Aoba Office

Chapter 1502 No. 001 - Dog barking during the day (6)

"So you haven't encountered anything weird?"


"Did you encounter anything unusual?"

"Abnormal this...huh——"


"I can't say for sure. I feel something is wrong. It's not me, it's that Xiao Li. Xiao Li's mother died a few months ago. I didn't go to the memorial service. They went back to their hometown to do it. He came back from the memorial service. , he came to me and asked me if I had any purpose in selling the house to him. I really didn’t understand it at the time. I thought that when the dog died, he seemed to blame me for his mother’s death. It was also my fault. He and I almost got into a fight. Afterwards, we had a drink together, and he cried so hard that his eyes were full of tears... and then I heard him say something vaguely..."

"Can you tell us something?"

"It's haunted. That dog started making trouble. The one that died in their family was a pug. It was specially raised as a pet. It's not the kind of dog in the countryside. It also guards the home and the courtyard, catches thieves and so on. It was just a pug that was raised here A playful dog. His parents were so precious that they used to raise him as their own son. He ate meat, ate all kinds of good things, and even kissed and cuddled him. For a while. He said that the dog was squeamish. It was not like his parents were with him during the day. The dog kept barking and even caused the police to call him back when he was at work. I heard from other colleagues that he was a store manager, so it was okay to be late and leave early. The first time I heard about this, I didn’t think anything of it. Later, his pug was killed and he said it was special. ...There was blood everywhere. I didn't think much about it, and I thought he was out of his mind. He drank too much that day, so he told me..."

"What did he say?"

"I don't know if it's true or not... He said, the pug... is in the house... there seems to be other things in the house... He couldn't tell clearly. He just said there was something in the house, and asked Did I sell the house to him because of this? I was really wronged. But when I heard what he said, I was terrified. He said that the place where the dog died was cleaned by someone. , I can still see blood. I heard the sound of dogs running around on the floor at night. In my hometown, there are stories about dogs being possessed by ghosts and things like that. He came to the house again and made a fuss. I couldn’t help but think more... I also tricked him a few words... He..."

"How did he answer?"

"He couldn't tell clearly... but what he said... I asked him if there were claw marks on the floor at home, if the sofa and cabinets were damaged, if the shoes were damaged... He was so drunk that he thought After talking to me for a long time, he said something. He said that the pug was very good at his parents' house and didn't cause trouble at all. He said that he didn't notice it until he died. He just discovered that there was something wrong with him at home. The dog broke it, chewed up the wires... This thing... This thing, our original dog... He had this bad habit... He often did that..."


"The more I listened, the more I felt something was wrong. The more I listened, the more scared I felt. I really didn't dare to ask anymore. Xiao Li continued. He said that his mother was scared to death. She was scared to death because she had no idea. Didn't the funeral parlor put on makeup before she was cremated? His father almost had a heart attack and said that the dog was following them. It’s so weird. I’m in a cold sweat.”

"Any more details?"


"You just mentioned that there are some myths about dogs in your hometown. Can you tell us about them?"

"I don't know...I mean, those are the stories."

“This is what our magazine publishes.”

"Hey...that's a story...I heard about it when I was a kid. When I was a kid, my family had a local dog, a yellow one, quite small. It was tied up in the yard. It didn't do much at all. Then it died of old age. I It was there when I was a kid. I kicked and beat it - little kids don't understand - but it didn't get angry and ran with its tail between its legs, so my grandma couldn't run away. My parents liked to watch me play like this. Sometimes they would laugh when I fell down. When I got older, they always talked about this kind of thing."


"When it died, it must have been when I was in primary school, I was six or seven years old, I forgot. It bit off the rope and ran away. When I came home from school and saw that the rope was broken, I cried for a long time. I want to bring it back. My father said that this is an old dog that is going to die. If it doesn’t die at home, it will run out and die on its own. If it is found, it will be unlucky if it dies inside the house. I don’t believe it and will run out on its own. I was caught and spanked a few times. My father told me that a good dog wouldn’t die at home. There used to be a family in my hometown who kept a dog and wouldn’t feed it. It wasn't intentional, it was just that they were too poor. When someone came to look for food, they let the dog go. The dog was so hungry that it was useless. They were so angry that they beat the dog again. Later, they dragged the dog out and threw it away. Unexpectedly, the dog crawled back to their house and died in the house. Inside. They found out during the day. They killed the dog and ate it. Every day, they could hear the sound of a dog barking, not that of a hungry dog, but that of a angry dog. They couldn't find it. After searching around, one of their children pointed to his belly and said that the dog was inside. Everyone heard that the dog barking came from the child's belly. "


"They were so scared. The child was a girl. At that time, son preference was much more serious than it is now. So they grabbed the little girl and cut her belly open. The dog meat they ate a few days ago is still there now. They didn't feel hungry after that. They just heard the dog barking. Several people went crazy and cut open their stomachs, swallowed pesticides, and tried whatever they could to induce vomiting. Come on. The whole family was tortured to death."

"The story sounds like the strange thing happened to their family because they ate dog meat."

"If the dog hadn't died in their home, how could they have been so hungry and eaten it? Some people said that it was abnormal for their family to eat dog meat. The dog died in their home, and this incident started ”

"Hmm. Is this just a ghost story?"

"I remember clearly, that's the one...the others are pretty much the same. Dogs died at home and caused trouble. When we kill dogs over there, they all go far away."

"Does this custom have an origin?"

"Ah? No... they just do it. Who knows what the source is..."

"Then, do you know anything else about Mr. Li and your original dog?"

"Uh,'t you publish this matter?"

"Not really. It's just that the information you gave us needs to be sorted out. We may need to contact Mr. Li. If necessary, we will also visit your hometown."

"You guys are quite formal."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Okay. If you contact those people and you want my help, just ask. This is going to be published, can I put your name on it?"

"Of course. If you wish, we will bear your name."

"Yeah. Actually, I actually think this story is quite interesting. Isn't it much more interesting than those horror novels nowadays?"


"Does your magazine have a publisher?"

"Do you want to write the submission yourself?"

"Well... I actually submitted an article when I was in elementary school, and it was published, and I received more than 50 yuan in royalties."

"That's pretty cool. But it's a pity that our magazine doesn't have a book publishing department. If you are willing to do this, you can consult other publishing houses."

"Oh, oh... okay."

"I'm sorry to trouble you today."

"no, I'm fine."

Please give me a monthly pass~~

Good night everyone~

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