Aoba Office

Chapter 1499 No. 001 - Dog barking during the day (3)

"Where did you meet that dog?"

"It was on the balcony. When I went home to collect clothes in the afternoon, I saw that on the balcony...the dog cage was gone. His house had been cleaned and the blood was gone. I don't know if I really saw it. I I saw it on the glass. I mean... it was the reflection of the glass window. Their balcony was all glass, and the fence below was also made of glass. It seemed like I saw a dog. Standing in the living room, there was a reflection facing the glass window. They might have bought a new dog... When I saw the reflection, I thought they had bought a new dog. But later, I found out. Their family moved. They moved away a long time ago. After their parents scolded each other, the house was listed with a nearby agency, and it was never sold or rented. There should be no one there..."

"You haven't told anyone else about this?"


"Have you seen that dog again?"

"I don't dare to watch it. I really don't dare to watch it."

“Have any dogs died in the community?”

"No. But someone...someone died. The funeral happened to be on Saturday."

"What exactly happened?"

"That man had a dog. He was single and a man. His parents bought us a small house here, which is close to his workplace. He seemed to have died suddenly. Or he might have been ill. When he was buried, One of his brothers was a friend and he was quite young, so he followed him with his dog. The dog was very big, and I didn’t know what breed it was, but it looked very beautiful. There was no noise or fuss, and they just followed the funeral procession. Later, when the man's parents came back, it seemed that the dog had not come back and was given to someone else. Someone in the community said, "Listen." There were dogs barking in the house. The house was not rented yet, and there were still dogs barking. Many people in our community no longer have dogs. If you are at home during the working day, you will still hear dogs barking during the day.”

"Did anyone else hear it?"

"Yeah. Some people have been hearing about it. Until now, some people say that it is haunted. They say that our place may have been a slaughterhouse or a dog farm. Too many dogs were killed, and now it is haunted. Some people also say that it is haunted. A dog was killed by its owner and turned into a ghost. Some people said it was a lunatic. There is a lunatic in our community who makes the sound of a dog barking by playing a loudspeaker. I feel... I feel very scared... Now I don’t dare to go to the balcony, and I don’t dare to stay at home during the day. Sometimes I see dogs on the road, and I feel scared. That thing... the thing that killed the pug has never been found... whatever. People, or something else... The more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I felt, my heart was blocked, and I couldn't sleep at night... My husband didn't know this, and he didn't know that when I saw the pug, he thought I was listening to the people in the community. I feel uncomfortable after hearing too many stories.”

"Don't worry, Ms. Qiu."


"So far, we haven't seen anything bad about you. That's good news. Whatever happened in the neighborhood where you live, that thing is not targeting you."


"If possible, we need to go to the site to take a look and confirm the situation. You said that the two houses involved in the accident are both listed with the agency and are for sale, right?"

"That's what I heard."

"Do you know the specific address of the house? What is the house number? Which agency is it?"

"Well... I know the house number of the house downstairs, but I don't know the other one."

"Then let us investigate, okay?"

"Oh, okay, okay."

"After viewing the scene, we will make a decision based on the situation on the scene."


January 2, 2001, audio file analysis. Audio file 00120010101G.wav.

"...When she saw me, she probably thought I was causing trouble again, with that look... But she was pulled aside by the police and said something, and after taking another look inside the house, she vomited..."


click! click!

"...Just that look..."

"Is there a problem?"


"Then Wu Ling made the right decision? That thing didn't target this woman."

"It's not necessarily true. Isn't it just a dead dog? Maybe the couple did it themselves. They thought the dog's barking was annoying, so they killed it directly. The woman's mental condition was not stable to begin with. She saw and heard It’s not necessarily true.”

"Sounds quite calm and speaks in a coherent manner."

"Tsk, your voice is obviously shaking. How can you be calm?"

"Whether she is cool or not, she has called the police and the police have conducted an investigation. There must be records from the scene. Whether it is true or not, you will know after reading the records."

On January 3, 2001, police records were investigated. The address of the incident was confirmed to be Room 1102, No. 321 Tianmu Road. Attached: Photocopy of police file.

There are several photos of balconies in the site survey report. In the panoramic photo, the balcony with glass windows on three sides was covered in blood. The splattered blood contaminated the glass windows, balcony floor tiles, clothes dried on the balcony, and potted plants in the corner.

There is a dog cage on the left side of the balcony, more than one meter high, which is considered a large dog cage. The style is very simple, just an iron cage. There is no kennel, just a food bowl and a water bowl. The food bowl was knocked over and there was blood in the water bowl. The blood was dripping, almost half of the dog cage was painted red.

In the close-up photos, you can see some of the dog's body tissues. Hair, pieces of meat and broken organs are all scattered, and many are missing.

There were no footprints or other traces at the scene.

On January 4, 2001, we went to the house where the accident occurred to conduct an investigation. Audio file 00120010104.wav.

"...Are you guys going to buy a house together?"

"Yes. The house you mentioned can be divided into three rooms, right?"

"No problem. It's a two-bedroom house with two living rooms. If you want to make it a three-bedroom house, it will be no problem."

"Isn't the landlord coming today?"

"The keys to the owner have been handed over to me. We are here to act as the sole agent. We can handle all the house inspections, house purchases, and formalities. If you need to apply for a loan, we can also handle it for you."

"Oh. No need for now."

"Let me ask, why doesn't the owner live here anymore? It seems they bought this house not long ago, right?"

"They changed jobs, so..."

"Xiao Chen, isn't this boring?"


"If you don't tell us here, we will have to inquire inside the community. You can't hide it from us, you can only give us a bad impression."

"Haha...this...actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that the owner of the house had a dog, and the dog died in the house. People see things and miss their feelings, and they don't want to live in them anymore. I'm not afraid. Are you taboo..."

"Xiao Chen, you tell us the truth, and we tell you the truth. We are doing some side business. Haunted House, do you understand?"

"Huh? You...oh...I just heard...that Minqing doesn't do this business, right? People who buy houses here don't actually care about this."

"If you don't care, why would you set such a low price?"


"Let's talk about it. We are going to resell it, don't we have to rely on your agency? Are you not happy with charging agency fees twice? Besides, if you don't resell this kind of house, you won't be able to sell it at a high price. The location here is good, the housing types are good, and the prices are very cheap. ”

"Sigh...I'll tell you the truth, it wasn't at this price in the beginning. They wanted to sell it for three million. We've taken people to see that place several times. Selling a house can't be decided in a day or two. It's only been two weeks since the house was put on the market. I took four or five groups of people to see it, and the business was already very good. Some of them were very impressed and wanted to sell the house immediately. Skip us and bargain with others. Aren't they suspicious... Sigh... I'm so embarrassed. They refused to listen and just lowered the price. They wanted to give the house away. "

"Then tell me, what happened?"

"It's just that the dead dog was entangled. Even though I'm suspicious... I can't say that. I just heard that the dog was killed by them themselves. When the dog died, it was struggling all the time. When there was blood everywhere, they felt uncomfortable and wanted to sell the house. Now that I think about it, they may have been frightened."

"What you said is not clear. Let's talk about it from the beginning. Only after we explain everything clearly can we give a plan, don't you think?"

"From the beginning..."

"What was the first time they came to your agency?"

"Well, when I first came here, it was quite normal. We didn't know each other. But our store is here, and we all know the situation of the community here. Recently, starting from this year, here Business will be difficult..."

Goodnight everybody. _(:3 ∠)_

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