Aoba Office

Chapter 1591 Chapter 592 Number 007-New Year’s Card (12)

"You mean, take the initiative to find Xiao Ying? Can't you find him?"

"It's not a search, it's a soul summoning. Originally we didn't want to use this method because there was no way to determine Xiao Ying's condition or whether the postcard was sent by Xiao Ying. Unfortunately, the other party's actions were more serious than we expected. Quick. We are responsible for the death of Shen Yifan and his parents."


"Now, Ms. Shen has received the deposit slip. According to the previous development, she will receive a postcard with a symbolic meaning of death, and she will be bewitched and commit suicide bizarrely. You and your wife may also be involved in this matter. ”


"If we can't get enough clues from you to find Xiao Ying, we can only use this risky method to solve the matter."

"How big is the risk?"

"If Xiao Ying's strength exceeds ours, he may kill us all after summoning the souls. If Xiao Ying escapes in the middle, we will alert the snake. Also, if the person who sent the greeting card is not Xiao Ying, Xiao Ying will also become Hell, we might get into one more trouble. From a risk perspective, it's pretty much life or death, that's it."

"Which one are you more confident about?"

"If we wait a little longer, we may be able to find more things. However, at present, the situation is no different from that in 2001. We continue to investigate, but we can't find any results. Therefore, my idea is to choose to attack directly ,more efficient."

"Can we go back and think about it?"

"Of course. If you receive a postcard, be sure to contact us right away."

"I know."

On June 18, 2006, audio file 00720060617.wav was analyzed.

"...I feel like this. Suddenly, Xiao Ying became a hot potato, and all those estranged aunts and grandmothers appeared..."

"Is this Shen Jiajun overthinking? What he said is really mysterious."

"There's no sound on him?"

"No. Do you think he is telling the truth?"

"The Shen family should pass things down to the people of Shen Mingyi's branch."

"Treasure? This is too nonsense."

"It's not impossible. If someone knowledgeable can arrange some formations, such as blindfolds..."

"Are you making up a novel?"

"I'm talking about a workable plan. Even if you don't set up a formation and it has nothing to do with supernatural beings, it's possible to find a remote hilltop to bury something. Overseas accounts, trust funds, huge insurance... are all one plan. After Xiao Ying was born, he could already do this kind of operation, right? "

"Um...Okay. Okay. It's possible."

"Shen Mingyi, Shen Changshou, Shen Ankang...their three generations, if any one of them spills the beans, it may attract evil wolves to rob them. The 'outsiders' who are most likely to know about this are their wives and daughters. , and then let their in-laws and in-laws know the secret. In this case, Shen Ankang's wives may seek justice from their relatives, and Shen Changshou's godfather and his daughter may be involved in this matter. Inside, it makes sense that Xiao Ying adopts the family and recognizes his ancestor."


"As for Shen Mingxiu's family... Shen Mingxiu may know that his father passed the family things to his younger brother. Shen Mingxiu may keep it a secret. But in the next generation, the daughter who married outside the family and the in-laws of the Shen family are all Knowing the situation, Shen Mingxiu's descendants may also know the truth..."

"A kind man will keep silent."

"But normally, you will definitely feel unfair, and there will be some jealousy and resentment. They are both sons, and Shen Mingxiu is the eldest son. In the end, Shen Mingyi's descendants are not direct blood of the Shen family, and the family heirlooms still remain with Shen Mingyi. …”

"Is it possible that they also want to grab it? Or have they already grabbed it? Did Shen Ankang not leave anything to Xiao Ying?"

"Ah, does this explain Xiao Ying's behavior? Sending New Year's cards and deposit slips... Huh? That deposit slip..."

"Let me tell you, are the person who sent the New Year's cards and deposit slips the same person as the person who committed the murder in the end?"


"Wow, idiot, you actually came up with a guess that sounds reasonable? Are you enlightened?"


"This cannot be ruled out."

"In this case, Xiao Ying sent the heirloom belonging to the Shen family to Shen Yifan and Shen Xue. The person who did not win the property in the end became jealous and killed the three members of Shen Yifan's family. Next, he may target Shen Xue's family..."

"The deposit slips Shen Yifan received disappeared after their deaths."

"Then there are two ghosts."

On June 20, 2006, I received a call from Shen Jiajun. Telephone recording 2006p3.

"Hello, Mr. Shen."

"Well, hello... Xiaoxue's room, I received the postcard..."

"Can you please come to the office to discuss it in detail? Please bring the postcard with you."


On June 20, 2006, the client and his parents visited. Audio file 00720060620.wav.

"Can you show us the postcard first?"

"This is it."


"We... really never wanted anything. We didn't want to fight for it. We have avoided it, specially avoided it. Really, we didn't even think about it! How could this happen..."

"...... Um...... If I had known, I would not have agreed to Xiaoxue's participation in this event and would not have allowed her to return home......"

"Mom...... This kind of thing can't be avoided."

"What can't be avoided? We are abroad, nothing happened!"

"It doesn't mean that everything will be fine. If it really is a ghost, who can tell. Or... it's better to solve it as soon as possible."

"Woo woo......"

"Don't cry. There must be a way. Right?"

"If you three agree, we can summon the spirits today."


"Woo woo......"

"Then summon the spirits!"

"Don't mess around!"

"I didn't. They are professionals and think it should be done this way. If you stick your head out, you will get a knife. Mom, don't cry......"

"Speaking of it, the one who can inherit the Shen family heirloom... I mean, from the traditional point of view, only men can carry on the family line and inherit the estate. My wife and daughter should have nothing to do with this matter."

"Received the deposit The only one is your daughter. "


"Dad, don't think too much. If there is anything, our family will bear it together. We must share the joys and sorrows."

"Don't say it! It's fine for your dad and I! How old are you... How old are you... Why do you... Miss Wu, it's fine for my husband and I, please save my daughter!"


"Don't panic, wife. It's not that bad yet. Look at this postcard, it's still blurry and can't be seen clearly... Let's just give it a try. You said to summon the spirit. Just our husband and wife are here. My daughter..."

"I don't want it! I won't leave!"

"Mr. Shen, Mrs. Shen, if possible, we hope to protect you three and solve this matter smoothly. But the development of things is unpredictable, and there are many possibilities of accidents. From a safety perspective, it is safest for Miss Shen to stay with us. Dispersing people will only increase the danger."


"Let's just summon the spirit!"

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