Aoba Office

Chapter 1473 Doctor (3)

Cheng Lin and I looked at each other without answering, as if he was measuring my reliability. His eyes flickered, and after he lowered his eyes slightly, he looked at me again, and his eyes became different.

"You weren't caught by that thing, were you?" Cheng Lin asked me.

I didn't answer, but I acquiesced.

According to Cheng Lin, if it was the person caught by that thing, someone should come to pick him up.

Cheng Lin's question also answered my question in disguise.

I quickly thought that there should be a ghost from the future here. There should be a different space entrance and exit to the future here.

Yangshan District will be completely isolated, and the people here will fall into an endless loop of time. It should be related to this. It is God who does this. It wants to kill the ghost, and maybe also wants to destroy the entrance to the different space.

We were both silent. I was sorting out my thoughts, and Cheng Lin should also be sorting out his.

After a while, he spoke first.

"I have roughly calculated the time. From October 2, 2017, when problems occurred in the entire Yangshan District, to today, it has taken a total of five years." Cheng Lin said, "At the beginning, no one knew What happened? The government informed that there was a problem with the water plant and power plant, and the water and power supply would be cut off for a period of time. At night, the water and power supply would be cut off. Those who live in Yangshan District are fine, but those who only work or go to school in Yangshan District will be homeless. Taxis and private cars are still available. However, most people still couldn't leave. Some were sent to shelters, some were sent to schools, and some were placed there. Others got the news late and probably found temporary rest in most hotels. , the hotel was unable to check in due to the power outage, so it was closed directly. Some people were also detained... However, not long after the incident, some people committed vandalism, smashing and looting, causing chaos. "

Cheng Lin narrated in an orderly manner and described the past five years in Yangshan District to me.

"Communications are interrupted and the police cannot be called. The police force in Yangshan District is very limited. Everyone thinks this is temporary. Even if the entire Minqing is cut off from water and electricity, and communication is cut off, it should be restored soon. Minqing's backup facilities are very There are no mountains or seas around, there are many highways, and the roads are smooth. But after night, people gradually discovered that there was no rescue at all. By the second day, the city seemed dead. One night, someone appeared on the street, shouting.

"They said they drove out of Yangshan District and fell into a coma after leaving Yangshan District. After they woke up, they appeared on the streets. No one could explain what happened.

“Then things got even more confusing.

"The power to the hospital was cut off, critically ill patients could not receive treatment, and some sudden patients could not be sent to the hospital for rescue. More people died. Food and drinking water also became a problem.

"The government is determined to manage supplies in a unified manner, count the number of people affected by the disaster in Yangshan District, and organize self-rescue. They have found doctors, university professors, and people who know how to farm, but the situation has not improved. The biggest problem is, I'm telling you, living objects will enter a death cycle and resurrect after death, while inanimate objects will enter a fixed cycle and recover every twenty-five hours or so. As a result, many things cannot be done at all. In addition, after resources are consumed, they cannot be restored. Food, drinking water, batteries, gasoline... and the dead will become ghosts within a few hours of their death. , and will attack people. When they are resurrected, they turn into humans again, and the situation is very confusing.”

Cheng Lin sighed, "These are the patterns I discovered. I'm not sure whether the patterns I summarized are correct. There may be some problems here. Maybe, all time and space are chaotic."

I asked: "Where is that ghost?"

"I don't know." Cheng Lin shook his head. "I didn't participate in the whole thing. I was always a bystander. The brain surgery department I was responsible for was useless at this time. At the end of the first year, the hospital received Notice. The hospital was actually useless at that time. People died several times in a year, and no one wanted to be treated. Some people committed suicide immediately after being resurrected, and they couldn't bear to wait for death. It feels like the people staying in the hospital are no longer just patients, family members and doctors. Some are strangers who have been resurrected and appeared here directly. It should be said that it was not just the hospital. The first person to receive the notice was our hospital. As you can see, we are an old hospital, next to a shanty town, and there is a subway construction in front of it. Construction is also going on inside the hospital, and the road is messed up, making it difficult to get in and out. The person who came to inform us was a young man wearing a police uniform, but he was not necessarily a policeman. He asked us to gather together and follow him to the University of Finance and Economics. They had found a way to save themselves. Method."

The corners of Cheng Lin's lips curved up in mockery, "The way they talk about self-help is to fill in the express delivery form and send express delivery to people outside. According to the household registration files and everyone's memory, send express delivery to people who originally belonged to Yangshan District. As long as The other party signs for it and opens the express package, and some people will follow it blindly, some people think that they are finished, and it is good to drag the whole world with them, and some people believe it. "

"Why?" I asked.

"During that year, they had already dragged some people here. They asked those people to testify and explain their situation outside. People outside had forgotten about us. They only remembered us after they were brought here. They Some specious evidence was also presented to prove that after these people were brought here, the cycle time changed from twenty-four hours a day to a twenty-five-hour cycle.”

Cheng Lin shook his head, "I have died several times myself. I have not turned into a ghost, so time cannot be calculated accurately. Some people are not resurrected in the same place after death, and it is difficult to calculate the cycle time. The cycle of items is easy to calculate. How can I It was easy to find a living sample. It was about three months after the incident. I didn't believe them."

I think there is something hidden in what Cheng Lin said. The reasons he insists on are not very tenable. I didn't ask further.

"After that, many people started to write express delivery orders. Many people had done this before. No one knows how the express delivery was sent, but very few were signed for. Many people outside live in Yangshan District. , working and studying outside. If they lose their memory, many problems will occur in their lives and they will leave their original places. Of course, some people deliberately fill in the wrong address and do not want their relatives and friends to suffer this. Torture. There are very few people who can persist like this. By now, many people have given up on sending express delivery, or have given up on protecting their relatives and friends." Cheng Lin sighed, "In the first and second years, they have given up. There are many people who can be brought back, and in the third and fourth years, it will be difficult to find people. The longer the time goes on, the more difficult it will be. "

"You haven't seen that ghost?"

"No. I heard that only those who successfully send couriers can be taken into the University of Finance and Economics to see the ghost. Their initial explanation was that for unknown reasons, express delivery became a loophole for external communication. They also fumbled. For a long time, I found that asking for help alone was not enough. I could only use the current method to bring people in to improve the situation here. That is, there should be food and water inside Caida. Those people don’t have to die.” Cheng Lin said with a sinister look, “They are also very united and have been brainwashed for five years. No one will resist them anymore.”

I heard the hidden meaning of Cheng Lin's words.

"Have you tried to resist?"

Cheng Lin nodded, "I resisted, and then I died and was killed." He spread his hands, "They have guns and bullets that are refreshed every day. I also found that they deliberately destroyed power facilities and communication equipment. He raised his chin at the hand-operated generator, "This is the only power generation equipment I have found. A year ago, I wouldn't have dared to take this thing out. It doesn't matter now." ”

If a modern person loses water, electricity, communication, and then faces the fear of the unknown, it will be difficult to survive mentally.

Most importantly, they are not really dead, not permanently. When they know that death is just an endless cycle, it is difficult for them to have the courage to resist.

I'm well aware of this mentality.

This is also the reason why I am more bold and adventurous in dreams than in reality.

Therefore, after listening to Cheng Lin explain these situations, I hesitated, not knowing what to do next.

That ghost must be hiding inside the University of Finance and Economics. It is too difficult to enter.

Cheng Lin can still be resurrected after death. Can I, a complete outsider, be resurrected after death?

Good night everyone~

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