Aoba Office

Chapter 1546: Dark Night and Snow (1)

"What's wrong with Nanshen?" Bian Sijun asked Han Ji quietly.

Han Ji kept calm, "I don't know. Maybe I didn't pay attention."

She was so uneasy that she looked around suspiciously.

The director had already drilled out of the hole, and the rest of the people were lining up to move forward. It wasn't Han Ji's turn yet.

Han Ji was still within the scope of the hotel, and what he saw was also the hotel in the dark night. There are still many people staying in the hotel. The lights are on, but it doesn't make people feel warm. With the cold wind blowing and the snow falling in the sky, Han Ji couldn't help but shiver.

She had begun to suspect that something dirty had caught her.

One after another, when Han Ji drilled through the hole, he felt that the air outside the hotel was actually warmer than inside the hotel.

"Why don't you go through the door? Isn't there a door?" Han Ji patted the snowflakes off his shoulders and complained without saying anything.

There were messy footprints on the snow, which was very dirty.

Not far away is the gate of the fence, which is actually clean. Only that door seemed to have been painted with something, and it was dark. There are unpruned trees on both sides of the door, like a natural barrier blocking the fence. In a complete circle, only the gap they just walked through was left.

"It seems that the key can't be found." Bian Sijun explained in an uncertain tone.

There were people behind the two of them who also complained. I also heard the director's name, and from the looks of it, they were complaining about the director.

The people at the front of the team had already formed a straight line and entered the forest.

Those trees seemed to have been taken care of, and a path was cleared for the two of them to walk together.

The snow on the ground was very thick, and the people behind were stepping on the footprints of the people in front, but there were still many more footprints on the ground.

Because Han Ji was uneasy, he began to talk more. He sighed and talked to Bian Sijun.

The content of the conversation changed from Hot Spring Villa and Nantian to aimless chatting.

"What other job do you have next? Do you want to be a translator for other celebrities?"

"I'll take a break. There's an international conference in January, and I've picked up a group, so I have to make some preparations. Then there will be the school's final exam."

"Yes. Are you still working as a teacher?"

"Yeah. A teacher is my job."

"Haha... Interpreting for an international conference feels so high-end. Isn't it not as fun as it is now?"

"It's quite professional, I have to learn something myself..."


The wind blew in the mountains.

The team was not moving very fast, and many people held flashlights to illuminate the surrounding environment. Therefore, the woods in the dark night do not look scary.

Besides Han Ji and Bian Sijun, there were other people chatting. The hum of voices makes people feel safe.

Ordinary people cannot feel the Yin energy, so they don't know that they are enveloped by the ghost's Yin energy and are being targeted by ghosts.

I found that the Yin Qi in the woods was quite thin, even thinner than in the hotel.

The place where Yin Qi gathers, apart from hotels, is the southeast.

That's not the direction the team is heading, but to the left of the team.

Yin Qi is like a snake, moving forward with the team at a distance of a hundred meters.

The ghosts are following the group.

I wanted to go over and have a look, but I stopped in the woods that were dimly illuminated by the flashlight and could not move forward.

After walking like this for half an hour, many people were out of breath, but there was no rest.

Someone shouted something loudly, and the director's response came from the front.

Bian Sijun translated: "The director said no rest."

"Oh..." Han Ji replied.

She was too tired to talk.

Although her answer was calm, her mood was not.

Han Ji looked back.

Looking back from this position, all you can see are woods and snow, with the hotel building blocked by the woods behind it.

Han Ji looked at the front of the team and easily found Nan Tian's figure in the light.

Nan Tian happened to look back and smiled encouragingly at Han Ji.

Han Ji reluctantly nodded.

The uneasiness inside her was growing.

This team is running for their lives...!

Such thoughts came to Han Ji's mind.

She herself is haunted by a ghost, and the team is running for their lives.

The combination of the two thoughts made Han Ji's eyes turn red and his body trembled.

