Aoba Office

Chapter 1564 The End of Destiny

I opened my mouth wide, feeling incredible.

Zheng Xiaoxi had regained her face and hooked Bian Sijun from behind, with his face pressed against hers. She rubbed it lightly, and the skin on her face actually moved. Blood flowed from under her neck.

Bian Sijun's legs were weak and he was about to sit down on the ground, but Zheng Xiaoxi hugged him completely.

Her eyes widened, staring at the female ghosts that had sprung up around her.

Some of those female ghosts were shameless, with their exposed facial muscles pressed against people's necks, and their blood flowed to the collarbones of the staff.

These female ghosts appeared out of thin air and easily captured living people.

"Shouldn't you be reincarnated?" I asked in disbelief.

Zheng Xiaoxi laughed.

"There is no way to reincarnate... Now, no one can reincarnate..." Zheng Xiaoxi's face completely fell off from her face and fell to the ground. It moved slowly along the water stains on the ground. When it reached the drain, it It seeped in like this.

She covered Bian Sijun's mouth and nose with her hands, and other female ghosts also blocked the women's breathing.

There was a muffled sound in the bathroom, a crashing sound during the struggle.

Some are crying, some are angry, some have given up.

I stared blankly at the chaos in this room.

Can't be reincarnated... No one can be reincarnated?

Hell, is something wrong?

Has the worst happened?

If all souls cannot be reincarnated, then won’t all the dead become ghosts?

I didn't have time to think about this question.

Everyone in the bathroom had fallen to the floor.

The female ghosts were crying and laughing, swaying their bodies. They sang a song, the lyrics were incomprehensible to me, as if they were in some kind of dialect.

The melody is melodious, and I love you every time.

As they sang, their figures slowly became transparent.

"...If you die and turn into a ghost, you will never be reincarnated...rebirth after life...will never be reincarnated..."

The ending of the song echoed in the bathroom with infinite resentment.

With a bang, the bathroom door was opened, air flow surged, and the people outside yelled nervously.

I looked down.

Bian Sijun fell to the ground, his eyes still open, and he died like this with unwillingness.

I felt something appear in the air, like a transparent thread.

Just as I was guessing, I saw the thread was suddenly pulled and flew past my eyes.

I subconsciously reached out and touched it with my fingers.


The thread tightened, cut my finger, and disappeared completely.


I looked at the cut on my finger.

Some figures appeared in the field of vision.

I raised my eyes and saw the room full of ghosts.

Bian Sijun raised his head and walked out of the bathroom with a wooden face.

The ghosts also followed one by one, walking out as if being pulled by something.

I chased him out and passed by people who were rushing over anxiously.

These ghosts left the town and walked into the mountains and into the forest.

Inside the mountain, the female ghost is waiting for them.

I watched dumbfounded as they walked into the stream one by one and walked away along the stream.

The stream dried up as they left, turning into flat land.


My soul moved with Bian Sijun's soul, but something suddenly slapped me on the back of my head.


I fell out of bed and found that the dream was over.

My scalp was numb, and I felt that the dream just revealed a terrible phenomenon.

"Ye Qing?" I looked around. Ye Qing is not in my room.

I couldn't care less about anything else, so I took my phone key and ran out the door.

When I opened the door, I was gentle, and after going downstairs, I ran all the way.

There are already early risers on the road.

The spirit of the shared bike was killed by the devil before my eyes. I didn’t have any worries, so I rode a shared bicycle at the entrance of the community.

It takes quite a while to get from my home to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. But at this point, it’s not very convenient to call for a rental.

Gongnong Liu Village is quieter than other communities.

Very few people still live here.

I slipped under the cordon in Building 6 and went upstairs.

The sound of my own footsteps echoed inside the building. I could only hear my own breathing and footsteps.

I was panting all the way here, and my heartbeat was so fast that my eardrums were bulging.

The gloomy energy coming from the sixth floor slowly calmed me down.

After crossing the stairs, I didn't see the entrance and exit of the alien space showing any shape.

The sixth floor suffered the most damage.

This was the first time I went to the office alone after that incident.

When Liu Miao was rescued by me, I had never been here, and I did not confirm with Ye Qing what happened in Yangshan District.

He took out the key and opened the door. Along with the creaking sound, some wall dust fell down.

There was light in the room, and when I looked up, I could see the cracked ceiling.

The morning light shines down from there.

I entered the office, closed the door, and sat down on the broken sofa a little tiredly.

"Underworld...what happened?" I asked softly.

I believe Ye Qing must be here. It was Ye Qing who brought me back to reality from my dream.

I cover my face.

I have always had the concept of "underworld". Before, the underworld was a legend to me, similar to heaven, gods, and monsters. It was an interesting story, a part of folklore, and a word that was spoken casually. I never investigate whether the underworld exists.

When I encountered supernatural events and learned that reincarnation really exists in this world, I felt a little bit more subtle.

It's just an indescribable subtlety.

I have no memory of my past life, and I certainly have no memory of the underworld. Those underworld ghosts were dressed up like gangster bodyguards in movies, which made it even less realistic for me.

I wouldn't be too shocked to see the ghost's corpse.

But when I heard Zheng Xiaoxi say that the underworld was gone, I felt like my outlook on life was about to be refreshed.

The fear that arose spontaneously was similar to when I saw Zheng Da reincarnating in several lives.

This really boils down to a gut feeling.

All these things gave me a premonition of impending disaster.

Everything is about to change.

I asked again: "What about God? That God who has no personality, could he have done something again?"

I want to smile. It's like getting to know a madman, knowing that he is always unrealistic, whimsical, and causes trouble for others.

But I can't laugh. Not because of the trouble he caused, but because he was afraid that such a person would suddenly disappear.

Someone I knew died suddenly. Anyone would be confused if they heard this kind of news.

What if it is the God of this world and the fate of this world is gone?

People are still alive, but many things will change unconsciously.

For example, Daiki Shimada was killed by Zheng Xiaoxi.

There is no next reincarnation, no life repeated again.

He was just completely gone.

I don't sympathize with him, but I feel uneasy about the death of a rabbit or a fox.

The sofa in front of me can no longer accommodate anyone. There was a vague figure on the armrest of the sofa. Ye Qing seemed to be leaning on it, stretching his legs in a casual and relaxed posture.

I stared at that figure blankly.

Of course I couldn't see his face, I could only see the outline of his figure.

"You guessed it right," Ye Qing said.

My mind went blank.

"This is good news." Ye Qing continued, with a smile in his voice.

good news?

is that so?

You don’t have a boss who behaves mischievously, so you think it’s good?

I thought blankly.

"All fate is useless." Ye Qing continued, "The chaotic dance of demons is about to begin."

I'm still at a loss.

"Do you understand? Without those fates, it means that you and I can do a lot of things." Ye Qing seemed to be in a very happy mood and stood up from the armrest of the sofa, "There is still a little to go. Just a little."

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