Aoba Office

Chapter 1481 Grave

The teaching building and the small square in front of the teaching building are very noisy, but when you get to the back, it becomes very quiet, and you can only faintly hear the voices coming from the front.

The basketball court was empty. Slogans and banners left over from basketball games remain on the iron net that surrounds the basketball court. Under the iron bench that serves as the auditorium, there is a deflated basketball hidden in the gap.

The person who just delivered the express order has entered the bell tower.

The teaching building where the bell tower is located is elongated. The bell tower is located in the middle of this long strip. It is a very traditional architectural structure with a sharp corner that seems to be equipped with a lightning rod. The teaching building below has a total of three floors. Counting the protruding bell tower, the entire building is only about five floors high.

The first two teaching buildings coming in from the main entrance are not high either. On the other hand, the teaching building behind the clock tower has more than 20 floors. It looks like an office building. It also has a glass curtain wall and you can see the stairs and classrooms inside.

I looked at the bell tower and saw no one at the windows of the bell tower. Two windows had their curtains drawn. There are no lights on in the classroom.

The door of the bell tower is open. The two doors are very large and can pass three or four people side by side.

I walked closer and took a peek inside, but saw no one and heard no sound.

I don't feel the yin energy. After asking the little ghosts softly, I made sure that they didn't notice it either.

Isn't that courier ghost here? Or did it run back to Epcot?

I thought about it and carefully walked into the bell tower.

The kid told me that this building has a Hui character structure, or a flat Hui character structure. There are stairs at all four corners.

Nantian suggested walking around the word Hui.

"The man just pushed the flatbed truck in. If there is no elevator, the flatbed truck should be left downstairs. Otherwise, we should hear the noise now."

The flatbed truck was driving along outside just now, and we all heard a little sound. Indoors, the sound should be louder. If you go upstairs, it will be impossible to hide the clanging noise.

But after I circled around, I found that I heard no sound anywhere and didn't see the flatbed truck.

Nan Tian and Shouzi also felt strange.

I returned to the main entrance of the bell tower.

The main entrance faces a doorway, and outside the doorway is the lawn in the middle of the word Hui. There is also a sculpture on the lawn, which is a common celebrity statue in the school. There are such door openings in the four corridors on all sides of Hui Zi. There are classrooms on both sides of the corridor, two rows of small classrooms and two rows of large classrooms.

I made sure I didn't see the person pushing the cart just now.

The three of us figured it out and had no choice but to go upstairs.

We went upstairs and searched all the way to the third floor, but we found nothing.

"How to get up to the bell tower?" I said to myself.

Our current location is on the third floor above the main entrance. The bell tower was right above our heads, but I looked for a long time and couldn't find the stairs to go up.

Nan Tian opened the door of the classroom next to him.

This is a teachers lounge. The second and third floors are teachers' lounges, with sofas and desks, and some miscellaneous items in some rooms.

After looking up for a long time, the thin man found some traces with sharp eyes.

There was a small door on the ceiling. There might have been a pull cord, but now it was broken, leaving a small hole.

Nan Tian and I pushed the desk under it, then stacked the chairs. We could reach the small door when we stood up, but after groaning for a long time, we couldn't open the small door.

The three little guys kept laughing.

"Can you open this door?" The thin man raised his neck for a long time and said dissatisfiedly while rubbing the back of his neck.

The three brats shook their heads in unison.

Lily said aggrievedly: "If it could be opened, I would have opened it for Nan Shen."

"That ghost is up there?" I asked.

Lily shook her head.

"It just can't be opened," said the kid in a suit.

The little baby was also babbling and nodding seriously.

I touched the board and felt nothing unusual.

Why can't it be opened?

"Can it be broken by force?" Nan Tian asked.

"You have to use tools." I said.

Lily raised her hand, "Can it be broken by force?"

I looked down at Lily expressionlessly.

Although they are very powerful and have existed for a long time, these ghosts were just children when they were alive, and they did not seem to have the characteristics of adults after death.

Lily pursed her lips, "I thought you didn't want to destroy things here."

I climbed down from the chair, jumped off the table with Nan Tian, ​​and moved our positions out of the way.

Lily waved her hand and heard a bang. There was a big hole in the door, and something fell down. Then, there was another bang, and something fell from it, hit the chair, bounced a few times, and fell to the ground.

We were all startled and took a step back.

Dust fell one after another.

I waved my hand, coughed twice, covered my mouth and stepped back again, finally seeing the situation clearly.

Broken stairs hung from the ceiling.

This kind of small door should be like the attic door, with its own stairs, and when it is opened, it will hang down. Somehow, the small door was broken. After Lily violently broke it open, the broken staircase fell down and hung precariously in the air.

There was a hand stretched out from the entrance. The skin of the hand was pale and a little gray. It didn't look like a normal hand.

I felt my heart beating fast and I was a little flustered.

The thin man gave me a hand.

I turned around and saw his horrified face. His hand pointed tremblingly at the ground.

I looked down and saw that the thing that had fallen from upstairs was lying limply on the ground.

He was wearing a black suit, and there seemed to be a black shirt inside the suit. The whole person looked dark at first glance. And his skin is a gray color.

I saw no expression on his face. With his eyes open, he looked like a sculpture.

Nan Tian asked: "What fell just now?"

Nan Tian couldn't see him.

"Ghost... bad..." I said softly, as if talking to myself.

When I saw how this thing was dressed, these two words came to mind.

Something else seemed to flash through my mind.

I held my head and felt a pain like a needle pricking my head.

The pictures in my mind kept flashing, becoming clearer and clearer.

A bright interior, a ghost hanging in the corridor, corpses on the ground and ghosts standing...

"Brother Qi!" The thin man supported me.

I gasped for air, the picture in my mind gradually turned into black, and the pain gradually disappeared.

I can't remember where I saw that scene. If you try to remember, the pain will come back.

I gave up this plan for the time being.

"Are you okay?" Nantian asked me.

I shook my head.

The three little ghosts seemed to be frightened, they remained silent and stood motionless.

I said, "I want to go up and have a look."

No one else stopped him.

The thin man and Nan Tian helped me hold the chair, and I climbed up again.

This time the small door opened, allowing me to poke my head in to see what was going on.

On the attic is the bell tower.

But before I saw the big clock, I saw the room full of corpses.

My scalp was numb, and my eyes met the corpse of a ghost.

The other party was already dead and his eyes were open. There are other ghosts around him.

This scene reminded me of a slaughterhouse.

Modern slaughterhouses may be neater than this one.

I counted them roughly.

As far as I can see, there are twelve ghost corpses.

They were entangled, stacked, and squeezed together, trapped in this not-so-narrow place.

I looked up and saw the clock tower dial and the big clock.

It seems like this place hasn't been cleaned in a long time. The back of the dial and the clock were covered in dust.

I found nothing except Guizashi's body. I wanted to climb to the inside of the bell tower, but there was no place to put my feet. The floor here has been occupied by ghost corpses.

I didn’t see a ghost, nor did I see an entrance or exit to a different space. This place is like a ghost's grave.

An idea flashed in my mind, and I suddenly thought, could this be another office of the underworld in the human world? Maybe it also serves the purpose of guarding the entrances and exits of different spaces.

However, this office was destroyed in one fell swoop.

For example, at Guangyuan Mountain, twenty years ago, Ye Qing and Wu Ling clearly handed over the entrance and exit of the different space to ghosts. When I got there, I didn't see a single ghost.

In the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, I haven’t seen a ghost for a long time.

Were they all killed and their bodies hidden?

Is the rapid deterioration of this world also related to their deaths?

Goodnight everybody.

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