Aoba Office

Chapter 1666 Luo Mu (1)

"You mean digestion?" I squeezed out the words through my teeth.

The young man looked at me blankly and nodded blankly.

"Get it out quickly! Do you hear me!" I yelled.

The young man was startled and closed his eyes tightly.

I thought he was scared out of his wits, and I was about to grab him and yell again, but I felt the change in the Yin Qi around me.

Something is coming!

I looked around, alert.

After two or three seconds, I saw a flash of red.

The phone booth appeared next to me, and I could reach it as soon as I stretched out my hand.

I immediately reached out and grabbed the door handle of the phone booth.

The phone booth was empty.

"Where are they?" I asked nervously.

"They..." The boy started to stutter again.

A bell rang in the phone booth.

I opened the phone booth door and stared at the phone.

"Who called?" I asked.

I believe the young man knows the answer. I also have an answer in my mind.

I was still holding the boy's wrist and could feel him trembling.

"Yes...just now..."

"Already, dead?" I asked in a low voice.

The young man was silent.

The phone kept ringing.

"Brother Qi!"

Here comes the fat man and the thin man.

I gripped the door of the phone booth tightly, and my abilities flowed out unconsciously.

Suddenly, I felt a change in the phone booth.

"Ah!" the young man exclaimed.

The boxy phone booth suddenly changed into the more ancient shape of an open public telephone.

The casing was gone, leaving only the public phone hanging on a pole and a cover to protect it from wind and rain.

My hands dropped to nothing.

The phones stopped ringing and the public phones disappeared.

This thing...

I turned to look at the boy.

The young man shook his head violently and said hurriedly: "I, I don't know...I...that, it just..."

"Is he already dead?" I asked.

The young man glanced at me timidly, lowered his eyes, and nodded slightly, "It... it will, as soon as it enters,..."

"As soon as a living person enters, will he die?" I asked.

The young man didn't dare to look at me and nodded slightly, "Immediately...I couldn't resist...both inside and outside...and then, it was, was digested...everything..."

The tears in the young man's eyes fell to the ground and disappeared.

"Brother Qi, just now..." The thin man came over and stared at the young man defensively.

"How is Yu Xiaoqin?"

"She's fine. We didn't tell her."

"Well. You guys stay away. Get it out again. This time -" I ordered the boy.

The young man raised his head, a little surprised, and immediately lowered his head without saying a word.

"Is it already separated from you? If I destroy it, what impact will it have on you? Or do you have other ideas?" I asked coldly.

The young man looked at me and hesitated to speak.

I frowned.

He immediately said: "No, it's's me...I'm..." He blushed, as if he was very aggrieved, "It, it knows me, but...I can't help it now..."

I gritted my teeth.

Did this kid do it on purpose, or was he really that stupid?

No matter if you are really stupid or really bad, you will be in big trouble.

My face was as cloudy as my mood.

Almost instantly, I wanted to kill this kid directly, maybe this would solve everything.

The problem of Tang Wen and her son may be able to change the reality of their death through dreams.

It's a bit troublesome, but it's an idea and the feasibility is not low.

The boy noticed something very sensitively. He stared at me in fear, opened his mouth, and looked like he was about to cry.

"For the time being, let's find a place first. It's best to contact Qingye." Fatty held my shoulder, "Brother Qi, calm down."

I exhaled.

calm down.


The phone rang, it was Wu Ling calling.

That's just right.

I explained the situation, and Wu Ling asked me to call the fat guy and the thin guy.

Because I had this kid with me, the meeting place was set at the office.

I stared at the brat for a while. He tensed up again.

Just like wild animals, they have an intuition and know when danger is coming.

"Come with us." I dragged him away.

I dare not let go and am always ready to use my abilities.

I was nervous all the way. The thin man and the fat man were also very nervous.

The kid gradually relaxed, as if he was resigned to the situation and had accepted the situation.

After spending some time, returning to the city and entering the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, Xiao Gui's mood changed somewhat. He entered that restless state again, like a herbivore entering a predator's territory alone. He looked around, but soon his eyes were fixed on Building 6. He raised his head slightly and looked in the direction of Building 6.

This kid is not completely incompetent.

There is Yin energy in him, which is neither malicious nor strong. To use a metaphor, it is colorless and odorless air. It has no sense of existence and is easily ignored by others. Even when he was tense, the yin energy on his body gave people a harmless feeling.

It made me even more nervous.

It is different from the environment in Huixiang and Guangyuan Mountain. I realized that as soon as I relaxed, I would loosen my grip on him. This is too dangerous.

I saw Aoba's car downstairs in Building No. 6.

The three of us took the ghost upstairs.

As they walked up the stairs from the fifth floor to the sixth floor, the ghost became even more nervous. He could feel the existence of entrances and exits to different spaces.

But soon, his attention was focused on the office, and his eyes wandered on the wall. The location he looked at should be the office's living room and the deepest "cell".

As expected, he was very alert and felt very sensitive.

The thin man and the others walked ahead and knocked on the door.

It was Wu Ling who opened the door.

"Here we come." Wu Ling greeted.

In the room, Aoba's people have already arrived. I saw human-shaped prints on the empty space on the sofa. Ye Qing is here too!

That ghost was very afraid of Ye Qing and shrank behind me.

The eyes of the four people in the room were focused on him. He became more frightened, his body was shaking, and his head almost dropped to his chest.

"sit down."

Nangong Yao and Gu Mo gave up their positions and stood behind the sofa on the other side.

I grabbed the ghost and sat down.

On the sofa opposite, the person sitting in the middle should be Ye Qing. After Wu Ling sat down next to him, Liu Miao stood up and walked to the ghost.

With this posture, you can tell at a glance that it is to prevent him from making any moves.

The ghost shrank its body and still lowered its head.

"I could have killed you just now. However, there are some things we need to confirm. If you cooperate, we will choose to save you and give you a chance to be reincarnated." Wu Ling said.

The kid raised his head in surprise, as if he had touched Ye Qing's figure, and then retracted his head. He exerted force on his hands and clenched his fists, and his whole person became a little energetic, as if he was faintly showing a bit of joy and worry.

If this was all acting...

"Tell me your name and experience first." Wu Ling said easily.

"My, my name is Luo Mu. 'Luo' is the 'Luo', and 'Mu' is, the 'Mu' of 'Mu Yang'." The kid immediately answered, and after introducing himself, he stuttered again, "Uh-huh." Ah for a long time.

"How did you die?" Wu Ling gave him a hint.

The kid lowered his head and said in a low voice: "No, I don't know... maybe, maybe... he died of starvation..."

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