Aoba Office

Chapter 1548 Shrine (1)

Before I could figure out Nan Tian's attitude, the director shouted something, and the whole team started to move.

"Han Ji" followed the team and walked beside Bian Sijun. When she opened her mouth to breathe, hot air came out just like everyone else. Although her face was expressionless, she looked just like a living person.

She didn't show any abnormality in following me.

After the team marched for a while, I found that the Yin energy of the female ghosts was a little closer to the team.

The two teams are like two sides of a triangle, getting closer as they advance.

Not long after, the torii gate I had seen in my dream came into view.

The torii gate is not big, and the red paint is already mottled. Although it did not collapse, there were signs of decay on the pillars.

The people in the team were amazed and buzzing with discussion.

The director called something, the lighting and camera were all busy, and there were people clearing the nearby snow. The drone was launched to take pictures of the torii gate from a high altitude.

Idle people like "Han Ji" didn't even have time to get close to the torii gate, so they were asked to stay away and not block the camera.

After a little confusion, I could no longer find any trace of Nantian, nor did I see where the Shimada family had gone.

"Han Ji" and Bian Sijun had been standing together, watching everything in silence.

This female ghost didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. She acted too calmly and didn't reveal any hatred or offensive intentions.

After the director finished shooting the images he wanted to shoot and packed up his things, the team set off again.

After I flew high, I looked forward and saw Nantian and the Shimada family again.

Nan Tian followed the director.

In the Shimada family, Hikaru Shimada holds his grandson Daiki Shimada. The child was lying on Shimada Hikaru's shoulder, seemingly asleep. Mrs. Shimada had a stooped back and a cane in her hand. Her walking posture on the snow looked very difficult, but she walked steadily and firmly step by step.

After passing under the torii gate, the snow became a little thinner, and as I walked, my feet touched the solid ground.

The ground was paved with stones, which was not very smooth and slippery. It was no better than walking on snow.

Many people are stumbling.

Bian Sijun reminded "Han Ji" and almost slipped. "Han Ji" had quick eyesight and reached out his hand to support her.

I saw the female ghost reaching out and my heart was in my throat. But she seemed to just help Bian Sijun's group casually, and had no response to Bian Sijun's thanks.

The stone road becomes wider and wider as we go.

When the team stopped, I flew high again and saw the shrine in front of me.

Just like the scene I saw in my dream.

The shrine is not big, more like a thatched house on the roadside. The open door can only accommodate one person bending through. The house was dilapidated, with holes in the roof, and the moonlight could be seen shining directly into it.

Instead of statues dedicated to gods, the shrine is empty, revealing holes in the floor.

I saw Mrs. Shimada's expression suddenly change. She had a gloomy face and stared at the small shrine house.

The director started to invite people to shoot again.

The area around the shrine is open and surrounded by trees. The trees nearby were not completely leafless. I don't know what species these trees are, but they are probably evergreens.

There is a strong Yin energy behind the shrine.

The female ghost's team stopped there, separated from the crew by a shrine, so they couldn't see each other.

After I flew high, I still couldn't see the female ghosts or the creek.

The drone released by the crew flew around and seemed to have discovered something.

The director sent someone to go around the back of the shrine. He himself directed the camera to take pictures of the interior of the shrine.

I didn't see anything inside the shrine. When I returned to "Han Ji", I heard Bian Sijun translating for "Han Ji".

"...There seems to be something else in the woods at the back. This place is really strange. They don't know what kind of shrine this is. It can't be seen from the appearance. Maybe it's Ksitigarbha?" Bian Sijun asked the crew around him. After answering, he shook his head. Bian Sijun stepped forward and looked ahead, and asked "Han Ji": "Do you think anything happened here? It's like the kind in a ghost movie..."

Bian Sijun's expression was similar to that of the surrounding crew members. Everyone had a strange and depressed expression, as if they were expecting something and fearing something.

Curiosity killed the cat, this saying can probably be reflected in these people.