The cool air from the snow penetrated her body from the soles of her feet.

Han Ji's head was filled with all kinds of terrifying imaginations.

Her thoughts were still clear. The more this happened, the more scared Han Ji felt.

"Is it cold?" Bian Sijun noticed Han Ji's trembling.

Han Ji shook his head.

"Hold on for a while longer. You should be able to rest soon." Bian Sijun said, "Do you want to drink some water?"

Han Ji still shook his head.

There was a child's voice at the front of the line.

Bian Sijun raised his eyes and looked over, "It should be time to rest. We are okay, but there are still old people and children..."

Mrs. Shimada's voice sounded.

Bian Sijun's expression slowly changed.

People around him were whispering, and gradually someone said something loudly.

Han Ji was already in a daze and didn't ask.

Bian Sijun lowered his voice and took the initiative to translate: "Mrs. Shimada refused to let her rest and asked her son to carry her great-grandson away. It was quite strict. I don't know what happened..." She listened for a while, "Everyone else said that they should rest……"

The team stopped moving forward. After a while, the people at the front did not know what discussion they had, and finally decided to stop and rest.

It was said to be a rest, but it was freezing and snowy, and there was nowhere to sit. He just stopped so that he could rest against a tree and eat some hot water and biscuits he had brought. In fact, I can’t even eat the biscuits, so I mainly drink some water.

Everyone was very physically exhausted, their faces turned pale, and their eye circles turned blue.

Daiki Shimada seemed to have said something and cried a few times.

People around were talking a lot and looking at the Shimada family with some subtle looks.

Only three people from the Shimada family, Mrs. Shimada, Hikari Shimada and Daiki Shimada, followed the team out. The combination itself is weird.

Han Ji said to Bian Sijun: "I'm going to see if Nan Shen wants anything."

Bian Sijun wanted to go there together, but Han Ji stopped him.

Han Ji walked through the crowd, and in order to move forward, he went behind a tree trunk to avoid the crowd.

I noticed she was shaking violently.

Halfway through, she leaned against a tree, with her back to the team, breathing heavily.

Han Ji's head was in chaos.

She felt scared and felt that she should do something.

She should do something...

If she has been targeted by a ghost...

Tears left in Han Ji's eyes and fell on the snow.

She burst into laughter.

The calf-high snow and the snow that was still falling all over the sky made it difficult to move forward, but the air was not cold enough to freeze. The tears fell like this, directly making a hole in the snow, as if they had penetrated all the snow.

This weather is abnormal, everything is abnormal.

If you pay a little attention, you will find that everything has been out of control since Honda's accidental death.

Han Ji wiped away his tears and took a deep breath.

She wanted to go to Nan Tian and ask for clarification, but she was also afraid of hearing the answer.

However, there is no need to ask now.

Han Ji is ready to go back.

Before she even took a step forward, she felt a line of sight falling on her.

She froze.

I didn't have much fear, so I looked directly in the direction of my sight.

It's that cat!

The cat came out of nowhere and stood on the snow.

Miraculously, its body did not sink into the snow, but squatted on top of it, like a snowman that someone had built.

Green eyes looked at Han Ji. Stepping on the snow without leaving any footprints, it walked up to Han Ji.

Han Ji couldn't avoid it and met the cat's eyes.

For a moment, Han Ji heard the sound of gurgling water.

The Yin Qi attached to her body changed slightly, and her eyes became hollow as a result.

Han Ji bent down and picked up the cat. As if being guided, he walked step by step towards the direction of the Yin Qi.

After a few steps, her feet also stepped on the snow without sinking into the snow at all.

There were no traces of her footprints in the snow. Looking at it this way, she seemed to have disappeared halfway through the snow.

I didn't stop Han Ji and followed Han Ji forward, shuttling through the woods.

Soon I heard the clearer sound of water and saw a flowing stream in the snow.

There are only two updates today. Goodnight everybody.

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