Aoba Office

Chapter 1639 No. 031-The Third Person (5)

"What did you ask him to do?" Wu Ling asked.

Qin Kai scratched his hair, "It's a ghost marriage, it's a ghost marriage thing! We don't understand it either... My wife thinks that finding someone to take care of our son... he is not married, after all, is a little incomplete and a little wrong. It’s okay to get married anyway. It’s not harmful! It’s just that the other person wants it, and so does the woman! If the other person only has one child, that’s also true. Losing a son in middle age, if...our two families...can be considered friends. It's sad..."

Qin Kai's tears hit the floor, "It's so sad... You young people don't understand at all. We raised him to such a big age and watched him grow up day by day. Suddenly, suddenly... there was no preparation at all. That day When we received the call and rushed to the hospital, neither of us knew what we were doing. It was like we were floating in the sky for those few days... Our son was just gone... just gone. He has just started working, and he is still like a child. He stays up all night watching football games with his friends, says he wants to take us on a trip, and wants to go to the game with his friends. He also likes to play kid’s games. Fifteen years old! Only... twenty-five... I haven't had any friends yet, I haven't gotten married yet, and we don't have children yet... We haven't retired yet... He was unwilling to introduce friends to him before. I feel like he hasn’t grown up yet. This time we found out that he had a girl he liked... It’s been three years since he died, and we didn’t know that he liked a classmate of ours for so many years... We are just... so sad... so sad... ...There was suddenly a missing person in the house. When we saw his shoes and his room... ugh... At that time, we all thought about dying... Until last year, we still thought it was better to just die... …It’s already like this…It’s already like this…We haven’t had a good conversation for three years. We will only talk on the anniversary of his death and the Qingming Festival…It’s really, really painful…”

Qin Kai burst into tears.

Wu Ling, Ye Qing, and Liu Miao didn't speak.

After Qin Kai's mood calmed down, Wu Ling asked: "What exactly did you do? Mr. Qin, this is related to your current safety. We need how that person helped your son get married."

Qin Kai wiped his face and said, "He didn't agree. The first time we came to him, he didn't agree. He said he didn't do this anymore and couldn't find the goods... At that time... We were just struggling He said that, but I didn’t hear it at the time. He said he didn’t have the goods, so I told him to contact us if there was someone of the right age. What we thought at the time was that he might be a funeral director and knew someone. Someone died. If I meet someone who is of the right age, I think it will be fine. My wife is more picky and wants to know about her temperament. She is a little bit crazy. It’s good to have something to look forward to, and it’s good to do something and be busy.”


"He didn't contact us after that, and we found other people, but they couldn't find anyone suitable. Either there was no way, or someone else found him... In the words of my wife, it's a mess. The kind of car accident, where people die. Sometimes...she was dissatisfied. She felt that the same thing happened to others. There were also people with low education and unattractive looks...just take your pick...We went around like this and contacted him again. It's just a matter of luck. And he looks... different. The first time we went there, his neighbors talked to us, and everyone in the village seemed to know him. They were also curious about him. They said that he used to perform ghost marriages for wealthy families before the founding of the People's Republic of China. He was very rich and could tell fortunes. There were many details about how to perform ghost marriages. She can also make paper figurines, make things for burials, do Feng Shui calculations, find tombs, etc. I don’t know if it’s true or not. My wife wants the best for her son, so she has some hopes for us. After I went to see him a few times, he became a little relieved and asked us for the horoscope. After a while, a call came to my home and he said he found it. "

"You just went to him again? Or did he come to you?"

"We went to his place. He said that if we were sincere and our horoscopes were just right, he would give us special treatment or something. I didn't understand... He spoke in a very eloquent way. My wife and I went to his house. , a bit shabby, no one seemed to be cleaning the house, and there were no living people... That time I went, it felt very cold. His air conditioner was turned on very low, and he also had a freezer... He opened the freezer. Shown to us..."



"Is that the woman in the photo?"

"No! Not at all! That woman was pretty, very beautiful, much prettier than in the photo. He said she died of stomach cancer, and he also showed us the scars on her stomach and that she had undergone surgery. He also had her case report, identity certificate, and death certificate. She had no family. It seemed that she came to Minqing to work and found out that she was dead. He was left in the hospital and ran away. He said that it was necessary to have a ghost marriage... otherwise there would be trouble in the family. He said that there was another one who had just died, but they didn't believe it at all now. There are fewer and fewer people getting married, and there are fewer people with suitable horoscopes. He... said a lot... My wife read the documents very carefully, and I listened to what he said about the horoscopes. I don’t understand either…that’s it…”

"Is this settled?"


"What's the process of ghost marriage?"

"My son has been cremated, so the process is a bit troublesome... We... we stayed in his house with that... that corpse for three days. In the middle of the wedding, he called a man and held a rooster. , then worshiped heaven and earth, worshiped parents... It was done late at night. No gongs or drums were played, it was quiet... that night... it was scary... that kind of atmosphere... and there was a dead person... Just like that... three days later, he said he wanted to go back. The way to go back after a ghost marriage is to go back downstairs... He sent the person to be cremated, burned the paper, and then made us kneel, kowtow, and burn incense. ... After struggling for five or six days, he said it was OK... My head was dizzy, and I didn't know exactly... the money collected in the middle, cremation money, paper money, etc., were all directly given by him. We paid him 50,000 yuan, which was nearly 200,000 yuan. The ashes were not buried with my son, but they were kept with him for a year..."

"Put the ashes at his place?"

"Well... Well, it showed up at home... My wife and I were frightened. My wife told her colleague... We were tortured so much that our brains were not very clear. We kowtowed, worshiped Buddha, and had to eat Something, a set... After it was over, we all breathed a sigh of relief and felt like we had died for the first time... I really didn't want to think about that atmosphere... We went to look for it later! Yes! He said that it was the new daughter-in-law who was making up the rules and telling us not to be nervous. We thought... our colleagues and relatives all took pity on us and thought we were out of our minds. , it’s over... one year is up, he said we would be buried together... After the joint burial, um... we don’t want to be known about this kind of thing. It would be too... to be criticized... this kind of superstition. We had never done anything like this before. He said it didn’t matter. My son’s tomb had three holes, and the other two were reserved for us, so... he said he would take care of it. Okay. We thought it was over. We all wanted to adopt a child, and we all wanted to start over...Obviously...Obviously that woman didn't appear much later...Who knew it would be like this..."

"Didn't you look for him again after that?"


"Mr. Qin?"

Qin Kai held his head and said, "Can't find it. He disappeared. People in their village said he went out. We later told the police that we wanted to call the police, and they told the truth. That person is a liar! He is a liar! There is no body at all. , they are all fake. That man is his son, and the woman is his daughter-in-law! They not only have houses here in Minqing, but they also have houses in other places, so there is no business! Wherever you go... they do the same thing in the village! They do business in paper money, incense candles, and shrouds. There are also people working in the crematorium and the cemetery. They are all fake... "

It’s the end of the month~Please give me a monthly pass~

Good night everyone~

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