Aoba Office

Chapter 1721 Let’s find it

After the video opened, a man's figure appeared.

The man was very young, he looked to be in his twenties, and he had a foreign face that was completely unfamiliar to me.

He introduced himself as Veritas001, the producer of "Souling", and his real name is Steve Smith. He is a game enthusiast and majored in computer science in college. He created the game "Souling" out of interest. In the process of making this game, he had help from many of his friends. Some of them are netizens who have never met, and some are friends of another country or nation even across an ocean or a continent.

"... Among them, one of the friends I am most grateful to is the artist of "Souling". All the pictures in the game were drawn by him. We were all young boys in college at that time. He taught me The language of their country gave me a lot of suggestions. The biggest contributor to "Souling" and the soul of this game is not me, but him. I believe many of you already know his identity. A very good painter. He died unexpectedly not long ago." Steve showed a sad expression.

The person he was talking about must be Bai An.

After two seconds of silence, Steve mentioned Bai An's name.

"Baek An's influence on "Souling" is really great. But what I want to say is that "Souling" was not like this at first. You must be surprised when you see the video. A foreigner, A game was made in your native language, and it was only released on the game platform of your country... I am not a mixed race, and I am not an international student. In fact, the original version of "Souling" was not like this. However, my friend Bai An. With strong persistence, "Souling" becomes different." Steve sighed.

He continued: "We had a big quarrel and broke up. I was even prepared to pay someone else to draw the scenes and characters in the game. I also thought about drawing it myself. The things I drew were really unreadable... But later, Bai An convinced me. He didn't tell me the reason why I had to do this, but I could see what he wanted to do... I agreed to his request and changed the name of "Souling". Many things made "Souling" what it is now, but I never understood the reason for his request until his death..."

Steve's eyes were a little red, "I didn't receive news of his death. I mean, I didn't receive such news immediately. Our communication is limited to the Internet. We have never met in person, but we have a very good relationship. I was like a good brother since childhood. I also saw the news of his death on the Internet. Bai An also participated in the production of 2, and he gave me a lot of ideas. Creativity. I used it in the game. However, after I opened 2, I found that the game had become different. I saw these things in the game. When we got to Bai An, he told me all the truth."

Steve looked up at the camera with a serious expression, "He told me the truth about the world."

He repeated this sentence in different languages.

I just felt like my heart was being shocked.

The truth about the world?

You mean supernatural? Are you talking about the destined future world?

I felt uneasy, I felt nervous. I even...feel a little excited.

The video screen flickered for a moment, just like an old TV set with poor connections and poor signal.

The snowflake screen appears, and the color of the screen changes somewhat.

I reduced the video window and discovered that the problem wasn't with my laptop, but with the video itself.

Steve's voice became extremely muffled and was constantly interrupted by noise, making it impossible to hear clearly.

By the time the video stabilized, Steve was talking about something else.

"...Please go search for it. I hope someone can find it and save the world." Steve sincerely requested and made a bow.

What are you looking for?

"save the world"?

I feel incredible.

This is not the beginning of some fantasy work. Some mysterious boss has hidden treasures and is waiting for people to find them.

The beginning of this story is too cliche.

However, the video has ended.

That's it……

I saw the comments under the video, and many people were complaining about this old-fashioned propaganda method. Some people directly abused them, thinking that the companies signed by Steve and Bai An were not good people and were trying their best to make money from people. Some people believe what Steve said and think that game has some mysterious power. The missing players are proof of the mysterious power. Some speculated that they were caught in the game to find what Steve was talking about.

I looked and saw that not only did I miss some of the content at the end of the video, but neither did anyone else. The video appears to be corrupted and there is something wrong with the content during that time period.

There are a lot of comments under the video.

When I refreshed the page, I saw new content.

An expert analyzed the video technology and confirmed that the blurry content at the end of the video was damaged data and could not be restored. Also, the damage doesn't look like man-made damage.

I can't understand the specific technical analysis, but it seems reasonable.

Some people below are speculating whether this damage is caused by the incredible power of this world.

Once your mind opens up, you can't stop it. These ideas always lead to the plots of some fantasy-type works.

At present, it seems that not many people support supernatural beings and ghosts; there are many people who agree with science fiction, aliens, gods, and superpowers.

I don't know if this is good news.

The other news is absolutely bad: quite a few people have already decided to play the game.

A shadow cast over my heart.

When I opened the video again and read Steve's words, the shadow in my heart deepened.

Is "Souling" really produced by this foreigner?

I had such doubts.

Perhaps, he didn't make it at all.

At least in the original world, it wasn't made by him.

As I thought about it, my thoughts became stronger and stronger.

I have no evidence, just a guess, but I gradually became convinced of it.

The past has changed, and a lot has changed.

As for that game...

The cell phone rings.

I looked at the phone screen. The name on the caller ID was Jiang You.

I answered the phone confused.


"Well, Lin" Jiang You's voice was very nervous.

"What's wrong?" I heard Jiang You's emotions and became nervous.

"Didn't I ask you about that office before?"

"Yes..." I had a bad feeling.

"That office is called Qingye Supernatural Office, right?" Jiang You asked again.


"The entire first floor of Building No. 6 in Workers' and Peasants' Village No. 6 is... After going up the stairs, the door at the end of the corridor is the door to Room 1. There is a sign on the door..."

"Yes..." I sat up straight.

"Ah... that's really... haha... I seem to be in big trouble..." Jiang You smiled dryly.

Before he could finish his words, the call was suddenly cut off.

I listened to the busy signal on my phone and my heart sank.

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