Aoba Office

Chapter 1725 Difference

Think carefully about those paintings by Bai An. I suddenly felt that this guess was probably correct.

The themes of the paintings are indeed events that Aoba dealt with, but in terms of details, there are many things that have nothing to do with the records of Aoba's archives, but are related to some of my experiences this year.

The target of Bai An's ability is not necessarily me, but more likely Ye Qing himself. He saw everything Ye Qing went through during his lifetime and after his death, and he saw me because of it.

If this is the case, I can only pray that he comes to me immediately.

I also took the things belonging to Falian Taoist in my hands. This bell and this flag should be used to calm the soul. It may also be sealed...

I can't be sure. I just know that this thing is real, so I'll hold it first before talking about it.

When I got to the next row of shelves, I saw several teddy bears.

This is Lu Qiaolan's teddy bear, which looks the same as those bears.

I had some feelings in my heart, and I reached out and was about to pick one up. Unexpectedly, the bear suddenly opened its mouth, revealed its fangs, and bit me.

My heart was pounding, and I hurriedly stopped my hand to avoid this blow.

The sound of the two rows of teeth colliding was very clear, which clearly shows the force of this blow.

After closing its mouth, the bear returned to its cute toy appearance.

I can't take this thing...

I'm a little sad.

I have a pretty good relationship with Lu Qiaolan’s teddy bear. Mainly because of the trip to Huixiang, we established some kind of subtle friendship. Not considered friends, but acquaintances.

If the real teddy bear were here, maybe he could calmly listen to me talk about the situation and help me escape from this space.

But now...

Lu Qiaolan's teddy bears are trapped abroad, and they don't know whether they are alive or dead. The teddy bears in front of me are probably just creations of Bai An and Steve, and they are even less likely to have feelings for me.

I tried shouting twice and talking to them. When he reached out again, he was still bitten.

They didn't actively attack me, they just expressed their refusal.

The teddy bear is like this. I have no confidence in what I just picked up.

After hesitating for a while, I put those things back on the shelf, leaving only Aoba's amulet.

This is the thing I am most confident about.

I won’t be able to use other props if I have them in my hand, and I might be in danger because of them.

Might as well leave it like this.

With the amulet in hand and my abilities, I should be able to face most situations.

I exhaled and walked to the door of the room.

There is no Yin Qi outside the door.

After I confirmed this again and again, I opened the door.

The bald man was gone and no body was left behind.

I thought of Jiang You and was nervous for a moment, so I hurriedly ran to the door.

When I opened the door of Qingye Supernatural Office, I only saw a clean corridor.

There was nothing on the walkway, and beyond it were the stairs.

This is the same as in reality.

The black shadows I saw before disappeared, and the residential buildings turned into their original appearance.

I could even see through the window next to the stairs. The blue sky, white clouds, and bright sunshine are no different from the environment of the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. I even heard some voices.

It all seems real.

But all this is undoubtedly false.

The office has long been destroyed, and the Six Villages of Workers and Peasants are now in the demolition stage, and construction vehicles are preparing to enter the community.

I closed the door and looked at the office again.

Bai An can only be hidden here.

Thinking about it carefully, the place where Bai An and Steve would feel safe is probably the office.

I walked into the office again.

I've seen the drawing room, and I've also seen the storeroom.

In the next room, I saw the archives.

Aoba only has 107 files. At least, the largest value I know of is 107. But in this archive room, there are several huge filing cabinets.

I flipped through it and found that the files in the filing cabinet were much more complicated than Aoba's real files, recording a lot of inexplicable information.

Files are arranged by number. I have seen the file No. 001 in real life. It was the vicious dog incident that Bai An's mother entrusted Qingye to deal with. I remember the name of the file was "Dogs Barking in the Daytime", but in this file, the name of the file changed to "The Incident of Vicious Dogs and Ghosts Attacking People in Tianmu Road Community". The recording method of files has also changed greatly, and there is a lot of file information about the parties involved.

The most eye-catching thing is the painting sandwiched in the file.

It's Bai An's painting style at first glance, and he almost painted many of the horrific scenes in that incident.

I compared them carefully and determined that Bai An had seen these scene clips through his ability, and then "generated" the archive file based on these.

This is different from how Aoba handled the incident.

I then looked at the file numbered 002. The name "The Murder Case of the Murdered Female Ghost" made me unable to recall the contents of this file at all. It was only after looking at the painting that I remembered the contents of this file.

I remember there was a follow-up to this incident. One of Aoba's later clients was also related to this incident.

These incidents are mainly caused by professionals in the paranormal circle. He knows magic and is a rich man. He uses the syndicate channels he runs and hires some human traffickers to kidnap and kill target women, turn them into ghosts, do things for himself, and extend his life through some means.

The unlucky client in 002 encountered such a female ghost. After falling asleep at night, he was awakened by a female ghost. He noticed something strange on the bed and asked Qingye for help.

A later client fell in love with a victim and received a request for help from the victim, so he approached Aoye.

I looked at those paintings, which matched my vague memories, and also awakened some of my memories.

After reading the two files, I already had a good idea.

I took out the first file again.

This is the intersection of Bai An and Qingye.

However, there is no trace of Bai An in this file.

I have some regrets.

He put the files back, and instead of looking at a particular file in detail, he walked past the filing cabinet and counted the number of files.


My count stopped here.

This is the number of Aoba files before I entered the dream world.

As far as I know, there are two archives that disappeared in the process of historical changes. One of them is the supernatural incident involving voice red envelopes that Ruan Han entrusted Qingye to handle.

I also didn't find that file in this archive room.

It seems that at this point, the game space and the real world are the same.

Both Bai An and Steve were affected by the changes in reality.

Thinking of this, I stopped in front of the filing cabinet.

If that's the case, is Steve the real creator of "Soul"? By such a coincidence, two ability users, Bai An and Steve, met, became friends, and even made such a game together? Steve still chose to sacrifice himself to protect Bai An's soul?

I think of Thunder Lord’s experience in the game space.

That's definitely not a pleasant gaming experience. The games at that time gave me the feeling that I wanted to kill people.

No, it should be said that Bai An has a strong tendency to kill.

The ghosts born from Aoba's experiences are the best manifestation of his murderous tendencies.

But now...

Even at the beginning of the dream, the game scenes I saw through Steve no longer had such a tendency.

The bald man was very vicious and even killed Jiang You in front of me, but I didn't feel that creepy or chilly feeling inside.

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