Aoba Office

Chapter 1644 Resentful Wife (2)

The female ghost's power is changing.

I was suddenly startled and thought of a possibility.

She might become a spirit. No longer a ghost, but a spirit.

I gritted my teeth and tried my best to use my strength.

I could feel two forces clashing.

However, the female ghost seemed unaware of anything.

She recovered from that weird state and appeared directly in a mourning hall.

Two coffins placed side by side, this scene is inexplicably familiar to me.

The female ghost smiled happily.

In the blink of an eye, there was another massacre.

"Ah!" I couldn't help shouting.

My head felt swollen and painful, and my soul seemed to be exploding.

My ability and the female ghost's strength seem to be at a balance point. I kept reversing the female ghost's time, just to keep her strength at the previous level.

again and again……

The campus scene flashed by.

The toilet with purple walls turned into a purple light and shadow.

The girl's face is sometimes clear and sometimes blurry.

The only thing that didn't change was the color of the blood and the screams that kept ringing in his ears.

All of this suddenly disappeared, and the surroundings became quiet again.

The distant sounds of vehicles and the distant sounds of students only made the scene more peaceful.

I saw the school playground in the sunset.

Two people, no, two ghosts.

One of them is Li Mei, the other...

My eyes widened.

That person is...

Li Mei and she didn't notice the female ghost and I. Judging from their expressions, it seemed that they had reached some kind of agreement.

I suddenly remembered that this scene should have happened not long ago.

The dream is about to become reality.

I feel tired.

But if this female ghost is not dealt with, the dream may be over!

You have to think of other ways!

I stared at her and suddenly said: "Huilan! Your husband has been dead for many years!"

The female ghost who had been ignoring me suddenly stopped.

"He doesn't want you. He married someone else. He should be dead by now." I raised my heart.

She can hear me!

Before, she just ignored me. Maybe my words hurt her.

The female ghost slowly turned her head and stared at me with a pair of sinister eyes.

I felt that it wasn't just her eyes that were falling on me, but two other eyes were also looking at me.

The female ghost's body blocked me.

"Have you never thought about going to find him?" I focused my attention on the female ghost and asked.

The female ghost's eyes widened.

"Oh, you can't go to him. He doesn't want you anymore. How many people have you remarried?" I asked again.

The female ghost's body trembled, "'s not..."

"You are married to someone else. How many people have you married? How many people have you been a wife or daughter-in-law to? The child in your belly..." I lowered my gaze, "Whose is it?"

The female ghost's hand touched her belly.

I saw something squirming under her belly, as if it was trying to break through the skin and come out.

"Ah! Ahhhh!" The female ghost screamed in pain, and the look in her eyes was slowly disappearing.

I felt the ghost under my palm giving up resistance.

My abilities also poured out at this time.

The female ghost grabbed my wrist with her backhand.

Blood was pouring from her stomach.

The little meat ball came out, and it touched the belly, and put its little hand on my wrist.

I felt the blood's viscosity and warmth.

Suddenly, the female ghost and the flesh ball changed in my eyes.

The flesh ball disappeared, and the female ghost turned into what she looked like in life. There was still a look of horror on her face.

The next second, this plainly dressed, even poor woman disappeared.

At that moment, I seemed to see the indifferent faces of Li Mei and another woman.

My body leaned back in the chair.

There is still a residual sense of touch on my hands.

I lowered my head and seemed to see the female ghost's handprints and the blood left by the little flesh ball.

Actually, nothing.

I felt bored and did not feel the relief of killing a ghost.

It's certainly not possible to say that I can empathize with a resentful woman.

From my own heart, I don't look down on women like that.

Perhaps due to the factors of the times, she had to rely on men to live, not only materially but also psychologically.

On the one hand, she is unwilling to accept the reality of being abandoned, and on the other hand, she has to constantly look for new sources of support to maintain her existence. At the same time, she insists on some feudal concepts, trapping herself in an endless loop.

She and Li Mei are different.

Li Mei only has herself left, she has no self at all.

I exhaled and thought of Li Mei. I immediately picked up the phone and called Wu Ling.

"...Huh? List of students from the High School Affiliated to Polytechnic University?" Wu Ling was surprised when he heard my request.

"Maybe not... I think it has something to do with it. She must have graduated from the High School Affiliated to the Polytechnic University and knows about Li Mei." I said.

Wu Ling must have communicated with Nangong Yao, and I heard intermittent voices on the other end of the phone.

"...Well, the High School Affiliated to Polytechnic University...oh..." She suddenly said to me, "Nangong is checking. When I checked before, the software searched by itself and didn't pay attention to this... Now! You are right."

My heart skipped a beat.

"Bian Sijun is a graduate of the High School Affiliated to Polytechnic University." Wu Ling said, "What you saw, and what the student we were looking for saw, I'm afraid those female ghosts are looking for companions."

My mind recalled the scene in the dream just now.

They watched with cold eyes and chose to ignore the fight between me and the female ghost.

That kind of indifference...

Not a stranger. To be precise, it's not a ghost all the way.


I exhaled.

I'm afraid they are more troublesome than the resentful woman who almost turned into a spirit.

"What are they going to do? Found a new country?" I asked, staring up at the fluorescent lamp.

"I don't know." Wu Ling quickly gave me an answer, "It can't be a good thing."

People in Aoba obviously don't believe that living people and ghosts can coexist peacefully.

I think of that future world.

It is true that we cannot coexist peacefully.

There was a knock on the door.

I hung up the phone, opened the door, and saw my sister peeping out her head.

"do what?"

"Hey, brother, do you want milk tea? I want to drink milk tea." My sister waved the mobile phone in her hand, "Let's order takeout together."


"What do you want to drink?" My sister handed me the phone.

She had already chosen what she wanted to drink.

I looked at the drink names one after another absentmindedly.

"I said, do you have a boyfriend?" I asked.

My sister said "Huh".

"If you have a boyfriend, you must tell me. I will check it for you."

Character level, and...supernatural level.

"Also, if you meet a scumbag, get rid of him immediately, you know? Don't fall in love with that scumbag. You must tell your brother if you have something." I put my hand on my sister's head.

"You think I'm stupid. Hey, I just washed my hair." My sister angrily knocked my hand off, "Brother, I didn't expect you to see me like this!"

"That's fine." I smiled and chose a cup of milk tea.

"This one won't work. It's not even time to give away the price. You choose the more expensive one. The most expensive one..." my sister yelled.

"You can buy another drink to join the bill. You are already so fat anyway, eat more..."

"You are the fat one!!"

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