Aoba Office

Chapter 1497 No. 001 - Dog barking during the day (1)

Han Yun's concept of family obviously has nothing to do with the word "tradition", nor does it have anything to do with the word "blood relationship".

In the past, he could target people because they wanted to play freely like children, trying to bring them to his side. Now he can also sit back and watch the children turn into imps and kill their fathers and mothers in revenge because of the cruel behavior of their parents. , and take in those brats.

This idea is not wrong in modern society. At least it's not like a few decades ago, when people would be labeled as unfilial and they would be beaten and killed at every turn.

But Nan Tian, ​​a big star, was surprisingly very traditional, and he ignored Han Yun's persuasion.

Sure enough, he was not ready to give up Nangong Yao at all.

I'm worried about Nangong Yao.

Putting myself in my shoes, if my sister were like this naughty kid Nan Tian, ​​I would definitely get angry in a hurry.

The thin man didn't have a good impression of Nan Tian, ​​and he didn't have much friendship with Nangong Yao.

He turned around and asked Chen Xiaoqiu if what happened just now had disturbed her family.

Chen Xiaoqiu shook his head, "My family is out."

This conversation is quite boring.

I feel at ease when Chen Xiaoqiu does things. Since she chose to unpack the suspicious express delivery at home, she must have been prepared.

However, I didn't expect that Chen Xiaoqiu was so well prepared.

The next second, I heard the doorbell.

I was originally worried that Chen Xiaoqiu's family would come back. It would be difficult to explain the presence of so many of us at her home. Chen Xiaoqiu went directly to open the door.

The visitors were not Chen Xiaoqiu's family, but Wu Ling and the others.

When Nan Tian saw Nangong Yao, he instinctively shrank his neck. But soon he became very natural.

Nangong Yao just glanced at Nan Tian and then turned his attention to Liu Miao.

Liu Miao was very happy. She hugged Wu Ling and Gu Mo respectively, and then hugged Nangong Yao. Her joy was beyond words.

I saw that the circles under his eyes were slightly red, and he was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Nangong Yao's expression also relaxed because of Liu Miao.

Nan Tian curled his lips.

I feel that Shouzi and I are out of place in this atmosphere, so I want to make time for Aoba's people.

A big thing on my mind is solved. Although the little tail of the female ghost is left, overall, everything is fine.

My mind relaxed and I wanted to rest.

This time, I didn't use much of my abilities, but I was mentally exhausted and tense, even more nervous than in Guangyuan Mountain.

The two gradually merging black holes and the apocalyptic scene of hell gave me too much pressure.

Now, as soon as the tense nerves relax, I want to rest.

Wu Ling and the others seemed to have a lot to say, so they were about to say goodbye and leave from Chen Xiaoqiu's house.

I suddenly thought of something and looked indoors.

Han Yun has disappeared now.

"That Han Yun..." I hesitated.

Wu Ling said: "There is no way."

I'm waiting for Wu Ling's next chapter.

"He has been dead for hundreds of years. It is difficult to find the original tomb and bones. He may have simply disappeared."

"Then what existence is he attached to?" I asked.

Spirits should be attached to something, and many ghosts also survive in this way.

"I don't know." Wu Ling shook his head, "Maybe only Han Yun knows."

If this is really the case, then even my abilities will not be able to do anything to Han Yun.

It is possible for me to temporarily obliterate Han Yun and cause the alien space he constructed to collapse. But if we really do that, we and Han Yun will be in a fight to the death.

This time I don't have anywhere to find a demon as a thug to deal with this kind of thing.

Fortunately, Han Yun is not crazy. He's even harmless most of the time.

That is to say, the abduction and trafficking of children is criticized.

I asked Wu Ling, and Wu Ling actually didn't know what the criteria were for Han Yun to abduct and traffic children. According to historical records, he seems to have randomly seen a child and asked if he wanted to follow him. But judging from the files they handled, the active party in this matter should not be Han Yun, but the child himself.

There may be children who recruit Han Yun because their parents don't buy toys for them.

It is also possible that, like Wang Honghong and Xiao Zhang, there will be children who are abused by their loved ones and turn to Han Yun for help.

Han Yun raises so many little ghosts of different ages, and the origin must be very complicated.

But judging from the memories I retrieved, those brats quite respected and admired Han Yun, and listened to Han Yun's words. Their personalities are a bit too lively, and it doesn't look like they were forced or brainwashed by Han Yun.

I put aside the Han Yun matter for the time being.

Later, after resting, I told Shouzi and the others about my experience in the different space, and also told the people in Aoye. Information sharing is a must. The analysis results after information sharing are unsatisfactory. Neither Wu Ling nor Chen Xiaoqiu analyzed any new tricks. The matter in the different space in Yangshan District seemed to be just like what Han Yun said, it was a combination of circumstances. Because of the intervention of a few of us with abilities related to space, it collapsed directly.

If you really think about it, the millions of people in Yangshan District can barely be regarded as being affected by us.

Thinking of this, I felt depressed for several days.


Event number 001

Event name: Dog barking during the day

Client: Qiu Hongmei

Gender: Female

Age: 31

Occupation: Housewife

Family relationship: Married, one child

Contact address: Room XXXX, No. XXX, Tianmu Road, Minqing City

Contact number: 139XXXXXXXX


On January 1, 2001, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 00120010101.wav.

"Hello, Ms. Qiu. Tea or a drink?"

"Just boiled water. Thank you."

"Don't be nervous. If you encounter something, you can tell us slowly and try to tell us the whole story in as much detail as possible. The more details, the better."

"Oh...ok...sorry, I need to think about it, my mind is a little confused right now..."

"Don't be anxious, take a deep breath and take your time."


"When did you first notice something unusual?"

"Huh? Oh... It must have been more than half a year ago, maybe a year. I don't remember very clearly."

"What is that abnormal situation?"

"It's just dogs barking. There is a dog that barks very loudly. During the day, it barks for an hour or two hours a day. I am a full-time housewife. My child is only three years old this year. I take care of my children at home. Our family is in There are about a dozen buildings in a high-rise community. Each building has at least 12 or 18 floors. My house is on the 12th floor, and there are two houses on the first floor. That's good. I know there is no dog in my house. I don't know which house the dog barking came from. Well, I didn't know where the dog barking came from at the beginning. I looked at the door, the stairwell, and the balcony and found nothing. My son was often woken up by the dog while he was taking a nap. I told my husband that I also looked for the dog barking. During that time, my son and I were the only ones at home. I was worried about leaving him alone at home. I wanted to take him to find him... and I was afraid that the dog would hurt someone... I called the police and the TV station. The phone calls are of no use. The police there are very good and they went to every house, but they couldn't find any dogs barking. They asked the property owners, and the police also asked, but no one acknowledged it. This is quite troublesome. ...You can't search every household... Later, a reporter from the TV station came, but he couldn't find which house it was. My husband was at home during the weekend, but the dog stopped barking during the weekend..."

"So, the abnormality started out as just a barking dog?"


"and after?"

"Then we started to wonder which office worker it was. There was no one at home during the day, and the dog was barking wildly. Anyway... we couldn't find the real owner. So it was like that for a while... I looked for it during that time. There is a very good nursery in the neighborhood, and I will try to send my son there. I will find a way to go out when the dog barks.”


"Then it happened by chance. It was really a coincidence. It rained suddenly and I ran home to collect my clothes. When I entered the building, I heard the dog barking again. When I went to the balcony to collect my clothes, I saw Downstairs, the balcony of the room opposite is diagonally opposite, with a circle of glass windows, so I can see the dog.”

There are only two updates today.

Goodnight everybody.

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