Aoba Office

Chapter 1560 Skinning (1)

"Hee hee hee……"


The female ghosts looked at Mrs. Shimada and started laughing again.

Ridicule surrounded Mrs. Shimada's ears.

Her lips moved slightly, but no sound came out.

She seemed to have resigned herself to her fate and completely given up.

The cat walked up to Mrs. Shimada at this time, raising its front paws to reveal sharp claws.

With just one brush, a blood mark appeared on Mrs. Shimada's face.

The skin was cut open, and the blood fell on the tatami, turning into red flowers.

Mrs. Shimada screamed and turned around to struggle.

Her hands and shoulders were held down, and no matter how much she twisted her head, she could not avoid the cat's claws.

Mrs. Shimada soon became unrecognizable, with blood all over her face. There was blood underneath her.

"Kill me...kill me..." Mrs. Shimada begged in pain.

The cat's paw hooked, and a small piece of skin on Mrs. Shimada's face was torn off. The cat's paw was raised, and the fragment of skin, dripping with blood, fell on Zhongcun's face.

Zhongcun's eyes that had been closed suddenly opened.

He stared at Mrs. Shimada blankly, and the original hatred for Mrs. Shimada in his heart had turned into fear of the female ghost. Now, he felt strange again in his heart.

The piece of skin stuck to his face slowly slipped off and fell on the tatami in front of him.

Something like that gave him a sense of familiarity.

Zhongcun raised his head and looked around.

Those people still had the faces of the crew members, smiling and looking at each other, as if they were attending some kind of performance.

Zhongcun shuddered, and some scenes appeared in his mind.

His head felt severe pain, causing him to scream.

The female ghosts laughed even louder.

I saw that among these female ghosts, only "Han Ji" did not smile.

But in such an environment, Nan Tian lowered his eyes and didn't react at all.

This is all too weird.

Zhongcun was let go and his body fell to the ground. He was rolling on the ground as if he was enduring some kind of torture. He was already delirious, but I could still maintain my sanity and distinguish the pain in his body.

Did something hit him, a stick? fist? foot?

The bones seemed to be broken. The ribs were shattered and the internal organs ached. There are also feet, the ankle seems to have been broken by something.

Has he been beaten by a crowd?

Zhongcun spat out a mouthful of blood.

He made no sound, but a name was chanting in his mind.

spirit? bell? No... Lin... Lin... Lin Chun... Chun Niu? Lin Chunniu? who is it?

I looked at "Han Ji".

"Han Ji" looked down at Zhongcun who fell to the ground.

The cat paused for a moment, glanced at Zhongcun, and suddenly flicked its paw.

Its claws seemed to have turned into a knife, slicing Mrs. Shimada's throat directly.

Blood spurted out in large amounts.

Mrs. Shimada stared, and the last thing she looked at was Nakamura who fell in front of her.

Nakamura recovered from the pain and looked at Mrs. Shimada.

I looked at Mrs. Shimada.

The luster in Mrs. Shimada's eyes dissipated little by little. Blood soaked her face, filling up the wounds on her face.

Zhongcun looked at this scene and trembled.

That bloody face reminded him of too many things.

He suppressed the memory, his body could not help but shrink, and he avoided looking.

He looked at the people around him, heard their laughter, felt their glances.

"" Zhongcun closed his eyes tightly.

"Han Ji" then walked towards Zhongcun step by step, bent down and stretched out his hand to pull up Zhongcun's head.

Zhongcun opened his eyes subconsciously.

"Long time no see, Zheng Da." "Han Ji" said each word.

Zhongcun's pupils were dilated and his face was pale.

In an instant, I was in a sea of ​​fire that filled the sky.

That's a torch. Many people gathered together holding torches in their hands.

They formed a circle, with only three or four people in the circle.

A young girl was forced to her knees, her hands and feet tied up with hemp rope. She looked only fourteen or fifteen years old, her mouth was gagged with rags, and the tears on her face had dried. A pair of eyes were set off by the firelight, and there seemed to be blazing fire burning in them.

"Zheng Da, your sister Zheng Xiaoxi was stealing a man from Lin Dazhuang's family's field, and you discovered it, right?" an older man asked with dignity.

The hunched-over man's eyes were hesitant, and he hesitated and said: "Yes, yes..."

