Aoba Office

Chapter 1702 Crack

During dinner, small talk is indispensable.

With so many relatives, there were two tables in the living room and dining room.

Wang Yan sat with the same junior. Her little niece was also there, and her aunt and sister-in-law took their children to sit at their table, as well as several female elders sitting at this table.

In the dining room, the men were laughing and drinking, and the sounds of pouring wine and toasting came one after another.

A cartoon was playing in the living room. The little niece sat on the sofa and stood up after a while, jumping up and down.

The topic shifted from the stock market, housing market, medical and social security, to employment.

The conversation in the dining room was clearly carried to the living room.

Wang Yan’s younger brothers and sisters are all in college, and he also has a nephew in high school, so he naturally became the center of the topic.

"...Foreign trade is hard to do now. Small companies can't do it anymore. Now it's all about the Internet, and everyone has to buy things online."

"At that time, you should let that boy of yours learn computers."

"He learned it."

"Ah? Xiaopang is studying computers?"

"Yes, after learning computer science, this kid failed to live up to his expectations. He obviously joined that computer company, but he quit and went to work as a salesperson. All his college tuition fees were wasted."

"Sales are pretty good too."

"What a good thing... Your son should choose a better major for the college entrance examination. It's really good to learn computers and the Internet."

"He didn't do well in science. He studied literature."

"What kind of liberal arts do boys study?"

"I can't pass the physical chemistry exam, what can I do?"

"Wang Yan seems to be studying science, right?"

"What is Wang Yan doing now? A foreign company, right?"

"Yes, I work as a human resource in a company in country A."

"It's too hard for a young girl to work in a foreign company. If you find a boyfriend, just take the civil service exam. It's also good to take the teacher's certificate exam."

"She is still like a child..."

"La la la~~ la la la~~" the little niece sang along with the ending song of the cartoon without any worries.

"Eat, eat this mouthful of rice." Wang Yan's aunt said.

There was almost no conversation at this table in the living room. A few young people were eating and absentmindedly watching children's cartoon programs on TV. Someone took out their mobile phone and started eating while talking to it.

Wang Yan felt quite calm, as if he was used to hearing such words.

After dinner, several young people returned to Wang Yan's room and started playing cards again without much chatting.

At eight or nine o'clock, there was a lot of noise outside, and they were getting ready to go home. Only then did a few people stand up, stretch, and say goodbye to each other.

Wang Yan followed his parents to see him off, with a formulaic smile on his face.

Everyone left and her smile disappeared immediately.

Wang Yan's parents tidied up the messy room.

Wang Yan's mother complained: "You are serious too. If I want a toy, what's wrong with you, an aunt, giving it to her? Why are you so stingy?"

Wang Yan didn't say anything, finally feeling a little irritable.

The toys my mother was talking about were not something you could just buy in a toy store. If these elders knew about the price of more than 500 yuan, they would probably have more to say.

She lowered her head and swept up the melon seed shells on the ground.

"Your aunt introduces you to someone, but you don't agree. It's just a chat with someone, forget it if it's not good, and she's not forcing you to do anything. You don't like anyone in school or in the work, so I'll introduce you to you. If you don't want to, when will you get married? You will be thirty. Once a woman reaches her thirties, she will no longer be able to find good men. What will you do then? ? Looking for a crooked melon and a jujube?"

"Isn't it good for me now? The salary is high, I can do a lot of work, and I don't work much overtime. What's there to worry about?" Wang Yan couldn't help but say.

"You are fine now. How many more years will it take? When you are in your thirties, and we are in our sixties or seventies, who will take care of us if we get sick? Can you handle it alone? You won't get married until you are in your thirties or forties. If you have another child, the quality of the child will not be good. We won’t be able to help you take care of the child by then, and you won’t be able to take care of the child yourself.” Wang Yan’s mother said clearly, thinking about life decades later. .

Wang Yan opened his mouth but did not refute.

This is a difference in the concepts of people of different eras, which cannot be refuted in one or two sentences.

Wang Yan didn't speak. Her parents said a few words before stopping.

