Aoba Office

Chapter 1672 Granny Enna (2)

The blog post cited some examples to prove that Grandma Enna is a bit miraculous. She does not rely on psychological methods and analysis to consult people and then say what they want to hear.

The thin man said: "She also said it was amazing. It wasn't about guessing what she had done before or who was in her family. It was just quoting the words of her deceased grandma and grandma. It was very... verbose. It was like an old lady's tone. And her deceased grandma. , Grandma is exactly the same. She also urged the marriage and mentioned the grandson of a friend of her grandma’s, Balabala’s..."

The thin man spread his hands.

"Is this one also hit?" Guo Yujie was surprised.

"Yes. That's right. She went back and asked if there really was such a person. She didn't know anything about it before. Her grandmother didn't say these things before she was alive. Her grandmother passed away when she was in high school. She didn't know that at that time. Maybe it’s a rush to get married.”

"In that case, it doesn't make sense." Fatty said, "Are the people looking for her missing their loved ones?"

"Absolutely. Oh, her grandma and grandma also mentioned me. They thought I wasn't smart enough or attentive." The thin man spread his hands mockingly, "They said we were not suitable."

"Did you break up because of this?" Guo Yujie asked.

"No. It's really inappropriate. You know, she likes those things... I don't always deal with her."

There are no common interests, one party is a fanatical fan, and the other party is a little disgusted, and it is normal for them to break up.

The two old ladies probably saw this.

The beholder is clear.

Or, as a deceased person, there is some kind of blessing from God’s perspective.

"Then this person also knows multiple languages." The fat man suddenly said.

"No. According to her, she felt the deceased's mood and consciousness. Is it similar to Brother Qi's situation?" The thin man looked at me.

I have had similar experiences in my own dreams. Even if I don't understand dialects and am not good at foreign languages, I can directly feel the consciousness of the possessed object and directly understand the language that I don't understand at all.

"Then it's still about ability."

"Yeah. Now that I think about it, it's just a superpower."

"Apart from this? Does she do other things?" Guo Yujie's finger moved across the screen.

"I don't have any other skills. Oh, there are some rumors that the police once came to consult, hoping that she would help investigate the murder case. She didn't get it right every time. According to her, some ghosts are unwilling to speak. I think there are some The soul has been reincarnated and started a new life.”

The seemingly magical medium suddenly turned into an ordinary person with abilities.

This transformation strikes me as ridiculous.

It's like the magical sunrise and sunset are actually just the result of the movement of the planets.

Probably, there is nothing magical about this world. What is there is only limited human knowledge.

"If it were this person, would he be able to find the ghosts coming out of the underworld?" Chen Xiaoqiu said suddenly.

The four of us looked at each other.

The thin man slapped his thigh, "Yes!"

Chen Xiaoqiu is indeed the fastest thinking among us.

"However, since this person is so famous, is he a member of the supernatural circle? The supernatural circle has known about her for a long time, right? She may also be involved in these recent things." Fatty said.

"Just call and ask and you will know." Guo Yujie is an activist.

I called Wu Ling.

You shouldn't bother them at this time.

But we have too much to do.

Zhang Yifeng's matter needs to be resolved, and the sudden disappearance of the underworld has to be taken seriously.

This is not an RPG game. After receiving the tasks, they are hung up on the task list, and you can complete whichever one you want first. You can play non-timed games for a lifetime without rushing to complete them.

Wu Ling answered the phone quickly, listened to what I said, and said calmly: "Enna is dead."

"...Huh? Ah! dead?" I was shocked.

The four of them also showed surprised expressions when they heard what I said.

"Yeah. I had some doubts at the time... She had a special ability, able to communicate with the dead. The cause of her death was also being investigated abroad. She was older. Although she struggled when she died, the autopsy result was a cerebral hemorrhage. Those struggles may have just The pain before the onset caused her to fall... When I saw Shen Xiaorong, I had an idea. Maybe the underworld suddenly disappeared and the ghosts from the underworld came to the world. This chaos stimulated her ability. The phone line was suddenly blown, and her body collapsed," Wu Ling analyzed calmly.

I feel a little sad when I think of the photo I just saw.

"Luo Mu's side is still a little worse. We will contact Yu Xiaoqin. We may take action in the next two days." Wu Ling suddenly said.

"Oh. I have to go to the police station to take notes today. About Tang Wen..." I said sadly.

The mother and son were declared missing.

Because Chen Yihan helped, the police station would probably turn a blind eye or close an eye.

I must be trying to give false evidence here. It can't be said directly that their mother and son were kidnapped by a phone booth.

When I think of Tang Wen's husband and Yu Xiaoqin, I can't help but feel guilty.

Yu Xiaoqin should also be informed of the news today.

"In this case, Yu Xiaoqin should be willing to cooperate with us." Wu Ling said coldly.

I felt awkward and I felt like I was being pretentious.

Thinking about Ye Qing's final plan, I can only tell myself repeatedly that as long as it succeeds in the end, the dead will be resurrected and have a good death.

If it fails... there's nothing to worry about in a future filled with ghosts and monsters...

After hanging up the phone, I told the other four people Wu Ling's analysis.

"I see."

"That's so pitiful..."

Four people commented individually.

We were quiet for a while, as if we were mourning for Grandma Enna.

Guo Yujie was the first to come to her senses and asked the thin man: "Have you found the conditions?"

"No. It doesn't look like it." The thin man said distressedly.

"It's better to call your ex-girlfriend." Guo Yujie said.

The thin man's face was full of tangles, and he gritted his teeth. Finally, he showed an expression of no hesitation and generosity, and ran out with his mobile phone.

"Does it have to be like this... They broke up peacefully, right?" Guo Yujie asked Fatty and me.

"The feelings are over." I gave a four-word conclusion.

"It's her interest that he can't stand. Everything else is in line with her," Fatty added.


There was a knock on the office door.

We looked at the door and saw Jiang You turning back and walking in.

"What are you doing Ari? He looks like he's constipated."

"Haha..." I laughed twice and didn't answer, "Why did you come to visit us? The contract has been signed?"

"No. Didn't you go to the southern suburbs yesterday?"

"Oh. Over there in the southern suburbs, supporting facilities will be ready by the end of next year." I took out my mobile phone and told Jiang You the information I had exchanged with Fu Ying and the district government yesterday. "Wet markets and supermarkets will be opened after the Spring Festival." It can be opened. There are some convenience stores there now, which were opened by the workers’ families when they were building the community.”

"In this case, the fastest we can do is move there after the Spring Festival."


"Are the water, electricity and coal ready? Where is the internet and cable TV?"

"Everything can be installed. The lines are laid when the house is built. Just go to the business office and open it."

"I remember that their business office was quite far away from the community."


I told Jiang You all the information.

The thin man came back midway and said hello to Jiang You expressionlessly.

After Jiang You left, we all looked at the thin man.

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