Aoba Office

Chapter 173 Voodoo (3)

" going on? What did I do?" Gu Mo became nervous, his whole body tensed, staring at the changed doll. He looked at the hand where he inserted the knife just now, and asked Wu Ling dryly: "In there... did you put the blood bag?"

"It was successful." Wu Ling said.

I think Wu Ling's tone is not right. Although it sounds almost the same as the usual turbulent calmness, there is always something...

"You weren't sure whether it would succeed?" Liu Miao obviously knew Wu Ling better.

Wu Ling thought for a while, "According to calculations, it should be successful."

"Calculate?" Gu Mo raised his voice.

"It doesn't matter if you don't succeed. Just a rapist, so be it." Wu Ling said rather coldly.

"What will happen to him now?" Gu Mo pointed at the doll tremblingly. He was very uncomfortable with Aoba's way of doing things.

Wu Ling thought for a few more seconds, "I'm sure of bad luck. I can't be sure of disability, death or other misfortune. Although I used the power of voodoo's will and the materials of voodoo when I made it, , but I changed the spell a little. There is another aspect, that is you." Wu Ling raised his head and faced Gu Mo, "You are not one of those wizards, you don't understand voodoo, you just use your mind power to perform voodoo, I don't know what it will be. What effect.”

"You're so good at playing, aren't you?" Gu Mo complained.

"It's just a test." Wu Ling went to see the doll again.

Liu Miao touched Gu Mo and said, "Hey, hurry up and ask the detective to take a look."

Gu Mo quickly took out his cell phone.

Wu Ling was still observing the voodoo doll.

The voodoo doll continued to "bleed", and the originally strong rope seemed to have been softened. The doll's body began to collapse, the rope was corroded and melted, and the blood-like clear liquid turned into a sticky and strange object, and the flow rate slowed down.

Gu Mo was so frightened that he stuttered a few times when talking to the detective. He didn't hang up the phone and kept talking. He also said that he paid for the detective's phone bill and gave him overtime pay.

"How to deal with this thing?" Liu Miao pointed to the pool of liquid.

"It's not you who cleans the house." Wu Ling said.

Suddenly, the puddle of liquid started bubbling like it was boiling.

This thing was developing more and more weirdly. While I pricked up my ears to listen to the sound of the phone call from Gumo, I stared at the puddle of liquid intently.

Ye Qing was reading in the office when he heard the commotion and came out to take a look.

"Boss, look at this." Liu Miao always admired Ye Qing so much, waiting for the omnipotent Ye Qing in his mind to answer his questions.

Ye Qing said: "There's nothing evil. Are you sure it's a curse? There are healing and blessing spells in voodoo, right?"

This question was asked to Wu Ling.

Wu Ling shrugged and looked at Gu Mo.

Gu Mo shook his head repeatedly and covered his phone, "I was thinking about his retribution. I definitely didn't think about blessings, and I didn't even say anything sarcastic."

After hearing Gu Mo's explanation, I didn't know how to evaluate it.

"He's arrived!" Gu Mo suddenly said.

Liu Miao and Wu Ling both looked at Gu Mo. Ye Qing stood with his head lowered. For a moment, I couldn't tell whether he was looking at the pool of liquid or looking at Gu Mo like Wu Ling and Liu Miao.

"At work. He is about to enter the parking lot now, but he can't find it... Wait, it's in the lounge inside the building." Gumo's live broadcast suddenly stopped, his mouth opened wide, and he said excitedly: "I heard it over there The sound of an ambulance! Is it him?"

"How do we know? Let the detective take a look." Wu Ling ordered.

Gu Mo hurriedly told the detective.

After waiting for a while——

"The color has changed." Ye Qing said.

Only then did the three people look at the pool of liquid.

The liquid had turned from red to black and was still bubbling, emitting a foul odor.

"Are you doing voodoo right?" Liu Miao asked suspiciously.

"The principle is the same." Wu Ling did not answer directly, and she was probably not sure.

I felt that the liquid seemed to have changed. Not only the color changes, but also others.

"Here we come." Ye Qing said without thinking.


I also had such a hunch.


The liquid gradually calmed down, like a thin piece of plasticine stuck to the coffee table.


A man's face was bulging, his expression was painful, and he screamed.

Gu Mo was startled and almost threw the phone away.

I vaguely recognized that the face belonged to the rapist.

"How is it?" Liu Miao asked Gu Mo.

Gu Mo went to ask the detective: "How is it?" After waiting for a while, he relayed: "He is still trying to find a way to get in." Then he asked: "What happened to the ambulance just now?" After waiting for a while, Gu Mo Mo said disappointedly: "I drove past, it wasn't him."

The face also slowly sank, and the viscous liquid was still viscous liquid.

"Is it just the pain of a needle prick?" Liu Miao speculated.

"The expression doesn't look like it's that mild pain."

"What's going on?" Liu Miao asked Gu Mo again, "If it doesn't work, let's go there and see for ourselves."

Gu Mo was also anxious. After waiting for a while, Gu Mo became excited again, "He came out. His face was not good, and he was helped into the car. Follow him!" The latter sentence was told to the detective.

Gu Mo continued the live broadcast, "They are driving in the Go to the hospital? Um...huh? ENT? I'm not telling you, just follow up and have a look. Okay, okay, you're professional, you Decide."

Gu Mo was also busy, relaying news to Liu Miao and others, and talking to detectives.

Can't you turn on hands-free? Isn’t the cell phone hands-free right now?

I thought about this problem.

"Eh? Tinnitus? Auditory hallucinations?" Gu Mo was surprised.

The people in Aoba seemed to be surprised too.

"Could it be your ability?" Liu Miao guessed.

Gu Mo's face turned serious, "He refused to say what he heard. It's very painful, oh, I know. Prescribe medicine and get ready to leave? Okay... you'll call me if there's anything going on. My latest job is to follow him."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Mo asked doubtfully: "Is it because I hate my own ability, so I subconsciously gave him this pain?"

"Isn't this a benefit to him?" Liu Miao was unhappy and angrily waved her hand and patted the sofa.

I looked askance at Liu Miao. Normal people would not think this is a benefit. Once you have experienced it, you know that having this kind of super power is not a good thing.

Gu Mo said: "What kind of benefit is this? If I can give him my ability, I would rather give it to him and let him have a headache. This is punishment!"

"Do you think it's punishment? What would someone like him do if he has such ability?" Ye Qing asked.

Gu Mo was speechless for a moment.

"Besides, it is impossible for voodoo to do such a thing." Ye Qing added.

"It may be short-term hearing damage, such as high decibel noise, damaging the eardrum." Wu Ling analyzed.

Gu Mo was discouraged and muttered: "That's not bad. If you come a few more times, he might become deaf."

"Don't pack this thing away yet, keep it." Ye Qing said this and returned to the office.

The thing he was talking about should be the pool of liquid.

Gu Mo went home. He still remembered the incident and asked the detective to report it in real time. The detective was indeed capable, and he actually heard the voice that the rapist had hallucinated.

"...The woman screamed, begged for mercy, cried, and cursed. I heard from his neighbor that he almost strangled his wife to death because of this. His wife called the police in the middle of the night, and the police came to mediate. His wife was holding the child. He cried, pointed at his nose and scolded him, and the two parents-in-law pinched him, and he spilled the beans. I guess he had a disturbed conscience, so he was hearing hallucinations." When the detective said this, his face was full of gossip, and there was no trace of it. Professional style.

I have something going on today, only two updates.

Any updates that are due will be made up in two days.

Goodnight everybody.

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