Aoba Office

Chapter 1588 No. 007-New Year’s Card (9)

On November 17, 2001, the client and his parents died.

On November 19, 2001, it was confirmed that the client and his parents died of suffocation. It was confirmed that the three people drove to Zhaojiaxiang Road in the suburbs of Minqing City on November 17, 2001, and hanged themselves at a telephone pole at the intersection. Attached: A copy of the police investigation report.

There are several photos included in the photocopy.

In the panoramic photo, you can see three thick ropes tied to a straight telephone pole. A middle-aged pair and a young man are hanging on the three ropes, with their bodies pressed against the telephone pole and their heads pressed against each other, looking straight at each other. ahead.

There are several close-up photos.

There are close-ups of the faces of all three people. Their eyes were open, and the corners of their mouths seemed to be held by something, and they were grinning exaggeratedly. There was an obvious wound at the corner of his mouth, and blood flowed down his jaw to his neck.

The clothes on the three of them were exactly the same as those on the postcard.

There were no signs of struggle on the three of them. Their hanging position is not high either. Your feet hang naturally, with your toes touching the ground.

The purple and blue scars on his neck were shocking, and some traces of bruises under the skin could be seen.

In addition to the photos of the bodies, there were also photos of the vehicles.

Their car is a very popular model, the price is cheap, and there are their small items in the car.

There is a postcard in the back seat of the car.

There was nothing on the back of the postcard, it was blank except for a faint red postmark that was so light it was almost invisible. This postmark is printed on the stamp, smearing the face on the stamp. It's like the paint of the postmark and the paint of the stamp are mixed together, turning this small square into a ball of paste.

The front of the postcard is also blank, with a light gray-green color visible and no pictures. It seems that after a long time, the original paint has faded. It's like that kind of sticker painting. After that layer of stickers dies, the original picture is torn off, leaving only a trace of paint.

On November 19, 2001, the deposit slip confirming that the client had received it disappeared.

On November 20, 2001, surveillance video was obtained. Video file 00720011120.avi.

The video is very blurry, which may be caused by the equipment.

The video shows a corridor, and in the middle of the screen is a row of mailboxes. At a rough count, there are twenty or thirty mailboxes.

Fast forward the video.

After more than a minute, the video played normally.

In the video playing normally, a figure appeared at the end of the corridor.

The screen began to flicker, showing screens of snow and shadows.

There was an obvious snowflake screen where the person was, making it difficult to see his face or even his figure.

There was noise in the video. There was only a rustling sound in the entire video, and then a sharp beep appeared.

That person is recorded in this way.

He approached the mailbox, stopped in front of it, stayed for a while, and then left the same way.

When he leaves the frame, the video returns to normal.

There is nothing extra on the mailbox, the screen is the same as it was a few minutes ago.

Everything on the screen, Shen Yifan appeared at the end of the corridor. He was almost identical to the sketch on the postcard, except that he was dressed differently.

There is no problem with the screen.

When he passed the mailbox, he stopped, turned back, squatted down, and glanced at the mailbox in the row below.

He must have seen something, so he squatted there and froze.

After a second or two, he stood up straight, reached into his pocket, and took out the key.

The mailbox was opened, and Shen Yifan took out something from the mailbox.

He lowered his head and turned his hands.

The thing wasn't big, it looked like a piece of white cardboard.

Shen Yifan's body seemed to be frozen there.

After another second or two, Shen Yifan lowered his hand, closed the mailbox, continued walking with the piece of paper, and disappeared from the screen.

The screen switches again.

At the end of the corridor, the middle-aged couple from the sketch on the postcard came from there. They walked and talked, pausing when they passed the mailbox. The man bent down and looked inside the mailbox, straightened his back with a relaxed expression, and said something to the woman. They move on.

The screen switches again.

From the other end of the corridor, the backs of the Shen family of three appeared and walked towards the end of the corridor.

They must have left the apartment building.

From the back, they look a little weird. The three people seemed to be covered with shadows. There are some problems with the quality of the picture, and the clarity has dropped by a level.

When they stepped out of the camera, everything returned to normal.

On November 20, 2001, it was impossible to contact Guan Zusheng, Jack Lee, and Jean Yves.

On November 28, 2001, Guan Zusheng's files were investigated and suspicion was eliminated.

On November 30, 2001, the investigation was suspended. Event result: Xiao Ying could not be found. This event is classified into the "Unfinished" category, and the keywords "New Year's card", "Postcard", and "Deposit Slip" are set. If relevant incidents occur, the investigation will be restarted.

Client: Shen Xue

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Occupation: student

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: No. XXX, Triumph Hotel, Minqing City

Contact number: 138XXXXXXXX

On June 15, 2006, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 00720060615.wav.

"Hello, Miss Shen."

"Just call me Shen Xue."

"Okay, Shen Xue. You called us before and wanted us to help find Xiao Ying?"


"How much do you know about this whole thing? Do your parents know you contacted us?"

"They don't know. Don't worry, I have plenty of pocket money."

"This has nothing to do with money. You are only 14 years old today, right?"

"But I can make decisions. I'm not 10 or 9 years old. I know what I'm doing. I want to know about my family and how it developed. This is my... well, thesis topic The school I am currently studying requires us to write a paper, which is not very professional, but it needs to have a theme. My teacher also thinks that the theme I chose is very interesting. I am a second-generation immigrant who is looking for my roots. It’s a good topic to look for one’s own origins and cultural soul. I saw those New Year’s cards. That Xiao Ying was probably the first person in our family to go abroad, and he may have emigrated so much. He is even more powerful than my father. I want to talk to him and interview him. I also want to know more about my family. Hehe..."

"Shen Xue, do you know about the death of your cousin's family? Have you heard of the name Shen Yifan?"

"Ah...I dad got a call from China. I was nine years old at the time...I remember. I did my homework, I made a volcano, science class assignment. The first time It worked. I called my father to see him, and he was very bad... He lost his temper with me... My mother said that he just received a call from China. One of his cousins ​​died. My aunts are all dead and committed's father has never mentioned those relatives before. My mother said that he doesn't like them, but I don't really understand...I just said that I am a second-generation immigrant. I have no contact with China at all. I have never met this cousin of mine... My family is just me and my parents. We don’t have that kind of big family... I actually envy that kind of big family..."

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