Aoba Office

Chapter 1516 No. 020-Horror Story (1)

Event number 020

Event name: Horror story

Client: Wu Xue

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Occupation: College student

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XXX, Building X, Minqing University of Technology

Contact number: 32XXXXXX


On June 15, 2003, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 02020030615.wav.

"Hello, Miss Wu, Miss Hong. Was it Miss Wu who contacted us on the phone before?"

"it's me."

"On the phone, you suspected that there was something wrong with the cause of death of one of your friends. Can you tell me more specifically?"

"...We have a video that we would like you to take a look at first."



Rustling, rustling...

"This is it."

"Okay, please wait a moment while we prepare the video recorder."

Attached: Video file 02020030615.avi.

The video picture is a bit blurry, the pixels are not high, and the photographer's skill is not high.

As the camera shakes, some distorted voices can be heard.

"...Can you do it?"

"Okay, okay, let's begin..."

With the voice of the young man, the scene gradually stabilizes, no longer meaningless shots of clothes and shoes. A young girl's face appeared in the frame.

The lens is a little skewed, but the girl's appearance can still be seen clearly.

The girl had short hair that reached her ears and was wearing a loose shirt. She wore light makeup and lipstick and looked spruced up. There are two small earrings on the exposed ears.

A boy whistled.

The girl straightened her hair, showed a smile, and said to the camera: "You have to take a better picture of us."

"Of course, no problem." A hand making an OK gesture appeared in the corner of the camera.

The girl couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

Offscreen, there are other people laughing.

The girl stretched out her hand and drew the person outside the screen into the screen.

She was also a girl of the same age, around 20 years old, young and beautiful. Compared with girls with short hair, this girl with a ponytail and a few bangs looks more plain. She had two dimples when she smiled and her face was red. Being pulled into the camera by her companion, she was a little shy.

Soon, a third girl was added to the camera frame. The three people posed for the camera, as if they were taking pictures. After a while, they hugged each other and laughed together.

Outside the screen, there were the voices of two boys.

The boy controlling the camera was chatting and laughing with the three girls.

"Hey, hey, stop being so pretty and pack your things quickly." Another boy said loudly.

The camera turned and captured the owner of that voice. He was a young boy with an average build and appearance. He had a pot head and his hair was a little messy.

Next to him was a black private car that was very dilapidated. I vaguely remember that this was a best-selling car twenty years ago. It is often mentioned in TV, movies, written and photographic records of that era.

Outside the video, a girl suddenly appeared. It was the voice that appeared in the audio file just now.

The voice was like a narration, speaking unhurriedly: "This is a video we took when we went out for fun at the end of August last summer. I, Tong Ranran, Li Peng, Hu Jie, and Hong Xiaoai went to Shaoxing together. Zhuang. The car belongs to Hu Jie’s family, and he and Li Peng both have driver’s licenses. The video recorder was borrowed from Li Peng.”

It sounds like the narrator is Wu Xue, the client of the incident. This sentence should be the voice that was recorded when she, Miss Hong, and Hong Xiaoai were playing the video in Qingye. The sound was edited into the video. I seemed to be watching this video with Wu Xue.

In the video, three girls were called to pack their luggage. The luggage of several people was all travel bags and backpacks, which were stuffed into the trunk. They also prepared some drinks and snacks.

The girl with short hair complained to the camera: "Li Peng, are you just watching us three girls do things?"

"I'm not recording. I'm recording your beautiful gestures." A boy answered outside the camera.

The three girls started chattering.

That Li Peng could only surrender, "Okay, okay, I will do the work and you will take the photos."

The camera shakes violently.

The girl began to mutter other things again: "It's so heavy...", "How do I record this? Is it just a matter of focusing?", "Can I adjust the focus? How do I do it?"

Li Peng taught them for a while before the camera stabilized again.

The girls' laughter was caught on video. The two boys circled around the car and loaded everything.

"Okay, get in the car. Check to see if you have everything. When everything is ready, we'll set off." Another boy said.

