Aoba Office

Chapter 1629 Qiu Ming (6)

I didn't rush out to chase him, but my pace also accelerated a lot.

Come out of the music classroom, follow the footsteps, and enter another corridor, which is the art classroom.

There are many student paintings hanging in this corridor, and they are all normal. But the paintings hanging in the classroom are all about that girl.

Oil paintings, watercolors, sketches, cartoons... they all look like that girl, with her back and head tilted.

The girl in the painting seemed to turn around at any moment and face me completely.

She seemed alive and able to move freely.

She is a ghost.

I didn't feel any fear from it.

I am like a bystander, observing quietly.

There is no yin in the room, the girl is not here.

When I returned to the corridor, I saw that the paintings on the corridor had changed to look like girls.

The same back and sideways postures, but in these paintings, the girl’s eyes seem to be looking at me.

As I walked along the corridor, I felt like the paintings had become watchers.

Although those sights made me uncomfortable, I still didn't feel fear.

There are only music classrooms and art classrooms on the first floor.

On the second floor, the laboratory.

The physics, biology, and chemistry laboratories were separated and divided into different classrooms.

The plastic skeletons and plastic mannequins in the biology laboratory did not move, and the track, cars, and balls in the physics laboratory did not move without authorization. When we arrived at the chemistry laboratory, there was no strange smell of chemicals, and no luminous or exothermic reactions were seen.

Everything is fine on this level.

That girl is not here.

I stood by the corridor window and looked out, but saw no figure.

She's gone.

Just as I was thinking this, the class bell rang from the PA in the corridor.

The music is very soothing and ends in ten seconds.

I raised my head and looked towards the stairs.

During the holidays, these broadcasts will not go off for no reason.

I went upstairs and passed the empty teachers' offices.

On the sixth floor, there is the computer room, where the school radio is also located.

It's even quieter here.

There was only the sound of my footsteps in the corridor, not even the sound of the car engine outside.

The air is oppressive, as if the air conditioner is turned on, making people feel stuffy.

When passing by the computer room, through the glass window, I saw rows of computers neatly arranged inside.

As I was walking across the room, those computer screens came on at the same time.

A video was played. It looked like surveillance, but it suddenly zoomed in, giving a close-up of the woman in the picture.

The woman was unaware and was looking at the distant scenery on the balcony.

Just looking at that distance gives people a thrilling sense of danger.

The person or thing being photographed is within reach of the woman. In contrast, he could also push the woman off the balcony with just one stretch of his hand.

Maybe it won't be so troublesome.

My heart suddenly rose to my throat, and I lost my composure.

I subconsciously took two steps forward and pressed my body against the glass window of the classroom.

The glass window showed my reflection, and the reflection of a girl.

The same scene as before.

"That's not me." The girl whispered in my ear.

My brain reacted instantly.

There is also a ghost!

I turned around suddenly and threw out a talisman in my hand.

The talisman burned, and I heard the girl's scream.

Her voice sounded like a howl of pain, but also like a maniacal laugh.

I don't know if I hit her.

Her figure disappeared.

I didn't care about anything, just spread my legs and rushed towards the stairs.

I flew downstairs, ran all the way, walked in a straight line, climbed over the wall and left the school.

This kind of running is a bit difficult for me.

I am no longer a young man in my twenties.

Even though I have maintained the habit of exercising for work and out of habit, this kind of running with all my strength still makes my lungs and heart feel painful.

A more painful source is fear.

There is a ghost beside her.

She is dangerous.

She is in danger!

Could the things I left for her come in handy?

Can the amulet and magic circle I made kill that ghost?

No, as long as she can be protected...

She is in the community next to the school.

Every time I come here, I rent a house nearby for a short period of time.

I would go shopping with her in Minqing City.

Too careless!

You should find someone from Aoba!

She shouldn't have been brought here!

All kinds of chaotic thoughts flashed through my mind, recalling every moment of getting along with her.

"A Ming..."

The woman's surprised voice stopped me in my tracks.

I turned my head and saw a woman walking towards me carrying a plastic bag filled with vegetables.

"How...have you handled it at the school? What happened?" She walked towards me step by step.

There are still people on the street. Those pedestrians would have looked at me more curiously. Because I ran so fast, many people looked at me.

I panted, slowly calmed down, and observed my surroundings first.

No weird looks.

"A Ming, what's wrong with you? What happened?" The woman had already walked up to me.

"You're not at home?" I asked.

The woman picked up the plastic bag and said, "I'm going to buy vegetables. Would you like some baby vegetables for dinner? I originally wanted to buy vegetables..."

She talked a lot.

She never asked me about my work, I brought it up every time.

It's not that she's afraid or doesn't care, she's just worried about putting too much pressure on me.

She is not from our circle, and she still hopes to live a normal life instead of dealing with ghosts.

I slowly calmed down.

Next time, I shouldn't bring her here.

She didn't like these to begin with...

Even as a couple, there is no need for so much involvement.

We are not in the same situation as my parents.

No need...


I looked up.

"Are you done with your work? Then let's go home." She said with a smile.

I thought of what I saw in the computer room and nodded.

I walked ahead and entered the room first, asking her to wait outside.

There was nothing unusual in the room.

Too strange.

She walked in and went directly to the kitchen without asking me what happened in school.

I looked at her back.

She hummed a song, packed up the vegetables she had just bought in an orderly manner, and took out the meat from the refrigerator.

She took out the kitchen knife and called me while cutting the meat.

"Don't just watch. Help me wash the vegetables."

I walked over, rolled up my sleeves, washed my hands, and started washing the baby cabbage.

Duh, duh...

The kitchen knife collided with the chopping board.

This scene is so familiar to me.

My heart gradually calmed down.

Duh, duh...

I smell blood.

Does quick-frozen meat taste like this?

My heart tightened, and I turned my head and saw blood in my eyes.

She was right next to me, knife after knife, falling on her own hand. Her entire forearm had been chopped into pieces.

There was blood on her face, she turned her head and smiled at me.

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