guang meant, Instead of answering, he asked a question.

Thunder King encountered the teddy bear in the game space and encountered the evil jade pendant. Then, the non-game things that other people encounter in the game space must also be recorded in Aoba's files.

The black cat that Xu Jiu mentioned was either the mysterious cat in the cat abuse incident, or the black cat that led people to kill other members of the family in another incident. I think the latter is more likely.

No matter which cat it was, none of Aoba's people caught it. It is also unlikely to be caught by Bai An or Steve. That may be a "special NPC" generated based on the two people's abilities, not a supernatural thing in reality.

Huan Guang and Qin Shu both looked at me and then at each other. Qin Shu nodded. Huan Guang asked directly.

"How did you know?" Huan Guang's question was simple and direct.

Xu Jiu then asked: "Did you find this firm because of that game?"

As soon as he asked the question, Huan Guang's expression was not very good, and he glared subtly for a long time.

This problem is indeed not good for a long time. He basically provided me with ideas for lying. But it never occurred to me to lie about this. Because lying is useless.

I walked straight out and motioned for them to follow me.

The door of the archives room next door has been damaged, and there is still a lot of blood in the room.

After taking two steps, I saw the body lying on the ground.

The deceased was a strange woman, bleeding from her chest, and it looked like she had been shot.

I turned my head and saw that all three of them were pale and their bodies were tense.

"Let me tell you... if you die in this game space... uh..." Xu Jiu stuttered.

The other two remained silent.

The way Huan Guang looked at me changed again, and his vigilant attitude became more obvious.

I know this is not good for me. To blend in with them, I should have the same look and expression as them. Ordinary people should be frightened when they see a dead person in such a situation. But I don’t have such acting skills. From the inside, a simple dead body cannot scare me.

I've seen too many corpses in my dreams.

Even in the real world, I have seen death.

This has no emotional impact on me.

I pointed to the filing cabinet next to me, "This is the filing cabinet of the office. All the supernatural events you mentioned are recorded here."

After a long pause, he suddenly said, "Yes, they said they wanted to record it, and they even recorded and videotaped it."

"It's not like this in reality, but it is like this here." I said, "I have seen a lot of files in reality. I have not come into contact with anyone from the firm, but I have come into contact with this firm."

I chose to lie about this.

When I told such lies, my face did not change, my heart did not beat, and I acted very calmly.

They didn't seem to doubt it either.

"Then what did you do in the game?" Huan Guang asked.

"I entered room 409, and after taking care of the mother and son, I took care of the teddy bear, and then I got here." I used Thunder Lord's experience as a cover-up.

To say that he "fell from the sky" is really suspicious.

I didn't want to expose myself to this group of strangers.

I hope that after history changes, the situation in Room 409 of "Souling" will not change, otherwise my lies may be exposed.

But looking at the expressions of the three of them, they all accepted my statement.

This detail in the game has not changed.

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