Aoba Office

Chapter 1581 No. 007-New Year’s Card (2)

"It should be earlier. He is much older than my father, twenty years older...maybe should be eighty or ninety this year. Our family got married late, and his family got married early. He recognized it. That father, the father after adoption, was actually his grandmother’s biological brother. His grandmother and his two siblings were brothers and sisters in the same room as my grandfather. My grandfather hadn’t gotten married yet. Get married. When my grandparents got married, his father had already divorced him three or four times before, and his ex-wife didn't have any children. The reason why he went through so many troubles with having no children must be his fault. Their family was very angry at that time, quarreling and fighting with the woman..."


"Oh, I'm going too far. Xiao Ying was the youngest son in his original family, and he had three older sisters. That is, their family has been very chaotic for several generations, with a lot of things going on, and they always favored sons over daughters, and they always got some children. They also like to make things big when it comes to marriage, adoption, and marriage. It is a very old-school style, and all relatives must witness the marriage on the spot. Sometimes, people are also required to witness the marriage. When looking for someone to talk to, relatives should keep an eye on each other, because they are afraid that the adopted son or the adopted son-in-law will run away... If not for this, we, the relatives, would not be separated by so many layers. Come and go.”


"Well, that's basically the situation..."

"These trivial things may also become important clues. But, Mr. Shen, did you hear about these things from your parents?"

"Yes. When it comes to my generation... I don't know whether he is married or has children. The three sisters above him are gone, and the younger generation below him has no contact with relatives like us. Their family, and finally He is the only one we have contact with.”

"You don't know anything about his immediate family members? For example, the names of his parents and his three sisters?"

"I don't know. Most people died before I was born. I can't tell... Their family may have a bad temperament, bad roots, and they got married early, but... they just died very early. My grandfather My grandfather's brother passed away not long after they got married. He died of an illness. The child he left behind was a posthumous child. He was born after his father died, so he recognized his godfather, and it seemed that he was still on his mother's side. Who is his relative? The fortune teller said the horoscope is suitable... Well... Is his biological father the son or grandson of his godfather... Hiss... I really can't remember this, and my dad doesn't seem to understand it either..."

"Well, I understand. If necessary, we may talk to your parents and find out more."

October 21, 2001, audio file analysis. Audio file 00720011020G.wav.

"...He sends New Year's cards to our family every day, and the signature below is Xiao Ying..."

"There is no Yin energy in this person, there is no Yin energy in the card, and I didn't hear a sound. Is he still alive?"


"Even if he died, he might not have turned into a ghost."

"Then we still need to investigate? It doesn't matter to us. Aren't we a supernatural agency?"

"I'm making arrangements at the office. Since this person can find us, his affairs are related to us."

"Is he going to meet a ghost?"

"Not necessarily. It may be that we have encountered ghosts before, or we may encounter ghosts related to us in the future."

"Huh? You can tell fortunes? I thought these four eyes could tell fortunes."

"I'm not a fortune teller either."

"I understand, I understand. Predictive ability. This is a more pretentious way of saying it."

“Nangong, it’s probably up to you to investigate this time.”

"Come on, Four Eyes."


On October 23, 2001, the client’s family relationship was investigated, but the identity of the client’s great-grandfather and great-grandfather was not found.

On October 27, 2001, we investigated the deposit slip account opening, bearer account, cash deposit, and no inter-bank transfer record. Attached: A photocopy of the account opening contract.

On October 30, 2001, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 200110301423.mp3.

"Hello, Mr. Shen."

"Well, um, I received something at home..."

"What did you receive?"

"A postcard...I feel very uncomfortable...this thing...can I come over tonight?"


On October 30, 2001, the client visited. Audio file 00720011030.wav.

"Mr. Shen, what did you receive?"

"Postcard, that's it."

Rustling, rustling...

"Is this what you received today?"

"Yes, it was mailed to my house. My mother got it. It was stuffed in the mailbox with a corner exposed. My mother thought it was something like an advertising flyer... She was so frightened that she threw it away and went home immediately. Look carefully. She called me and I went back right away..."

"There's no recipient or sender. Did the postman deliver it, or did someone slip it into your mailbox?"

"I don't know. mother didn't see it, and I didn't ask."


"There's no address. It's probably not the postman. Someone stuffed it in."

"There is a postmark. This postmark is stamped by the post office after it is sent. The name of the post office written on it is the post office near your home, right?"


"The postmark is blurred, so you can't tell which post office it was sent from."


"Is this the only postcard?"

"Yes, there is only this postcard. There is nothing else in the mailbox. This... is a warning letter? Does that Xiao Ying have a son, daughter or something, and know the deposit slip Xiao Ying gave us?"

"This is not certain yet. We will check with the local post office to see if there are any clues there. Can the postcard be left with us first?"

"Of course. This... we don't feel comfortable at home either. It's too uncomfortable at home..."

Attached: a postcard.

The postcards were placed in plastic bags and stapled to the archives.

There are two postmarks on the back. One red postmark seems to have been wiped by hand, it is a mess, and there are some lines drawn out after being wiped. Some incomplete fingerprint marks can be seen, but these marks are also blurry. The other black postmark is very clear, with the words "Minqing", the name of the post office and the year, month and day. Both postmarks are stamped on the stamps that come with the postcard. Half of the pattern on the stamp is covered by a red postmark, so you can’t see what it is. The other half is half a human face, which is a cartoon portrait. It’s impossible to identify which celebrity it is, but what is certain is that he has an oriental appearance. facial features.

On this side, the blank area for writing the address and the horizontal line area for filling in the blessing words are completely blank without a single character.

On the front of the postcard is a picture of a forest. A lush and dense forest, the treetops are bright emerald green with sunlight, while the lower part is shaded by the leaves. Layers of leaves form a rich patch of green.

This is an oil painting. At first glance, there is a sense of beauty in a patch of green. After a closer look, you will find that among the dark green, dark green and even black color blocks, there are actually silhouettes outlined by lines of similar colors.

These people all had their feet dangling in the air and their heads tilted, as if they were hanging from a tree.

If you stare at the picture for a few more seconds, you will find that those dark color blocks are actually not just green, but a dark red color after blood coagulation.

The moment I discovered this, I felt a sense of fear.

There are only two updates today. Goodnight everybody.

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