Aoba Office

Chapter 1652 Death of Bai An

I have eliminated the entrance and exit to the different space, but we cannot leave Sleepy Hollow Island yet.

For the rest of the time, we just followed the crew and became just a bunch of people.

The two soldiers blended into the army, so I couldn't tell them apart. Their body shapes and clothing are so similar that it is difficult to identify them.

"Is it okay to be seen?" I asked Wu Ling.

Wu Ling shook his head, "It's possible that he already knew."


"Public opinion can still be controlled, this kind of..." Wu Ling raised his chin and looked at the neatly lined up soldiers, "It's impossible not to know at all. The higher-ups also need to prepare for the worst."

"Ah..." I felt unbelievable.

To be honest, I never thought about the military's role in this matter. If a living person has no abilities and has not learned relevant skills, it is impossible to deal with ghosts. Of course, if there are living people with strong enough willpower, firm character, adhering to materialism, and being bold enough, those fragile ghosts may not be able to harm them. That is a no-win-no-win stalemate. But not all ghosts are fragile. The ghost in ancient costume may be rare, but ghosts like Shen Xiaorong and those female ghosts who have been stripped of their skin cannot be considered a minority. Can a living person resist them with sheer willpower?

I couldn't help but think about training.

If you are a soldier, it is not impossible to learn some spells together, right?

Novel authors and film screenwriters always bring this group with them when they use their imagination. Something is really going on, and it is indeed this group that is at the forefront. Even if you can't be the protagonist in novels or movies, you can still become an important background and reflect the power of the country. This is also inevitable. Any country that discovers these supernatural phenomena will find ways to deal with it.

Wu Ling spoke, interrupting my imagination, "If something goes wrong, they will become a living force after they die."

I shivered and looked at Wu Ling in surprise.

"Ordinary people cannot defeat ghosts." Wu Ling said calmly, "This can be regarded as a racial difference. But when everyone becomes a ghost, this boundary disappears. Who is stronger depends on whose will is stronger. Soldiers are role models in this regard.”

I turned my head and looked at the soldiers who were lined up neatly and held their heads high.

"If the worst happens, they will be the first line to protect ordinary people." Wu Ling continued, "Same as now."

I pursed my lips.

"What we can do is provide some suggestions to delay the arrival of that day as much as possible. In addition, it is Ye Zi's plan." Wu Ling breathed out, "It doesn't matter how many casualties there are during the period."

I have long heard this truth and accepted it.

But when I listen to it now, I just feel like my heart is heavy.

Dying ignorantly and dying as an insider are two different things.

These people in front of me are probably about the same age as me. Do they already know that the world has deteriorated to this extent, and do they know that they will soon encounter a catastrophe?

Liu Zhiguo, Liu Zhijun, and the people at the TV station must know nothing about it.

The two buried Song Xian's ashes in a cemetery on Sleepy Hollow Island.

This is the cemetery and monument built by the country after the war.

When Song Xian fled Guillotine Island, he took the bodies of his parents with him, but more bodies were abandoned here. It was not until the end of the war that anyone came to collect the bodies.

The monument also commemorates the victims here.

The two brothers knelt in front of the monument and cried bitterly. The soldiers saluted with solemn expressions.

The sadness of the scene was somewhat undermined by the television cameras and the circle of crew members.

Fortunately, the subject in front of the camera was not affected.

I looked at that simple monument and suddenly thought, after everything breaks out, how many such monuments will be erected around the world?

Probably not...

Seven years in the future, people have numbly accepted the status quo and live in separate areas without interfering with each other. Living is the most important thing. The dead will not be remembered because the living are still struggling on the edge of death.

This is another sad thing.

I clenched my fists.

I was a little worried about whether I would be able to control my emotions and maintain my coldness during this time when I actually saw that scene.

"Don't worry, there is still time." Wu Ling said.

Liu Miao's hand patted my shoulder.

"As long as public opinion can be controlled, these troubles will still be small-scale." Wu Ling said.

Without the common panic of billions of people around the world, a few ghosts can cause serious natural disasters and tragic casualties, but they will not cause the current social system to collapse.

I nodded and my body slowly relaxed.

There is no Internet on Sleepy Hollow Island, completely disconnected. I arrived with no equipment and could only sit in the room with nothing to do.

Liu Miao and I share a room. He was also in a daze most of the time. I couldn't talk to him. This is mainly because Liu Miao's expression is very serious when he is in a daze, as if he is thinking about something.

We spent one night at Sleepy Hollow and will be heading back on Sunday.

Someone from the army came to see us off and sent us to the dock.

The way back is just as difficult. The wind and waves seemed to be stronger than before.

I was so groggy that I couldn't recover even when my feet hit the ground.

"Are you okay?" Liu Miao asked with concern.

I shook my head, "It's okay... let me slow down..." I covered my mouth.

Liu Miao pointed me in the direction, "That's the toilet over there."

I rushed over immediately, unable to run in a straight line.

After entering the toilet, I retched a few times before slowly recovering.

On this trip, it was easier to deal with the entrance and exit of the different space, but the repeated boat rides made me tortured.

I washed my face and returned to the waiting room of the dock.

The people from the TV station have already withdrawn, and Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun seem to have left as well.

Wu Ling and Liu Miao were looking at the same mobile phone with their heads leaning against each other.

Wu Ling first noticed that I was back and handed over his phone to me.

The painting style on the phone is familiar to me.

Bai An's paintings.

Bai An's new work is a strange painting. Although his previous paintings were very weird, I could still understand the scene. This one made me confused.

The picture has a blue sky background, a very clear color, not gray.

There is a monster in the painting, flying out of a human body like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. I do know that monster, it is the Behemoth that Ye Qing is keeping.

Behemoth is extremely huge, with flying hair, and looks ferocious and majestic.

Only an outline of the human body can be seen. Judging from the way the limbs were hanging down naturally, it looked like he had fainted or was just a corpse.

"What is this? Possession? What kind of monsters can possess people?" I blurted out and asked, suddenly thinking that the monsters I saw in my dreams seemed to appear suddenly.

It cannot be said that they appeared suddenly. Those in the future should have observed them, but the distance was limited. Maybe they were discovered when they were approaching the city, or maybe they fell from the sky and trampled on countless buildings, causing humans to flee in fear.

If they are not invisible, then they should have some way to avoid the surveillance of humans and ghosts...


I saw it when I dreamed about the guide! That huge wolf-like, dog-like monster was originally a man with stiff movements!

I looked at the painting again and spoke out all my thoughts.

Wu Ling and Liu Miao listened silently.

I looked at them.

"Bai An is dead." Wu Ling said.

It’s the last day of March, please give me a monthly pass and a guaranteed monthly pass tomorrow~

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