Aoba Office

Chapter 1507 No. 001 - Dog barking during the day (11)

"Can you tell me specifically what the situation is?"

"Huh? This one was bitten to death."

"He was bitten to death in the Tang family's yard?"

"No, no. The dog escaped. He bit off the rope and escaped. The little kid was playing outside and was chased by the dog. He ran away a long way. The kid was playing with him. They said. They threw stones and yelled, but they couldn't drive the dog away. When they came closer, the little boy was bitten off and eaten. "

"Aren't there any adults who rushed to stop it?"

"It was too late. When someone passed by, his stomach was bitten open. Alas..."

"How did you deal with this incident?"

"You should pay the money. The family named Tang didn't admit it at first. When the people came, the dog ran away. Those children said... they all said big dogs, and they said the Tang family's one, but they didn't catch it. Live... Later, Tang Yingxiong came back and asked what you just asked, and asked about the specific situation. The children said they were sorry and they said it might have been killed by a wild dog. He has bitten people, but he has never been a housekeeper. He is just kept by city people for food and drink, so he doesn’t know how to bite people. Then, the dog was caught..."

"Excuse me. Did Tang Yingxiong bring his wife here during this period?"

"Oh, I've been here once. Old Tang's wife didn't even want to pay a penny. She also said that the dog must have been stolen by a child or something. Tang Yingxiong said it all. He is a cultural person, Gao He was still a leader in the city, and he was speechless, so he relented and offered to pay some money. But he said it in advance, and if the money was given, the matter would be over. You can't talk about this kind of thing. Just say that the dog escaped and died of illness. I don't understand. Why would the city people come to our place for nothing? She doesn't seem to be very smart. Okay. There are probably too many houses in the city, so it’s strange to come to our country. They are willing to coax this daughter-in-law. She touched it. She is really stupid."

"Yeah. You continue talking about the dog being caught."

"I just watched this incident. It seems to have been caught by Dahu's family. After he was caught, he was dragged out. He was caught behind the house. He was also fat. He said he happened to be caught there. Eating there, stealing sausages from Dahu's house, etc. He was beaten so hard that his legs were lame and he was still squealing. ...The family that had the dead child took some things and beat them up. In the scene after that...the dog was beaten to death. Many people threw stones and other things. No one did it, it was disgusting. Then I saw wild dogs secretly licking it and eating it, and it would be gone completely after it rained."

"Yeah. Did anything happen in the village after the dog died?"

"Huh? What could have happened? It was just a dead beast... Oh, this dog didn't die at home, it didn't die in the Tang family. It was originally intended to be taken to the Tang family and beaten to death. The mother I was so angry that I knocked the dog’s brains out on the spot and died on the road.”

"Can you please give us a guide? Regarding this matter, we also want to ask the parties involved, the Tang family who raised the dog, the family where the child died, and the person who found the dog..."

"Hey, this..."

"Is there any difficulty?"

"There are some difficulties. The family whose child died moved away two years ago. I'm always reluctant to deal with this matter. Later, he went to work in the city, and the whole family left. It's okay for Hu Zi. . The Tang family... they don't want to talk about it. They said that the dog ran away and was gone. "

"Don't they all admit it?"

"That's right. They just pretend to be stupid. They don't admit it anyway."

"We still want to see them."

"Hey, that's okay. I'll take you..."

"Lao Xiang! Lao Xiang—"

"What's the matter? The caller is here! I still have guests here..."

"He's dead!"


"The tiger is dead! The man is dead!"


"Come quickly! It's right there!"

"Hey! Hey!"

Da da da da…

"Ouch! Was he bitten to death by something?"

"Look here, half of the face is gone..."

"Eh... ugh!"

It was confirmed that Liu Dahu was dead and the cause of death was a wild beast attack.

Confirm that there is Yin Qi remaining at the scene.

The big dog raised by Tang Yingxiong was not found.

On January 20, 2001, I received a call from Tang Yingxiong. Telephone recording 200101201424.mp3.

"Hello, Mr. Tang."


"Mr. Tang?"

"You... that magazine of yours... you said that you have some, some experts you know, right? The kind that exorcise ghosts. Are there some?"

"Yes. What happened to you, Mr. Tang?"

"No, it's not's my hometown...that beast, that beast found me...that beast..."

"Mr. Tang, if you put it this way, we cannot judge the seriousness of the matter."

"Serious? People are dead! Someone has been bitten to death!"

"Mr. Tang, please be more specific. If it's convenient for you, we can have an interview."

"Okay, okay..."

On January 20, 2001, met Tang Yingxiong. Audio file 00120010120.wav.

"...I received a call from my mother today, from my hometown. Some time ago, a few days ago, I also received a call. She said that someone in the village was bitten to death by something. It was almost the same as the child from Feng Xiaoshu's family... …”

"Feng Xiaoshu?"

"The one who lives next door to me...his child died."

"How did you die?"


"Mr. Tang?"

"Say yes, he was bitten to death by a dog."

"That dog you had originally?"

"That's what they said. How is that possible? It doesn't bite doesn't bite people to death."

"Yeah. Just keep talking."

"That time, they insisted that it was my dog ​​that bit the child to death. Just a few children said they saw a big dog. The children in the countryside didn't look at them at home. They were just like those in the city. It's different when you hold it in your hand. Moreover, they are from the same village. Sometimes the yard door is open during the day, and some of the family members sneak into my house and chase the dog away. They were bitten to death by wild dogs in the mountains... Our family gave them some money, and the matter was over. "

"You just said someone was bitten to death in the village a few days ago?"

"Well, that person was the one who killed my dog. Didn't I just say that they thought my dog ​​had killed someone? The dog ran away at that time and was caught later. They killed the dog indiscriminately. He was beaten to death. After he was beaten to death, he couldn't pick it up. He threw it on the ground and was licked off by wild dogs. The one who caught the dog was bitten to death in front of his house a few days ago. He was dead. My mother said that there was blood all the way from inside the house to the outside. No one saw what bit him to death... My mother called again today and said... He said he saw the dog... It was when I was going to the toilet that I saw the dog trotting past through the crack in the door..."

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