Aoba Office

Chapter 1539 Hot Spring Villa Murder Incident (3)

Takahashi's mental state is very bad. All he could think about now was Ono's death and the leaky faucet.

It should have been him who died, not Ono. If Ono hadn't knocked on the door or urged him, he would have stayed in the bathroom for a while, and then it would have been him...

Takahashi actually didn't see clearly how Ono died.

The less clearly I see it, the more terrifying it becomes. He began to imagine the scene of Ono's death. There was no specific content, but it was even more frightening because of it.

Takahashi held his head and huddled in the corner of the room.

People around him looked at him secretly. After discovering that he didn't look up, this observation became unscrupulous. They whispered about Ono's death.

Those sounds penetrated into Takahashi's ears, turned into a buzzing sound, and then turned into a harsh buzzing sound.

Takahashi's body trembled.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock... swoosh...

There seemed to be the sound of water.

I turned my head and looked around. There are no water pipes in the rooms in Datongpu.

I looked at Takahashi.

This is Takahashi's auditory hallucination.

Among those discussions, some voices gradually became louder.

"...It must be haunted!"

These words pierced the air in the room, and the surroundings became silent.

Takahashi stopped trembling, quietly raised his head, and looked in the direction of the sound.

"Think about it, that cat is not from our crew, nor from the Shimada family. The way Honda died...he didn't die with his eyes open! The pool is obviously so shallow, just stand up!"

"The police said his foot was sprained."

"He only sprained one foot! You sprained one foot and can't get up?"

"Maybe I'm too panicked..."

"So weird! Still so weird!"

"Ono... Ono's death was strange. Takeuchi-kun said that Ono's face was stuck in the sink. How could his head be stuck in the sink for no reason?"

"Takahashi, Takahashi!" someone shouted.

Takahashi immediately lowered his head.

The man rushed over regardless and pulled Takahashi up.

Takahashi shouted.

"Takahashi, tell me! You said it, the faucet is broken and can't be turned off!" The man grabbed Takahashi's arm.

"I don't know! I don't know anything!" Takahashi shouted, pushing the man away.

His frightened expression made the faces of those around him change.

"I don't know anything..." Takahashi curled up.

The faucet really cannot be turned off. Closed tightly, water is still flowing.

Ono's head got stuck in the sink, blocking the sewer. And because the faucet kept running, he just drowned.

Anyone who thinks about it will find this ridiculous.

"As expected..." The person who grabbed Takahashi took a step back, "As expected! This place is haunted... this hotel... think about it, there was a sudden blizzard here..."

"do not talk!"

Everyone became afraid.

"It's just an accident. Don't think too much. We can leave when we can leave." Someone smiled dryly and said comforting words, "Ah, it shouldn't take long... the police will arrive soon."

"We can't leave in this kind of weather." Someone poured cold water on him, "We are all trapped here. Hey... the drowned people, the Blizzard Villa style murder case... there is still a murderer, it is man-made , someone killed someone.”

"Don't talk nonsense!"

The atmosphere became even weirder.

Everyone fell silent in unison.

I glanced at Takahashi.

There are traces of Yin Qi on his body. He is not a ghost, he is just being targeted by a ghost, like a wild animal marking its prey.

Since I am possessed by him, he must be dead in real time.

All I actually have to do is wait. Sooner or later that ghost will find him.

Time passes minute by minute.

It seems like Takahashi will stay in this corner for the rest of his life.

Someone called for dinner and asked someone to bring lunch.

"What about food if we're stuck here?"

"Shut up, you!"

These sporadic conversations kept the atmosphere in the room depressing.

"Takahashi, let's eat." Someone placed a small table in front of Takahashi.

Takahashi got up from the ground.

The dish is very simple, just a bowl of curry rice, no soup, and only a cup of water.

Seeing the water, my mood became subtle. I still remember the fishy smell in the kitchen when I possessed the Honda. The problem is water. That ghost is borrowing water to kill people. Possibly, they also borrowed water to move.

I thought of the gurgling stream I saw in my dream.

Takahashi and the others obviously didn't have this association. Although they didn't know how to eat, they still picked up the spoons and bowls.

During the meal, everyone was quiet.

After Takahashi took a few bites, the disgusting smell came over him.

"Ugh!" Takahashi retched, spit out the food in his mouth, and threw the bowl on the small table. He grabbed the water on the small table and drank it in one gulp. "Pfft!" He sprayed out water that also had a fishy smell. He coughed several times and fell to the ground.

"What's wrong?"

"Takahashi? Hello!"

"Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Someone came over to check on Takahashi.

Takahashi kept retching, and something was rumbling in his stomach, as if he had swallowed something alive, and it would not stop in his stomach.

Takahashi's appearance made everyone around him nervous.

"Do you have any stomach medicine?"

"You didn't spit it out, did you? It will feel better if you spit it out."

Someone helped Takahashi up.

They took Takahashi outside, walked out of the corridor, turned a corner, and their view suddenly became clearer.

The other side of this corridor leads to the outdoors, where you can see the bamboos and trees surrounding the entire hotel, and beyond that, the fence wall that borders the hotel.

"Get some fresh air. Does it feel any better?"

The glass door was opened, and cold air blew in, making people's heads feel chilly.

Takahashi felt much more comfortable.

I feel more yin energy.

The whole mountain seemed to be shrouded in gloom. It is somewhat like the original state of Guangyuan Mountain, but compared to the Yin Qi of the Guangyuan Mountain Ghost, the Yin Qi here is colder and colder. The sound of the wind sounded like crying, but also like a shrill scream. Snowflakes fell and disappeared before they hit the ground.

The trees outside were covered with white snow, which was so heavy that it bent the branches. The trees looked overwhelmed and ready to fall.

Takahashi breathed heavily, lay on the edge of the corridor, and spit out some more acidic water.

The churning feeling in my stomach has eased a lot.

"It's so cold." The two people who were carrying the high bridge crossed their arms and stamped their feet.

"Hey..." One person's voice trembled.

I looked in the direction of his finger.

There was a ball of white snow on the nearest tree. The snow shook, revealing a trace of black. Then, a pair of green eyes appeared in the snow.

"It's a cat!"

"Is it, is it the one they said..."

The two men trembled.

A few more people came around the corner of the corridor.

"Is Takahashi okay?"

"Are you okay?"

"Wow, so cold..."

The two men fell back.

Takahashi was still lying there, raising his head slightly and moving his body uneasily. He didn't know where the cat was yet.


Snow fell from the trees.

The cat jumped down from the tree. When it landed, it was almost floating on the snow. Suddenly, it ran out.


"It's a cat!"

"The cat got away!"

Everyone who saw this scene screamed.

The cry attracted more people.

Takahashi's body stiffened. He didn't know whether it was from fear or from the cold.

His hands clawed at the floor of the hallway, his fingers extending beyond the confines of the house.

This kind of old houses are all suspended in the air. The pillars supporting the house are underground, and there is a gap between the floor of the house and the ground. It should be used to prevent moisture, snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

Takahashi could feel the strange wind in his hands. He didn't notice it, but I noticed the strong Yin energy in the wind first.

I drifted out of the house and squatted down. I couldn't see the gap and could only lie down in the snow.

It was a dark hole under the house, no light could get in, and the human eye couldn't see what was inside.

Takahashi's fingers were suddenly touched by something.

I didn't see anything, but Takahashi's touch was still conveyed to me. I couldn't help but hold my breath.

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