Aoba Office

Chapter 1614 No. 016-Purple Toilet (6)

Wu Ling kept her back to the camera and couldn't see clearly what she took out.

Her voice reciting a spell was heard in the video, and the strange tone sounded like some kind of mysterious song.

As Wu Ling chanted, the camera seemed to be covered with a layer of fog.

The girl sat on the desk and stared at Wu Ling.

A faint layer of yin energy appeared on her body, rising from the top of her head and turning into blue smoke.

Her figure flickered several times, disappeared and reappeared.

After a few times, it was back to normal.

The yin energy also disappeared.

Wu Ling stopped chanting the curse.

"Look, I told you it was useless." The girl spread her hands.

Wu Ling said nothing and looked back at the camera.

The camera moves and the image shakes.

"What are you going to do?" the girl's voice came from the video.

The camera stabilized again and Liu Miao was seen walking towards the girl.

The girl's expression changed and she jumped down from the desk.

"What are you going to do?" she asked again.

Suddenly, her figure disappeared and appeared behind the desk.

She raised her voice sharply, "What are you going to do!!"

She looked nervous.

Liu Miao was not impatient, but walked towards her steadily.

On the other side, Ye Qing also walked over, and the two formed a double-team.

The girl bit her lip and tensed up.

Liu Miao and Ye Qing took a quick step, walked around the desk, and reached out to the girl at the same time.

The girl's body disappeared in an instant and never appeared again.

But Wu Ling turned the camera and rushed out of the room.

The messy and rapid footsteps became the background sound, and the screen kept shaking.

The three people ran in the teaching building, went up the stairs, and came down the stairs on the other side.

They were chasing something.

The sound of banging on the door was heard in the video.

Then, there was running again.

This chase lasted for more than ten minutes and moved from the teaching building to the playground.

The lens is still shaking, but the picture captured is no longer a scene that keeps receding.

"What did you just do?" The girl's voice was gloomy.

"You can't escape." Wu Ling answered the question.

The girl said nothing.

The sound of footsteps sounded again, but it was not the sound of running, but the sound of normal walking.

"I didn't do anything... It was an accident. I didn't want to kill him! I just wanted to play a prank..." the girl cried.

"You killed someone. You know it, and we know it too," Wu Ling said.

The girl's cry disappeared, "You want to kill me? Do you think you can kill me?" She changed her tone and sneered rebelliously, "That's impossible!"

As she finished speaking, the footsteps in the video became hurried again.

The girl yelled, with a shrill ending that formed an echo.

When the echo ended, the camera moved.

"Is he dead?" Liu Miao asked.

The camera is still facing the ground, and one of Wu Ling's feet can be seen.

"No. Not dead." Ye Qing said.

The camera moved again, the screen shook for a while, and suddenly it cut directly.

I saw the three people from Aoba returning to the purple toilet.

The camera enters the toilet and lifts up.

The transom was opened.

The girl's body was outside the transom window, her hands folded on the edge of the transom window, her chin resting on her arms, and she raised a smile to the camera.

"Hehehe...I just said you can't kill me...hehehe..." the girl said with a smile.

"Now, can you tell the truth?" Ye Qing asked.

The girl tilted her head and said, "What I told you before was true. I was a graduate of a girls' high school, and I died of a sudden illness when I was in college. When I came back to my senses, I had already missed the opportunity to be reincarnated. My parents didn't know How to arrange my funeral? There is no way for me to be reincarnated and there is no way I can be eliminated."

She stopped smiling and appeared in the toilet.

"I really didn't mean to kill anyone. It was an accident. Yes, I don't feel guilty. This is not the first time I have encountered this kind of thing. The first person who saw me was scared to death by me. You must have experienced this. Realize the investigation? In 1968, I killed someone for the first time. I didn't expect that person to see me. He was frightened by me and I wanted to explain to him. My foot slipped and I broke my arm when I fell down the stairs. The bones in my arm were broken. I wanted to help him... He kept running and refused to stop. I gave up. If I chase him again, I thought he would run out and ask for help..."

The girl lowered her eyes sadly, "He was frightened by me. He found a classroom to hide and passed out. After that... the school found his body... he died like that..."

As the girl sighed, she raised her head and said sincerely: "I understand, I will never scare people on purpose again. Is this okay?"

Aoba's people didn't answer.

"Alas... none of us can do anything to the other, so why not just leave it like this?" the girl said in a negotiating tone.

After a period of silence, Wu Ling shouted.

In the lens, some golden words appeared on the girl's body.

"What is this?" the girl shouted in surprise, her expression suddenly distorted.

"As a restriction." Wu Ling said.

The faint light disappeared, and the girl seemed to be pulled by something, and she suddenly hit the wall behind her.

"You--" The girl's ferocious expression was becoming lighter, and her whole person was becoming transparent.

Her body melted into the wall, turned purple, and disappeared completely.

Liu Miao asked: "Is this okay?"

"This is only a temporary measure."

"It's amazing!" Liu Miao exclaimed, "It's already very powerful. If you had used this move earlier, it would have saved us the exhaustion of chasing him just now."

"The talisman I used was bought from someone. After I return, I have to contact him for follow-up processing." Wu Ling said.

"Ah..." Liu Miao was stunned.

The video ends here.

On December 28, 2002, it was confirmed that the deceased mentioned by the female ghost was one of the 28 people on the list.

Hu Guangsheng, male, died on April 17, 1968. The cause of death was excessive blood loss caused by trauma. According to police investigation, Hu Guangsheng suffered a severe fracture of his arm and severe bleeding after he slipped and fell down the stairs. Later, he went to the infirmary to seek help, fainted in the infirmary, and was not discovered by anyone, and eventually died.

Attached: Photocopy of Hu Guangsheng’s file.

On December 29, 2002, Qiu Ming was contacted to handle the incident.

On December 31, 2002, the commission ended. Result of the incident: It was confirmed that the female ghost had been sealed in the wall of the women's toilet on the fourth floor of the teaching building of the Middle School Affiliated to the Polytechnic University. It is impossible to find out the identity of the female ghost and the reason why it cannot be eliminated. This matter was handed over to Qiu Ming, who inspected and strengthened the seal every year.


I felt dizzy.

The surrounding scene changed.

I should be in my bedroom, but now I'm in an old classroom.

The desks and chairs are all made of faded wood and rusty iron pipes. There are words engraved on the table, graffiti by students.

There is also an exercise book and a textbook.

Wooden pencils, dirty erasers...

I saw hands that were not mine.

There was wind behind my ears.

He shook his head subconsciously, but his hands did not stop copying.

It's a penalty...

As soon as this idea came up, I felt the wind blowing from the back of my head.

The student who was punished for copying turned his head.

The wind was blowing from the right, but he subconsciously turned his head to the left.

The window is there.

He thought the window was not closed tightly.

Turning his head, he first saw a figure from the corner of his eye.

It's a girl wearing an old school skirt.

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