Aoba Office

Chapter 165 Commission

Ye Qing seemed to be unable to hear my voice, "It doesn't look like an evil thing, it's probably a guardian spirit or something like that. Did any of your close family members or friends die?"

I was suddenly speechless.

Gu Mo blurted out: "Everyone in my family died very early, and no one I knew died in recent years."

"This has nothing to do with time. Maybe it's the guardian spirit." Ye Qing no longer cared about this, "Do you want an amulet to ward off ghosts and evil spirits?"

Gu Mo nodded repeatedly and asked with concern: "What is the guardian spirit? Has anyone in my family not been reincarnated yet?"

Liu Miao answered: "A guardian spirit is an idea. After the person who cares about you dies, the thought of caring about you still exists, and he becomes a guardian spirit. He has no body and has limited functions. Basically... well, he is a ghost. That feeling in the underworld. Some powerful guardian spirits can do something. For example, when you are about to be hit by a car, they can push you or help you block it, so that you will not be seriously injured or die. Some items can also Can become a guardian spirit. You must have heard similar stories, right? The jade bracelet that you have worn all your life broke and prevented disaster. In fact, it is a guardian spirit."

Gu Mo suddenly realized.

I felt an indescribable disappointment in my heart. Maybe I misunderstood, but what Ye Qing felt was Gu Mo's guardian spirit.

Gu Mo was happy, "No wonder I was fine when I met that ghost. It turns out I was protected. Will the amulet affect my guardian spirit?"

I looked at Gu Mo and felt weird. I can't do anything now, and I didn't want to do anything. This is Gumo's past, the past twenty years ago. If I influence Gumo, will the butterfly effect happen and make many things change?

Liu Miao was much more conscientious than Ye Qing and explained patiently: "No, the guardian spirit is not a ghost and will not be affected by the amulet. Just buy an amulet and you will be fine. If anything happens again, just call us. "As he said that, he took a note and wrote down his mobile phone number, and then went back to the inner room to get an amulet for Gu Mo to ward off evil spirits and exorcise ghosts.

Gu Mo calmed down, and when he got the amulet, he remembered something and asked, "Can't you get rid of that ghost?"

"Oh, yes, yes, but the price is different." Liu Miao said.

Gu Mo hesitated for a moment, "I have a work team, and they have also been exposed to this matter, as well as people in the company... Oh, let's get rid of the boss's wife."

It can be heard that he didn't want to meddle in other people's business. The boss was scared to death by his wife. In his opinion, he probably brought it on himself and was not worthy of pity. Even if the boss's wife solves MAY, he won't frown. But his work team is very innocent, and he doesn't want to see his own people die.

Liu Miao looked at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing nodded, "Then let's go and have a look. Is your boss at the police station now?"

Gu Mo reacted sluggishly for a few seconds, " the morgue?" He said hesitantly.

Ye Qing took his cell phone and dialed, "Nangong, it's me. Well, don't worry, you need to check one thing first."

I felt excited listening to Ye Qing's words. He already knows Nangong now?

Gu Mo asked curiously: "Do you still have investigators?"

Liu Miao laughed, "Nangong is also a member of ours, but he hasn't moved here yet."

"Oh, your place is quite big. Well, the office is very good and convenient. I want to open a personal studio, so I should work from home." Gu Mo commented. He said the last sentence seriously. After all, when he came out, he had slapped his resignation report on the directors' desk.

I saw with my own eyes the resignation report written by Gu Mo. It was just a piece of A4 paper, with the four words "I quit" written in handwriting. The words were very ugly. When the directors and senior executives saw it, their faces turned green.

With such a ridiculous resignation report, Gu Mo would definitely not be able to continue his original job. He probably didn't resign by himself, but was fired in the end.

Ye Qing waited for a while, heard Nangong's answer, and hung up the phone, "Okay, let's go to the police station."

The three of them went downstairs together, Liu Miao driving the car.

"You are really rich." Gu Mo said enviously.

"Mr. Gu is joking. You are called rich, right?" Liu Miao said with a smile while driving.

Gu Mo did have money, but he spent money like water. He bought various stereos and headphones. He also had a small recording studio at home with complete equipment. Plus the various records collected in the study, the money was almost spent. Of course, taking taxis in and out is also a big part of his monthly expenses. From this we can see that Gu Mo spends money completely irrationally.

When the vehicle arrived at the police station, they couldn't get in because it was an unrelated person.

Gu Mo looked at Ye Qing doubtfully.

Ye Qing made a call, and after a while, a policeman ran out of the police station, greeted the guard, and let them in.

"Mr. Ye, what's the purpose of your visit this time?" the policeman asked respectfully, with a very uneasy expression.

"I want to see Xu Shiyong's body." Ye Qing said straight to the point.

The policeman stiffened, looked around, and asked in a low voice: "Is there something wrong with Xu Shiyong's death?"

Ye Qing didn't answer.

The policeman smiled bitterly and took the three people to the morgue.

In front of the morgue is the forensic doctor's studio. Two forensic doctors were eating. When they saw the police, they asked.

"Captain Li, what's wrong with you?"

Captain Li replied: "A few friends want to see Xu Shiyong."

The forensic doctors looked at each other.

"Can you two please do me a favor? We just want to take a look, not take any pictures." Liu Miao was on the road and stepped forward to give the two of them money.

I only saw a blue-grey patch on the banknotes, and I was still wondering what the face value was. Then I thought about it, the money from 20 years ago was still the old version, the color, and the number of heads on it...

The two forensic doctors were startled, "This... this..."

Liu Miao smiled and said, "It's nothing. If we get the first-hand information, we--" he protracted, and his tone was very complacent.

The two forensic doctors looked at each other.

Captain Li offered some advice.

The two forensic doctors took the money and warned again, "You can't take pictures, just take a look, don't write anything."

"Don't worry, we're just taking a look." Liu Miao promised.

Gu Mo poked Ye Qing quietly from behind and asked painfully: "Does this money belong to me?"

Ye Qing tilted his head slightly, as if glancing at him.

The answer is self-evident.

Two forensic doctors took people to the next door.

The morgue at this time was different from the one twenty years later. There was no special large freezer. The corpses were laid on the operating bed where the patient was pushed in the hospital, and covered with a layer of white cloth, which was considered a preservation method. The corpse had two feet exposed, and cards were hung on the toes to mark the identity.

The two forensic doctors walked directly to a bed and uncovered the white cloth on it.

Ye Qing and Liu Miao both looked closer. Gu Mo stayed at the door, unwilling to go in. Team Li didn't move forward either, looking at the expressions of Ye Qing and Liu Miao with twinkling eyes.

Ye Qing only glanced at it twice and then looked away. Liu Miao was curious and took a few more glances.

I followed him and watched.

The fat bald man had undergone an autopsy, and his expression was not as scary as the little curly man said. He looked quite peaceful, and the decomposition was very slight. It was the anatomy marks on his body that made the corpse look very strange.

When I looked up, I found Ye Qing facing me.

My heart skipped a beat.

Ye Qing didn't do anything, turned around and walked towards the door.

I had doubts in my mind and followed him absentmindedly.

"How is it?" Captain Li asked impatiently.

"I also want to see that imprisoned woman. Her name is MAY, right?" In the latter sentence, Ye Qing was asking about Gu Mo.

That’s the end of the third update today, good night everyone.

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