Aoba Office

Chapter 1649 Broken Head Cliff (1)

The sea breeze blew in my face, carrying the salty smell of the sea.

I had never been out to sea before, and even when I went traveling, I was basically inland. I had been to the beach, but I only saw a lot of tourists, and the horizon was covered by tourists.

Now, seeing the waves rising and falling, and the horizon glittering in the sun in the distance, I suddenly felt a strange sense of openness.

This feeling did not last too long.

The waves hit the hull, and the hull shook.

I felt seasick, and the smell brought by the sea breeze made me nauseous.

I waved to Wu Ling and staggered into the cabin.

There were many people lying and leaning in the cabin, all of them were TV station staff. All of them looked pale.

I exhaled, found an empty seat and sat down, leaning my body against the cabin. The dizziness could not be eliminated for a while.

Compared with the side effects of the ability, the nausea caused by seasickness is much lighter. But because of this, I was conscious and felt that time was passing particularly slowly.

From time to time, I could hear someone groaning in pain in the cabin, and I could hear vomiting outside.

Occasionally, I could hear someone talking, but it was very vague and was drowned out by the sound of the waves.

Wu Ling and Liu Miao didn't seem to have such a strong seasickness reaction.

It might be because of their physical constitution.

Needless to say, Wu Ling's physical constitution is good. She may not even be considered a human being.

Liu Miao looked strong and healthy... although seasickness has nothing to do with such physical indicators.

I seemed to fall asleep in a daze, but I woke up immediately.

Wu Ling came to see me and gave me some water. After drinking the water, there seemed to be a clanging sound of water in my stomach.

My face probably became even uglier.

The worst thing was that the feeling of uneasiness never disappeared.

Ye Qing had clearly reached an agreement with that ghost. He might appear by my side at any time. In terms of combat effectiveness, our side is not too bad.

But I still had a strong sense of uneasiness.

I looked up.

There were only TV staff on this ship. Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun were on another boat.

When we boarded the boat, the staff didn't say anything, but they looked at the three of us several times.

I don't know how Wu Ling got us on the boat through the complicated relationship in the supernatural circle...

"We're almost there! We've seen it!" Someone shouted outside.

I felt relieved.

A staff member entered the cabin and woke up the sleeping people.

I rubbed my temples and drank a few sips of water to wake myself up.

After a long time, the boat finally became stable, and it should be docking.

"Are you okay?" Liu Miao came over and stretched out his hand to me.

"Well, it's okay. It's okay." I was pulled up by him and smiled bitterly, "At least the journey went smoothly and I didn't hit anything."

For example, the deep-sea monster that killed Li Xingfang's wife and daughter.

Thinking of this, the sea is no longer magnificent, but pure horror.

Liu Miao laughed, "Don't worry, if that time really comes, I will die before you."

I glanced at Liu Miao and knew that he was not telling a joke or saying it casually.

From a realistic perspective, if I die last, it means everyone has a chance to survive.

I pulled my lips, "That's pretty scary."

I felt even more ominous.

What would happen if I was the only one left?

Thinking of this, I felt like I was about to break out in a cold sweat.

This is not a pleasant topic, nor is it a fantasy.

Liu Miao and I didn't say anything.

Wu Ling entered the cabin and called us.

The staff still had a lot of equipment to move, so the three of us got off the boat first.

I was on the ground, and my body was still shaking.

The dock on the Broken Head Island is very simple, just a platform made of cement, with almost nothing on it, and it's a bit narrow.

Liu Miao took out the DV and filmed the island.

I looked up at the hill on the island and didn't feel anything unusual.

"What if... that doesn't appear?" I asked Wu Ling.

The entrance and exit of the alien space is not always there, or it is not always open.

If it doesn't appear, I will be helpless.

"Ye Zi asked us to come here, so they should have prepared something." Wu Ling said, "We will walk around the island first. If there is no problem on the island, we will enter the island."

I thought about it.

The entrance to the other space I saw in my dream was on the side of the future world. At that time, I saw it in the sky, maybe five or six meters high. In the real world, the specific location of that entrance is uncertain.

However, the strange head was picked up by Song Xian's ancestors in a cave on the island...

I looked around and couldn't find the location of the cave. It may be on the other side of the island, and the entrance is on the cliff side.

The staff gathered and took some pictures at the dock.

After a while, the boat that Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun were riding also arrived. There were also people from the government and the army on that boat. After all, this is a garrison island with no residents.

The garrison on the island also appeared at the dock.

Everyone ignored the three of us.

Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun had severe seasickness symptoms. After a little relief, they cooperated with the TV station and held Song Xian's ashes and portrait to shoot the scene of landing on the island.

They both shed tears. This was not acting, but a true expression of their feelings.

After their mother's death, the two brothers, who had previously quarreled and even fought over the property, finally became united. It should be said that they shared the pain of losing their mother and couldn't care about anything else for the time being.

Several people who looked like leaders came forward to comfort him, and soldiers stepped forward to perform military salutes.

After a lot of work, our group entered the interior of the island.

We are not allowed to enter the military's classified facilities, but some areas are open to us. The temporary accommodation was the soldier's room.

Wu Ling went out for a walk, and when he came back, he was followed by a young soldier.

He stood at attention and gave us a military salute.

I stared blankly.

"Okay, let's go." Wu Ling said.

Liu Miao put on a pocket bag, held up the DV, and was about to set off.

I followed last.

The soldier didn't smile and didn't speak. He just led the way.

When we first walked inside the military building, we could still see people, including soldiers and TV crews who came with us. After we walked out, the surrounding environment became quiet, with only the sound of wind, waves and birdsong. .

The asphalt road did not extend too far, or in other words, the guide did not take us all the way along these opened roads.

We followed him into the forest.

Having said that, these forests should have been thoroughly explored. There are traces of people walking on the ground all year round, so it is not difficult to walk. Some areas were cleared and trees were cut down and new plants were planted.

After walking for a while, I started to pant. The other three people have amazing physical strength. Liu Miao also held up a DV to film everywhere.

I still didn't see anything strange, so I slowly relaxed.

After walking like this for a long time and almost circling the island without finding anything, the soldier who led the way stopped.

"Ahead is Guillotine Cliff." He pointed forward.

After walking for a while, we emerged from the woods, and suddenly our eyes opened up.

Flat green grassland, blue sky, sea, the sound of raging waves...

I vaguely heard some strange noises.

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