Aoba Office

Chapter 1681 Ceremony

The thin man practiced like this many times, during which the four of us also practiced.

During my free time, I asked Gu Mo and Nangong Yao.

Gu Mo said disdainfully: "Of course we have learned this kind of thing a long time ago. It is just a matter of sticking talisman paper, and it is not difficult."

Nangong Yao smiled and said nothing.

The operation is not difficult, but the psychological pressure is quite high.

Ordinary people would panic and feel fear when they see a doll talking or a cat sound coming from a piece of bone. Not afraid, but also curious, and there will always be some emotions.

However, don’t be surprised if you see too much.

Among the five people, Chen Xiaoqiu has the best psychological quality, and I am the one who has seen too much. Guo Yujie and Fatty were not afraid of those things, but they were a little confused when they unsealed and affixed the talisman paper for the first time.

After following such a process, the thin man should believe that the talisman paper is real. The talismans and these items are genuine. After having this concept, I believe in the ritual proposed by Wu Ling even more.

I glanced at Gu Mo and Nangong Yao.

The stories and theories Wu Ling told before seemed impeccable, but I still had some doubts in my heart.

Gu Mo ignored me and ran to play games. He was holding a mobile phone, his expression changed with the battle situation in the game, and he was very involved.

Nangong Yao smiled and said, "Ling spent a lot of thought to come up with this method."

"Huh? You mean..."

"This theory has been around for a long time. The things were collected by Wu Ling in the past. To us, it is useless. At most, it is Ling's own hobby. Before this, we did not expect to have such an ability. The whole I’m afraid no one in the supernatural circle has thought of it,” Nangong Yao said.

This is a wonderful coincidence.

"That theory has actually been tried before. In the history of mankind, there have been too many things like praying to imaginary gods. There are also too many examples of celebrities becoming gods. Very few of them have come true. Some have succeeded. , will also disappear in the future. No one can tell clearly what kind of process it went through. Just like those spirits... if a chance happens, they will have the opportunity to grow along the way, so that they have some kind of positive attitude at the beginning of their birth. With strength, or the ability to respond to people's expectations, it is possible to become a new god." Nangong Yao sighed, "In terms of the general environment, the possibility of gods appearing in modern society has increased, but also decreased. Product designers can now be regarded as gods, and at the same time, the content of people’s prayers for them has also changed.”

Gu Mo suddenly interjected, "There are too many people who regard game bosses as gods and fathers. No matter how much you ask for more official fathers, you just want to see new works. This kind of wish has no value."

That makes sense.

If a certain game manufacturer evolved into a spirit, what it would do is control the game works and create new ones.

"That spirit of the game..." I thought of Nangong Yao's experience.

"That game board must have been abandoned. A good childhood friend, a treasure that I cherished and loved, was thrown away when I became an adult. I may have new interests when I turn around, I may play new games, I may watch When his children play games, they beat and scold them and smash the game boards..." Nangong Yao suddenly became serious, "So, he gave birth to a spirit that hates humans and wants to kill humans."

"So, is it possible that there are other spirits related to games?" I asked.

"Yes, there may be such a spirit active now. But if you don't encounter it, you won't find its existence." Nangong Yao said.

"Please make more good games. Make the server better and optimize the graphics..." Gu Mo muttered.

Things get interesting when you think about it this way, spirits are not all bad.

"But, the majority of spirits are born from negative emotions. There are also spirits that were originally born from positive emotions, but later became negative. People's opinions are always changing. Now it's all about everything. In a world that is changing rapidly... those of us in the industry see more bad things." Nangong Yao said.

"When something good happens, who will come to ask for help?" Gu Mo complained, "If there is a spirit that makes me win every game, I will never tell anyone about it."

This also makes sense.

During the chat, the atmosphere in the room became relaxed. The uncertainty of the ceremony and the ultimate goal of the ceremony - the fight with Zhang Yifeng, made people temporarily forget about it.

What is supposed to come will still come.

At half past eleven, the thin man entered the room and began to adjust his mood.

The door to the room is open.

Wu Ling kept looking at the time, and when she waited until 11:50, she closed the door.

Gu Mo put down his cell phone, retreated to the farthest place, and listened.

Wu Ling stood at the front, followed by me, Liu Miao and Nangong Yao. Nangong Yao still held a knife in his hand, possibly ready to bleed at any time to unlock the seal on his body.

I found that Liu Miao was very silent today, like a beast ready to attack, suppressing his emotions and actions before pounced on his prey.

Nangong Yao is much more energetic than the last time he saw him. He hadn't noticed it before, but now it seemed like he had put down a heavy burden.

The strange changes between these two people make me a little unpredictable.

Is there something wrong with the plan to deal with Zhang Yifeng?

Just as he was thinking this, Wu Ling reminded: "There are still five minutes."

I withdrew my mind and paid full attention to the movement inside the door.

"One more minute."

"Ten's twelve o'clock."

As Wu Ling finished speaking, I felt the air in the room change.

That faint resentment, the ominous aura of curse, and...yin...


Wait, the new curse aura is the aura on that doll.

The thin man still broke a seal.

The witch didn't respond to the thin man's wish?


Obviously the yin energy is still there...

I felt uneasy and glanced at Wu Ling.

Wu Ling's expression was serious, but he was not panicked. The situation should still be under control.

Liu Miao and Nangong Yao also maintained the same state.

The ominous aura of cat bones…

I counted silently in my mind.

Wu Ling prepared a total of twelve props and has now unlocked seven.


Wu Ling raised his hand.

I saw the second hand on my watch turn half a circle.

In just thirty seconds, seven, no, eight seals have been unlocked, and they are still going on.

After all twelve seals were unlocked, I felt that the Yin Qi floating in the room became even stronger.

Originally, the Yin Qi seemed to be separated by something, which was not very real, but now it passed through the barrier.

I thought of that little mirror.

"It's done." Gu Mo suddenly said behind him.

The ominous atmosphere in the room suddenly disappeared, and the yin energy also became lighter.

I heard the movement inside the house, and after a while, the thin man came out and opened the door.

He was sweating profusely and looked exhausted. The props on the ground were all labeled with talismans. There was still that yin energy in the room.

"She agreed. It's really..." The thin man breathed out.

"What conditions did she put forward?" Wu Ling asked, his eyes falling on those things.

She walked over, picked up the doll on the ground, and tore off the talisman on it.

The talisman burned, and the doll turned into powder and slipped from Wu Ling's hand.

"She seems to have eaten those things." The thin man said hesitantly.

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