This person is obviously Hu Jie.

Hu Jie said as he got into the cab.

The camera began to shift again, facing the ground.

After a while of movement, the video recorder changed hands again.

Li Peng was probably sitting in the passenger seat. He turned around and patted the three girls in the back seat.

"Let's go!" Hu Jie shouted.

Li Peng turned the camera and glanced at Hu Jie, aiming at the front of the car.

The car seemed to have driven out of a residential area.

On the way, three girls suggested and started singing.

During their conversation, I figured out their identities. The girl with short hair is Wu Xue, the girl with ponytail is Tong Ranran, and the other girl with long hair is Hong Xiaoai.

The three of them took turns singing a few lines, and Li Peng and Hu Jie sang along. The atmosphere was quite good.

However, after a while, they encountered a traffic jam.

The three girls took out the snacks they had prepared.

Li Peng also put the video recorder on his lap and started eating melon seeds.

Hu Jie, who was driving, also grabbed a handful of pork jerky and ate it.

Wu Xue's narration was inserted into the video again: "We walked on the highway. We started from Minqing in the morning and arrived at Shaozhuang in the afternoon. We had booked a hotel in advance. It was a small hotel there. There were senior sisters and the others before. I went on a trip, stayed there, and had contact information. The rest was basically about playing there... something happened on the third day, and when we returned on the third day..."

Another girl jumped in and added: "That day we originally planned to leave in the afternoon, have some bread and biscuits for dinner, have a midnight snack together in Minqing, and then go home. On the way, Hu Jie took the wrong ramp, so we took a detour for a long time. , before returning to the highway."

Wu Xue continued: "It should be eight or nine o'clock by then, and it will be dark."

When they spoke, their voices trembled, as if they were afraid. But the picture still focuses on Hu Jie's side waist. The original sound in the video was gone, and only Hu Jie could be seen moving slightly, and Li Peng did not stop. Li Peng seems to have a bad habit of shaking his feet. The camera kept shaking as a result, making people feel dizzy and nauseous.

Suddenly, the video fast-forwarded twenty times.

In several freeze-frame images, there are the back figures of three girls shopping arm in arm, Hu Jie and Li Peng devouring food, Wu Xue and Tong Ranran posing against an antique building, and a room similar to a hotel. A corner, a room that looks like a teahouse lobby, a small bridge over flowing water, and a sightseeing boat on the water...

Finally, the screen went black and turned into normal playback.

"This is it!" Wu Xue shouted.

The picture shows the interior of the car with the lights on. The dim light shines on several people.

Wu Xue looked tired and frowned.

Tong Ranran complained: "The people's celebration lasted until midnight like this."

"How long will it continue?" Hong Xiaoai asked.

Off the screen, Li Peng's answer was: "It will take at least two hours."


"Really... It's all your fault for making trouble with him." Tong Ranran glanced at Hong Xiaoai.

Hong Xiaoai felt aggrieved, "I just told a joke. Aren't you laughing happily too?"

"It's my fault. I was distracted." Hu Jie's voice rang out.

Li Peng yawned.

"Don't sleep. Only you and Hu Jie can drive here. Hu Jie has been driving for such a long time. If someone needs to be replaced, it will only be you." Wu Xue reminded.

Li Peng yawned again, "Who can I change? It's just for two more hours. Can you do it?"

The lens is slightly askew.

"I'm a little tired." Hu Jie said weakly, "I've been driving all day."

"What day? It's only three or four hours."

"Three or four hours are enough, okay?"

"I held the video recorder for so long."

"Why haven't you been holding it up all the time? Aren't you always lazy? Are you lazy now?"

"Hey, don't move your hands or feet, hold on to the steering wheel."

"You two, be careful!" Wu Xue said nervously, interrupting the bickering between the two boys.

"Otherwise, let's do something and cheer up." Hong Xiaoai said.

"Stop telling jokes. If Hu Jie makes the wrong move again, we'll sleep in the open air." Tong Ranran said loudly, leaning against the back of the chair.

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