"Peel the skin! Peel the skin!"

"The bitch deserves to be beaten to death!"

"Take off her face!"


The people around suddenly raised torches and roared loudly.

There were men and women in the crowd.

The man lowered his head, just in time to see the eyes of the girl on the ground, and suddenly looked away.

His eyes drifted to the crowd and saw the figure of a girl in the crowd.

She looked like a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl, with a pitiful appearance. Her thin body was hit by the angry crowd and she was a little unsteady on her feet.

Zheng Da opened his mouth, and after meeting the girl's eyes, he immediately turned his head when he saw the other girl looking away.

His mind recalled what had happened not long ago.

The sounds in the fields made his heart beat like a drum. He sneaked over to take a look, saw the white skin and heard the delicate voice.

Someone outside the farmland suddenly shouted. The two figures in the field seemed to have been pricked by needles. The man jumped up, grabbed his clothes and ran away.

Zheng Da's eyes collided with that of the girl.

"Brother Zheng! Please!" The girl was about to cry, her messy hair covering her shoulders, and her arms covering her messy clothes.

"Over there! Who is messing around in the ground! What's going on!"

The sound of the crowd outside gradually approached.

"Brother Zheng!" the girl shouted softly.

Zheng Dayi gritted his teeth and turned his head.

There was a rustling sound from behind.

"Zheng Da!"

"Zheng Da, it's your boy!"

"Have you seen the adulterer and the adulterer?"

"I just saw the adulterer running seemed to be Mr. Cheng..."

Those people suddenly fell silent and looked at Zheng Da.

Zheng Da said nothing and lowered his head.

"I don't know who is so lucky to be able to become a concubine at Master Cheng's house." Someone murmured.

The memory was interrupted, and Zheng Da returned to his dilapidated house from the farmland.

There were other people in the house.

An old gentleman had a straight face and gloomy eyes as he threatened: "Everyone in the village said who you saw. If you confess that bitch, my wife will definitely do something good for you. If you don't tell... Huh! Your family's Don’t want this place!”

Another old woman said angrily: "Don't play tricks on us, just point out any old woman to fool us. Our wife will definitely find out whoever does such a dirty thing. It's useless if you don't tell her."

Zheng Da's mind went blank.

The old gentleman took out a cloth bag and gently placed it on the table with a missing corner. The heavy voice seemed to hit Zheng Da's heart.

There was a noise outside the house.

The tied girl came in carrying an old wooden basin. She was walking with some difficulty, and suddenly found someone in the house. She was startled, and her raised face was pale and bloodless, only the size of a palm. Those eyes looked particularly big.

"Brother..." the girl called.

The man and woman looked at Zheng Da, and suddenly they narrowed their eyes and their expressions became playful.

As if by mistake, Zheng Da said: "It's her!"

The memory stopped abruptly.

In the dark night, the house next to him was dark, and only the yard was lit by a blazing fire, which almost lit up the sky.

A knife was stuffed into Zheng Da's hand.

He started to tremble, and when he looked at the knife, he felt that his hand weighed a thousand pounds.

"Zheng Da, do it." The older man urged.

Zheng Da raised his eyes, glanced at the people around him, and glanced in the direction of another girl. Finally, he looked at the girl kneeling on the ground.

He reached out his hand and held the girl's head.

He thought of the rabbits he had caught while hunting and the chickens and ducks he raised.

They are all like this, trembling slightly when they are pinched by themselves.

The blade touched the girl's skin. The knife failed to blow and break the hair, so Ambassador Zheng got stronger. The girl struggled, and two men ran over and crushed the girl to death.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Only a little pupil can be seen between the fingers.

Zheng Da's heartbeat changed from violent to calm.

The knife cuts little by little...

There were uniform shouts all around.

"Peel the skin! Peel the skin! Peel the skin!"

Everyone seemed to be watching an exciting show, watching a sinner receive the punishment he deserved.

This is a very satisfying thing in their eyes.

I couldn't bear it anymore, gritted my teeth, and waved my hand towards Zheng Da.

I recommend three books: "Extreme Murder" by Yanbei Laojiu, "Tomorrow's Dominator" by Yang Ping'an, and "Kill Without Pardon" by Xingzu. They are all new books by old authors, related to supernatural and reasoning~(* ̄▽ ̄) y

Good night everyone~

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