Aoba Office

Chapter 1700: Getting to the bottom of things

Without further delay, I went to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants alone, entered Building Six directly, and climbed to the top floor.

Nothing in the office has changed, it's still the same. The yin energy in the office is still the same as always, cold and stimulating.

I called Ye Qing, but got no answer. After entering, I sat on the sofa.

It seems like I have returned to a year ago, when I sat here for the first time, with a desperate mentality, and told about the supernatural events I encountered.

I really couldn’t explain my suspicions this time. The uncertainty was driving me crazy.

By the time I finished narrating, the office was still quiet.

"Ye Qing?" I shouted again, turning my head and looking around.

No one showed up.

I sighed, lowered my head, and rubbed my forehead.

My head hurts, but it's not a severe pain, just a little swollen.

"It's strange... there must be something wrong. But... the game... Bai An... or something else... there must be something... that game, the protagonist is named Ye Zi... maybe it's just a coincidence, but..." I closed He closed his eyes and frowned.


There was a sound from the sofa opposite.

I opened my eyes suddenly and looked up to the opposite side.

There are many dent marks on the sofa from people sitting on it.

"Ye Qing?"

"Tell it again from the beginning." Ye Qing said coldly.

I exhaled and could only tell it again.

"... Mr. Thunder became an NPC in the game and killed another one. The space of that game must be very confusing. I don't know how two people can appear at the same time... I read the file again later and it was very... …How can I put it very strangely?”

My account is somewhat incoherent.

Even after telling it for the second time, there are still many places where it is stuttering and confusing.

I always felt that something went wrong in the whole thing. Looking back at it now, every detail seems to be questionable, which makes me think hard.

This feeling is so uncomfortable for me, as if I suddenly have Alzheimer's disease and my brain's thinking has become extremely slow.

I looked at the sofa opposite, "Were you also in the dream?"

Ye Qing didn't answer.

I could only shut up and wait for Ye Qing to finish thinking.

He must be thinking...

"...That's a game space." Ye Qing said suddenly.

I perked up.

"If it analyzes Lord Thunder's personality, thinking patterns, and behavioral habits in advance, it is possible to create a similar Lord Thunder to participate in the plot." Ye Qing said.

I was stunned.

"In the real world, I'm afraid there is no such technology, but in a world controlled by supernatural things, it is entirely possible to achieve this level." Ye Qing continued, "The question is, what is the purpose of doing this. It is not simply If I don’t take revenge on Mr. Thunder, the whole thing will become troublesome.”

I felt a shudder.

"It's...debugging?" I asked in surprise.

Lord Thunder died many times. This can be seen as a thunder stepping in the game. From another perspective, it can also be seen as a conflict between different thunder kings created by the game. It can be seen as an experiment again and again.

The existence of the game itself limits Thunder Lord's options. As a player, Thunder King plays an NPC and a game character, and there are only a few possible reactions.

This should be considered a part of the simulation environment.

"Is it the spirit of a certain game? If it is really the spirit of a game, it does this..." A lot of things came to my mind at once.

The idea of ​​“replacing humans” occupies most of my thinking.

My mind is undoubtedly running towards the plots of many science fiction movies. But this is not a science fiction movie, this is reality.

Something supernatural is actually doing something.

"For now, there's nothing we can do." Ye Qing said suddenly.

I looked at Ye Qing blankly, "What?"

"The game has been blocked. Someone in the supernatural circle has intervened, right?" Ye Qing asked calmly.

"Then...don't care?"

"Didn't Ling and the others already find the IP?" Ye Qing asked again.

I'm a little anxious.

Ye Qing was right.

Someone in the supernatural circle has already taken action. Wu Ling and the others have also found the IP of the game publisher and the place where Xiaomi died. This matter is already being dealt with.

But I still feel anxious.

That uneasy feeling pressed on my body for no reason, making me unable to breathe.

Because that thing could create fake souls to replace ordinary people? Maybe someone close to me has been replaced? Or is it that the space itself makes me feel uneasy, reminding me of the critical moment I took to eliminate the game spirit?

No, neither...

"That's not the problem..." I was troubled.

Ye Qing did not leave and sat quietly opposite me.

I felt breathless, my brain was about to explode, and my blood was boiling in my veins.

My soul seemed to be trembling.

"It's not has nothing to do with those..." I lowered my head deeply and muttered to myself.

It's something else.

My gut feeling is that something else is making me so confused.

"Then, think about it carefully." Ye Qing said in a calm voice, "Think about it carefully, what makes you feel uncomfortable."

What makes me uncomfortable...

What is...


I raised my head quickly.

I'm no longer in the office.

I saw a cabinet full of little plastic figures.

Figures, peripherals, accessories, comics...

The image of my possessed object was reflected in the glass door of the cabinet.

A young woman.

With a smile on her face, she hummed the OP of a certain animation and wiped the glass cabinet door with a rag.

I was in a daze.

Why suddenly...

"Wang Yan! Bring me that bottle of soy sauce!" A shout came from outside.

Wang Yan responded and ran to the kitchen.

The middle-aged woman was cooking and said, "It's in the cupboard over there."

Wang Yan opened the cabinet, stood up on tiptoes, reached out and reached for the soy sauce bottle at the bottom. After some delay, the soy sauce bottle was finally moved out and she got it successfully.

"What are you burning?" Wang Yan asked.

Her mother replied: "Beef with soy sauce. Your aunt and others will come over tomorrow and prepare more cold dishes."

"Wouldn't it be nice to just buy cooked vegetables?" Wang Yan said casually.

"How about cooked food? If you invite someone to come as a guest, you must cook it yourself. I don't know how delicious the soy sauce beef I make is. Wasn't it your favorite before?" The middle-aged woman hummed, "Clean up your house. It’s clean. Don’t let them come tomorrow and see how dirty your room is.”

"I know, I know. I'm cleaning up." Wang Yan turned around and left.

Behind her was her mother's nagging: "You are such a big person, but you are still like a child. Really..."

I followed Wang Yan back to her room in a daze and watched her happily tidying up the room. Halfway through, she took out the figures, replaced the small parts, and rearranged the shapes.

She had a smile on her face.

But I couldn't laugh at all.

Why did I suddenly dream of Wang Yan? Will you enter a dream at this time?

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