Wang Yan returned to the bedroom, looked at the cabinet full of things, and gradually relaxed.

It's like the hard armor has been taken off, revealing the soft inside.

Wang Yan suddenly felt sad and aggrieved.

She opened the cabinet and touched one figure after another, and her mood gradually improved.

The dream scene changed.

I saw Wang Yan's relatives again.

Judging from their dressing up, it seems like it’s the Chinese New Year.

Wang Yan was in the living room, being pulled to chat.



Wang Yan turned around suddenly, his heart clenched, and he rushed into his room.

The room was in a mess.

Her little niece stood on the chair, holding the cute little man in the panda suit in her hand, looking at the figures on the ground with a blank expression.

"Ouch! Darling, have you encountered her?" Wang Yan's cousin asked nervously, checking on her daughter.

Wang Yan's mother also asked and said with a smile: "We are so smart, we can move chairs and carry things."

"She is like this at home too. She can't relax her eyes for a moment. If she doesn't look at it, she will rummage through the cabinets." Wang Yan's cousin said, as if complaining, but with a smile on her face.

"Look! I've broken all your aunt's things!" Wang Yan's aunt scolded.

"It's okay. It can be put together. Can't everything be put together?" Wang Yan's mother picked up a small man and an arm on the ground and put them together.

That's not the same thing.

"I'll do it myself." Wang Yan said indifferently.

The cousin picked up the child and apologized: "I'm really sorry. I didn't take it seriously. I just let go..."

"It's okay, it's okay." Wang Yan's mother interrupted her.

Another person came in and asked what happened, but they were dismissed.

Wang Yan looked at the figure in the child's hand.

The little niece pinched the panda's ears and was fully immersed in it.

"Good boy, I've returned the things to my sister." Wang Yan's aunt said.

Her cousin-in-law said a few words in a nonchalant manner.

"I don't want it! I want a red panda!" The little niece buried her face in her mother's arms.

"Good boy, can aunt give you the kitten? Give this back to aunt." Wang Yan said patiently.

The child ignored it.

"I'll give this to Guaiguai."

"Return the things to aunt." Wang Yan's voice became stiff, "Auntie can buy you whatever you want. This is aunt's thing, return it to aunt."

"Wang Yan." Wang Yan's mother raised her voice, a little angry.

The atmosphere became awkward.

Someone else came in to see what was going on.

"...It's not a big deal. Wang Yan, you——"

"I said, give me back the things! You came to my house as a guest and broke something, so forget it. Kid, I can forgive you. Now you have to rob me! Do you have any education?" Wang Yan asked angrily.

The atmosphere became more tense.

"What are you talking about? You're so frustrated and crazy! This is your niece!" Wang Yan's mother was equally angry.

"My niece can rob me? They want my house, will you give it to me?" Wang Yan looked at his mother without showing any signs of weakness.

"Okay, okay. It's the New Year." Wang Yan's aunt said, snatching the things out of the child's hands and returning them to Wang Yan.

The child suddenly howled and cried. Her mother looked ugly and went out with her child in her arms.

Wang Yan took the figure, squatted down, and began to pick up things on the ground. Her mother was scolding next to her.

After a while, the child's crying still hasn't stopped. Wang Yan's brother walked in and said bluntly that he should be taken back first to coax him.

The New Year atmosphere is gone.

Wang Yan was pushed on the head by his mother and remained silent. Everyone in the room has left, and there is still noise outside.

Wang Yan's younger brother and sister came in. They hesitated to speak and just called sister.

Wang Yan felt sad and suppressed the tears that were about to well up.

She packed everything up, and instead of putting it into the cabinet, she took out the empty box from the bottom of the cabinet.

Dream time becomes very fast. It seems that Wang Yan's parents came in and criticized him, and Wang Yan's relatives seemed to have come as psychological counselors to try to reason with Wang Yan. Eventually, everyone left.

In the room, the cabinets were empty, but there were a lot of cardboard boxes.

Wang Yan looked at this and walked to the living room.

I felt something coming from behind me, but I couldn't look back.

Good night everyone~

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