Aoba Office

Chapter 1510 A Dog

The woman hugged me and touched my back like before, "Toffee didn't mean it. The man himself is not good, so he can touch whatever he wants. He looks at me strangely. Toffee must want to protect him." Me. Toffee is better. You don’t know, Jiajia’s wallet was stolen on the road, and it didn’t react at all. What a purebred dog.”

The man forced a smile and said, "Oh, that's right."

"My dear, you are so smart and know how to protect your mother. Good baby. We are eating beef today." The woman rubbed my head.

When I heard the word beef, I swung my tail. In my mind, I was thinking about what she said before.

I had that amazing feeling again.

I could distinguish a vague awareness.

I knew clearly that my previous attack on that man was not to protect a woman. I just hate the smell of men, it seems to be the smell of paint. Meanwhile, the vague consciousness in my mind registered the event. This woman doesn't mind me attacking people. I can attack people I hate. To be precise, I can not only attack my own kind, but I can also attack people I hate. These creatures, which are much larger than me, are actually no different from me.

I know this idea is dangerous and very bad, but I can't help it. That vague consciousness is not under my control.

That awareness is gradually solidifying and becoming clearer.

It doesn't know what it is doing, but I can tell.

This is a learning process again and again, and it is an unconscious trial. It knows what can and cannot be done. So far, there's nothing off limits except attacking the young couple.

The unconscious behavior ends here, and the next step is the conscious tentative behavior.

I hate bathing, but because it was a woman bathing me, I just whimpered pitifully and struggled slightly. I would be comforted by beef jerky from women who would gently coax me and happily praise me.

I was tired of beef jerky, and I knew that as long as I flicked my tail and circled a woman a few times, I could get this cheap reward.

I shook off the woman's hand and jumped out of the tub.

The woman yelled, unable to catch me.

Her strength was too weak and she couldn't catch me back in the bathroom.

I got water everywhere in the room.

The woman shouted angrily.

I stopped, looked down at the woman, and made an aggrieved expression.

The woman sighed.

She is not angry anymore.


I also don't like being left at home alone. I started yelling and destroying furniture in the house.

The woman was just angry for a moment.

Men hate me even more. But it doesn't matter, he can't make the decision.

When the man came back with an iron cage, I knew something was wrong. The consciousness that doesn't belong to me still doesn't understand what the strange thing in front of me is for.

I was locked up.

The woman did not stop the man from doing this!

I screamed, but I couldn't get the woman's gentle touch.

The woman's eyes at me turned cold at some point. This is a bad sign. However, I did not learn well.

In the blink of an eye, I was carried into the car together with the cage.

I saw unfamiliar scenery, and the sediments of the lake of memory rose up. I remembered my childhood when I competed with my brothers and sisters for food.

I yelled, not seeing the woman, only the man.

"Mom, please watch and don't get yourself killed. She will definitely want to come and see her during the Chinese New Year," the man said to a middle-aged woman.

"Why are you making it so troublesome? Just throw it away. You still have to keep it." The middle-aged woman complained.

"Who knows when she will think of it again? She is just annoyed now. If she throws it away, what will happen if she thinks of it again in a few months?"

"So do you. A grown man just hangs around that woman? She does whatever she wants, and you follow her around? See which man is like you! And you still want to serve her!"

"It's different in the city." The man said impatiently, "She's pretty good. Didn't you say she was good too? She's pretty, well-educated, has good family conditions, and can do everything well. What else can she do? Huh? You’re nagging about just this little thing.”

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore. Just give me the leftovers to eat. It's not that I can't bear to part with you, I just feel sorry for you. You little bastard, you don't know what is good and what is evil."

As they spoke, I was removed from the car and carried to a yard.

The man found a rope from somewhere and tied it around my neck.

I struggled and was slapped hard on the head.

I screamed in pain, and my other consciousness went blank.

I looked for the woman and screamed, but no one came to save me.

"Is this dog a mad dog? Why is it called like this?" the middle-aged woman asked worriedly.

"No. Just disobedient." The man tied the rope and kicked me in the belly. "Shut up! If you scream again, your mouth will be tied up too!"

"Woo..." I lay on the ground in pain.

"Don't get killed, it will be miserable. If she sees it, she will have to think more."

"What are you thinking about? It's just a dog. I'm going to be greedy during the New Year, so I can kill it and eat it."

"Mom, don't mess around. She can't stand this. If you bring the dog meat to the stage, she will divorce me."

"Why are you getting divorced? She's already married to you, and if she gets divorced, will anyone want her? She can't survive just because of a dog?"

"You don't understand. Big cities are like this. They are free to get married and divorced. When people are unhappy and have no feelings, they get divorced. There are many people who want it or not. There are many people who want it."

"Why are you so careless..."

They talked and entered the house. No one looked at me.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding environment changed.

I felt hungry and angry, and I stared at a group of children not far away. I know one of them.

My brain was filled with all kinds of blood-red.

Before I could think about it, my body rushed out.

I heard the shouts but fell on deaf ears. I opened my mouth and bit the child's body.

Warm blood rushed into my throat. The child's cries and feeble struggle made me tremble all over.

I wolfed down a few pieces of meat.

Someone hit me, I turned around and let out a moan.

Those kids couldn't handle me.

I scared them away, bit off a few pieces of meat from the child, and ran away without looking back.

I know that without the woman, there is no one here to protect me. I also know that women will show up. As long as I wait until the woman appears and I act coquettishly to her, I can go home.

However, the woman never appeared.

My legs were broken and I was dragged along the ground.

I screamed pitifully, but received no sympathy.

"That's the beast! That's the beast!"

Stones were thrown at me and my body was kicked.

I saw the hoe suddenly falling, and I couldn't react at all.

My body was in severe pain and gradually became numb.

I want to go home...

I want to go home...

Why haven't the women shown up yet?


My body became light and airy again.

After an unknown amount of time, I saw the woman.

With a smile on her face, I heard her call my name.

I barked, but she ignored me.

"Escaped?" The woman's eyes widened in shock.

"Yeah, I didn't take it seriously and ran away." The middle-aged woman said apologetically.

The woman's eyes were red and she looked sad.

Woof woof!

I threw myself at the woman's feet, but she didn't even notice.

When the woman and the man left, I immediately followed them.

No one saw me.

No matter what I do, women can’t see me.

I lay at her feet and refused to leave her. I heard the conversation between her and her friend.

"Is it for..." Her friend made a gesture, "I heard that some rural places like to eat dog meat."

Woof woof! I was killed! They killed me!

The woman looked at her friend in shock.

"Did you eat any special meat that day? It's just that... dog meat doesn't taste the same."

The woman covered her mouth and retched several times.

I saw the look of disgust on the woman's face, and I jumped for joy.

As I expected, when the man came home, the woman gave the man a look, and it eventually turned into a quarrel.

I barked happily beside me.

I wait for women to take it out on me.

I relaxed.

Women still care about me. Just confirm this.

Then, not long after, I discovered that the woman never came back after leaving home once.

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