Aoba Office

Chapter 1504 No. 001 - Dog barking during the day (8)

"Did you move after that?"

"Well. My wife and I talked for a long time that day... We both definitely... There was something in the house. I don't know what it was, but it must have been something. Wang Wang was killed by that thing. After we discussed it, , I didn’t dare to tell my parents about this, I just said that Wang Wang died there and was not feeling well. On the day we packed up and sold the house, my wife said that she saw Wang Wang... She said she heard a dog barking. When I got downstairs, I looked up and saw Wang Wang on the balcony... During the few days it lived in our house, when we were commuting to get off work, it would go to the balcony to look at it. I don't know... I didn't know it either. Is it still in that house? That thing... I later thought that that thing might be the dog of one of our managers."


"My house was sold to me by the purchasing manager of Dadong District in our supermarket. His wife divorced him and wanted to divide the property. He wanted to sell the original marital home and move to another place to live. He originally had a dog at home. , I knew it. I didn’t think much about it until after the incident. I didn’t think about it until I moved out. I don’t know if he was pretending to be stupid or something. He and his wife divorced very suddenly. They seemed to have known each other on a blind date, or they were former classmates... He said in the past that they had a good relationship. His wife was a little, how should I say... a little naive. I grew up in a big city. My parents are both university teachers. My cousins ​​also studied abroad and settled abroad. Our manager is very capable and much more capable than that woman, but his conditions are also poor. Quite a lot. When it comes to colleagues’ gatherings, she can’t talk to any of our female colleagues, and she can’t even talk to our family members. One of our female colleagues said that she was just... indifferent. I don’t mean to show off, but what I said..."

"Do you think their divorce was not due to different living habits?"

"No, that's probably not the reason. That woman's principles are not in this aspect. We... talk in private. We talk in private that if Manager Tang becomes prosperous at any time, it is possible to kick that woman away. That woman It's impossible for me to file for divorce myself. Besides, people like Manager Tang just get divorced, sell the house, and give the woman a lot of money... When I bought the house before, I really didn't think too much about it. I was just happy to get married...I was also worried about whether I would encounter divorce after getting married...I later went to see Manager Tang several times, and he talked to me in a perfunctory way. I felt like he was perfunctory. It’s not telling the truth.”

"Yeah. Have you encountered any strange things since you moved?"

"It's been peaceful for a while... We temporarily moved to my parents' place. I didn't expect... I was already planning to rent a house outside. My parents... My parents still miss Wang Wang. They still collect a lot of Wang Wang's things. I saw something was broken, and I thought it was broken before. My parents didn't know what to think, and they suspected that it was my mother who broke it before we moved in. Later...she put the food in the bowl every day. We all coaxed the old man. It took two days for my wife to tell me that something was wrong. We were both very scared, but it was hard to tell our parents... and then something happened to my mother..."

"What happened to your mother?"


"Mr. Li, please forgive me. But to solve this matter, we need to know the details of the matter."

"I... don't know... I... ugh... I actually don't know very well... We don't dare to say it for fear of scaring them... I just make excuses and coax that it's better to be a mage. Some foreign countries People would also bury dead puppies and kittens. We actually hired a master to do it for us, and only after paying for it did he do it for us. After reciting the scriptures for a day, my parents also said that they would buy a tomb in their hometown. The air there was good and the environment was good. I thought they should let it go. Who knew... When I got home from work that day, my dad went to visit the cemetery alone. I didn't see her when I opened the door. My mother. I thought she went out to buy groceries. When my wife came back from shopping, we searched for her in the room... She was not in the room... We originally planned to call the police. Already..."

"Where did you find your mother?"

"The closet...I don't know...I don't know why wife saw that the closet door in their room was not closed properly, so she just mother fell out of it...We were not prepared at all. Just So... her body was so stiff... her face... her eyes were still open. There was no blood on her body, and she was not injured. She seemed to have been crying, but she didn't know why... there was nothing in the house. When I came back, the door was locked, the windows were closed, and everything in the house was normal... My mother just... died. … We called the police, and when the police came, they couldn’t tell what happened. They thought we had killed my mother. We didn’t do anything. They later said that the cause of death was suffocation, or maybe a heart attack. I'm sick. I need to do an autopsy or something... I don't want to bother my mother anymore... My head was dizzy for two days. My wife was also dizzy. My wife asked me if... it was that thing... …I…I don’t know…I feel like…I almost want to beat the man named Tang to death. He really killed our family. What else did he say, it would be fine if the house was sold…”

"That Manager Tang told you that everything will be fine if you sell the house?"

"Yes, he told me to sell the house otherwise. He said that he had never encountered such a thing. He said that it should be fine once the house was sold. How can the house be sold now... I don't know him. Is it true or false?”

"Did he have any basis for that?"


"Then did he ever say anything happened to him? Where did that thing come from?"

"He said it. He couldn't help it, so he told me that maybe a dead dog came to the door."

"Dead dogs, do you mean specifically? Or do you just mean dead dogs?"

"It's a saying from his hometown. That is, if the dog raised in the family refuses to leave after it dies, it will find its own home. In their hometown, dogs are not allowed to die at home. There is such a custom. If the dog you raise is fast, Some died, some ran away on their own, and some were thrown out by their families. Some dogs would be found again, and they would be taken out and beaten to death. What's more, if the two families had a feud. , killed someone's dog...I don't know if what he said is true or not. He...he used to say this often, saying that there was something going on in his hometown sometimes when colleagues were having dinner. While everyone was having dinner, he talked about killing pigs and bleeding them... His wife seemed to like this very much and found it interesting. She had never seen it before, and her grandfather liked to tell her about it before. What he said to me later was that when he told the story, his wife was very interested in it, and when she saw it, she found it disgusting. "

"Did he ever say how to deal with such a dead dog?"

"We have no choice but to move. If we don't move, the whole family will be killed. He couldn't explain clearly. Our family has already moved. What he said, look at the property certificate. I don't know what he meant. Maybe it was just perfunctory. I."

"After your mother passed away, did anything strange happen to your family?"

"No more. No more recently."

Goodnight everybody.

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