The person involved, "Han Ji," on the other hand, looked indifferent.

I couldn't see into her consciousness and had no way of knowing the "truth." The only thing I can be sure of is that her enemies should be among the three people in the Shimada family, or maybe those three people are all her targets.

The person sent by the director turned back and shouted something.

Bian Sijun said: "They found a pool."

The director replied. After a while, he had enough photos of the shrine. He took a few more cameras and went around behind the shrine.

"Han Ji" and other idlers are now able to approach the shrine and take a closer look.

However, "Han Ji" was not interested in this.

When other people came closer to take a look, they could only look at it and not touch it.

Bian Sijun looked at it for a while and then lost interest.

The shrine was indeed too shabby. There were no talisman stickers or strange dolls hanging inside.

Mrs. Shimada and the others followed the director and the others, and I couldn’t get any hints from Mrs. Shimada’s face.

After a while, there was a quarrel in the woods behind the shrine.

The voice was loud and could be heard as the voices of the director and Hikari Shimada. The two said something, then were quiet for a while, and then started arguing again.

I looked at Bian Sijun. Bian Sijun listened attentively, but he seemed not to be able to hear the specific content.

The staff who stayed here also looked at each other, wondering what happened.

I was really anxious and looked at "Han Ji".

"Han Ji" The old god was there, but his expression didn't change at all.

"Who do you want to seek revenge from?" I couldn't help but ask, "Were all those who died before your enemies?"

"Han Ji" didn't look at me or answer.

"You warned me, so it should be clear, right? My ability can stop you, at least it will hinder your revenge and cause you trouble." I changed my words and threatened secretly.

"Han Ji" raised his eyes, glanced at me, and then looked away.

I continued: "Don't mention anything else, I can kill you and resurrect Han Ji with just one stretch of my hand."

"Han Ji" looked at me again at this time.

After thinking for a while, she made a decision and said to Bian Sijun: "I'll go find Nan Shen."

"Eh? Let me go with you." Bian Sijun looked around and said when he couldn't find Nan Tian.

Nan Tian just followed the director and ran behind the shrine. Bian Sijun seemed to relax and no longer felt uneasy. Instead, his curiosity took over and he wanted to see what happened.

"Han Ji" did not refuse. She stretched out her hand to pull Bian Sijun, retreated to the outskirts of the crowd, turned around, and entered the woods nearby.

Bian Sijun was startled, "We..."

"Shh." "Han Ji" made a gesture of silence.

They walked around the shrine and heard the director and his wife arguing again.

As the distance gets closer, the director's voice becomes clearer and the content of what is said can be heard clearly.

Bian Sijun followed "Han Ji" and had a difficult time.

There are leaves here, so the light is too dark. Bian Sijun couldn't help but slow down as his sight was blocked.

"Han Ji" was not affected and led Bian Sijun through the trees.

Soon, they saw the light.

It was the lighting provided by the director.

Bian Sijun's body relaxed, then immediately tensed up. He was pulled by "Han Ji" and hid behind a tree.

It was easier for me than them. I didn’t need to consider the surrounding trees and just walked through. I'm also closer to the director's circle than they are.

I saw Nan Tian standing next to the director.

Nan Tian happened to turn his head, saw me, and looked into the woods.

Bian Sijun's low voice reached my ears and was almost inaudible.

I couldn't reach Nantian, so I had to return to "Han Ji" and the others.

"... What is the director asking... What is he hiding, what is going on... I should be asking Mrs. Shimada." Bian Sijun translated for "Han Ji", with a look of curiosity on his face.

I just flew over and saw what the director and the others were surrounding.

In my perception, they are surrounded by a cloud of yin energy, but in fact, they are surrounded by a pool of water.

That pool was not a hot spring pool, and it was not steaming. The pool is very deep and looks dark. When the light shines on it, it looks like a full moon.

Mrs. Shimada said something.

I looked at Bian Sijun and saw her gradually showing a look of panic.

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