Aoba Office

Chapter 1691 Playing (3)

Bear? Teddy bear?

Lu Qiaolan's bears immediately came to mind.

No, it's not the same. It's not the same teddy bear.

The appearance is very similar, but...

The bear held the edge of the carton with both hands, and its button eyes seemed to be able to see with normal eyes, and they were pierced on the prawn.

Rustling... knocking... Kerala... rustling...

The same sound appeared in the surrounding boxes, and teddy bears crawled out of the boxes one after another.

The prawn's body was stiff and unable to move.

His brain was a bit unable to react. What on earth had happened?

The bears had no mouths, their necks suddenly split open, and their heads fell back. Their entire neck break is filled with sharp little teeth.

Just then the prawn jumped up and ran back in a hurry. He ran to the door, but it still wouldn't open.

The bears rushed over, jumped up and down, and jumped on the prawns.

"Ahhhhhhhhh-" the prawn screamed, the skin and flesh on his body being torn off.

The bears were like piranhas, swarming in and biting the prawns.

"Get away! Ah! Get out! Help!" the prawn shouted.

He saw the woman, the mother NPC. She stood at the door of the bathroom, watching what was happening indifferently.

That actually can't be considered indifference. Just no expression. It's like I didn't see anything. More like...

It's more like a vertical painting in the game, just a shape given to the character by the creator.

Da Xia's vision went dark, and the pain in his eye sockets was delayed for a second before it was transmitted to his brain.

His struggles had become debilitating.

I also felt the pain. However, after just experiencing the side effects of Muge's ability, this level of pain is not intolerable to me.

Prawn obviously has no such experience.

He fainted from the pain and woke up again.

How long this torture lasted, Da Xia could no longer count. All I felt was pain.

When the pain disappeared, his breathing and heartbeat gradually stabilized, and he saw light.

The light ranges from faint to bright.

Strips of lights are spliced ​​together to form the text - BAD END.

There was a sizzle and the lights went out.

Da Xia has seen this kind of scene before in the game.

You will then jump to the main interface, where you can choose to play again or exit.

Prawn didn't see the option.


The light came on again, this time it was a small light bulb, a familiar light bulb.

The prawn trembled.

He closed his eyes, tightly closed his eyes, unwilling to look. His heart was beating fast, his breathing was heavy, and his body was shaking with panic.

He has been forced to start over.

Another game to play.

After lying on the ground like this for a long time, the prawn slowly recovered.

He thought of the missing Xiaomi.

This could be retribution, it could be a belated chase.

He probably should have been killed along with Xiaomi years ago.

Because he did not participate in the live broadcast, he narrowly escaped. There is no escape now.

The prawn cried.

He didn’t die in that game, he died in another horror game.

He still remembered the last words Xiaomi said to him during the video call.

I was stunned when I saw this memory of the prawn.

Prawn, is Mr. Thunder? one person?

If that's the case... the only "victim" in this whole thing is him. It's not that two people are missing, only one...

So, does the problem lie with the prawns themselves?

It's not that the game "Souling" has a problem, it's that the prawn has messed with something.

There was no yin energy or strange aura about him.

Also, I cannot deny that "Sou·Ling" and the different space that Daxia is now in give me a certain feeling. Both the game and this space give me a strange feeling. The most prominent ones are the bears.

Those teddy bears were not Lu Qiaolan's teddy bears, but they still had a sense of déjà vu.

Stuffed teddy bears are probably all the same, with round ears, round heads, and round bodies. It’s not anyone’s patent to use buttons as eyes. A very ordinary teddy bear...where does that feeling come from...

I'm a little irritable.

I couldn't move and was trapped in the body of the prawn, which made me very uneasy.

Da Xia's game level is probably commendable, but he has never faced such a supernatural event. The first time he encountered it, he died tragically, which was a huge psychological shock.

There is no fast forwarding in dreams.

When I think about the time when the prawn disappeared, I have some doubts that the time in this dimension is not equal to the real time.

Here it is again...

In daily life, people rarely notice the passage of time. When you notice it, either a long time has passed, or only a few seconds or minutes have passed. Working days, weekends, holidays, twelve months, thirty natural days, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, twenty-four hours a day, one hour sixty minutes, one minute sixty seconds...

All these artificially determined units are the scale and coordinates of life.

I never thought about this until I encountered the paranormal incident. Just like air and water, they are essential in life and will only be noticed when they are lost.

I sighed.

There is no way to confirm the situation in that future world, and there is no way to confirm the situation in this different space...

Maybe this different space is also part of that future world?

"Huh..." The prawn got up from the ground, the tears on his face dried up and stretched on his skin.

Without wiping his face, he piled up the table and bed and climbed up with a chair.

Breaking the secret door on the ceiling, he escaped from the confinement room and found photos and necklaces in the bedroom.

The prawn squeezed the necklace tightly.

This is a prop he has never used before.

Maybe this prop should have been used then.

The prawn circled around the living room. Those boxes are still immovable. He went to open the door, which was also fixed.

After waiting for a while, the woman and boy came in.

The prawn still hid under the bed and waited until night fell and the two NPCs went to bed.

He climbed out from under the bed and turned to look at the two NPCs on the bed.

For a moment, he hesitated about what to do.

He has never tried to contact these two NPCs. Maybe, need to talk to them? But these two were one of the murderers who killed the detective controlled by the player. They were perverted lunatic murderers. If he appears in the house for no apparent reason, will he be attacked by them?

There is no such kind of chase battle in the "Souling" game. As long as the player meets the conditions set by the game and triggers it, he will enter the ending mode and cannot do anything.

No one found that scary teddy bear in the game either.

When Da Xia hesitated, there was a sound of dripping water coming from the kitchen and bathroom.

The woman lying on the bed suddenly opened her eyes, turned around and saw the prawn.

Da Xia's body tensed instantly, watching the NPC's reaction, and he also held the necklace in his pocket.

The NPC screamed, waking up the boy next to him. She hugged the boy and shrank to the other side of the bed.

This reaction was really beyond Da Xia’s expectation.

The prawn was a little overwhelmed.

In a normal game, a dialog box or the like should pop up at this time, but there is no such virtual dialog box in front of the prawn.

A rustling sound came from the living room.

Bang! Bang!

That was the sound of a box tipping over.

Da Xia felt a shiver in his heart and took out the necklace from his pocket without even thinking about it.

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