Aoba Office

Chapter 1468 Mr. Cheng (3)

I am very sure that I am in a dream now, and it happens to be at the time when Mr. Cheng fell from the entrance to the different space.

I'm worried about the situation in Yangshan District, my own health, and the safety of Liu Miao, Shouzi and Nantian.

After thinking about it carefully, I seemed to remember something and my lost memory. But those memories are vague. I can only confirm that I must have experienced something similar once.

The situation in Yangshan District should be different from what I had assumed before.

We may be traveling through different time points in different spaces in Yangshan District, or we may be experiencing it again and again.

I'm not even sure how many times I've been through this.

Mr. Cheng walked toward the lush field, but before he reached it, I felt the dream scene change.

The surrounding area is no longer barren farmland, but a city with high-rise buildings.

Mr. Cheng lives in an apartment building. The apartment is large and in a high location. He took the water glass and walked from the kitchen to the balcony for two or three minutes.

Looking out from the balcony, you can see the rooftops of tall buildings in the clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

Mr. Cheng stood on the balcony, watching the morning sun rising from the sea of ​​fog, and hung his empty water glass outside the balcony.

He lowered his head, looked at the vast sea of ​​fog below, and gently let go.

When the water glass fell, no sound was heard. It disappeared in a flash.

Mr. Cheng returned indoors, sat on the sofa, and turned on the TV.

News appeared on the TV screen, and the date displayed on it was April 12, 2038.

When I saw that date, I was a little frightened.

The host reported some weather conditions, without mentioning place names, only saying that it was a foggy day in the city today. The reporter at the front took pictures of the interview and made a connection.

The reporter said that there was no trace of the cross-sea bridge behind him.

I really can’t tell where this place is just based on the words “cross-sea bridge”. The tall buildings I saw before had no obvious features.

When the TV news screen changed, the host's expression was serious, but his shoulders were relaxed and slumped.

"I just received the latest news. Our eternal king and eternal ruler sent a signal for today. The key word for today is glass. The reporter from the front sent us the latest photos."

Everything in the picture is a close-up of the remains of a glass on the concrete floor.

The voiceover is the host's explanation: "Repeat, today's key word is glass. Someone has already provided clues. This glass is a glass water cup produced by Maxim's Glass Factory, with a market price of 30 yuan, and is basically available in large supermarkets. "

The screen switched again to a photo of a supermarket glass.

It looked exactly like the glass Cheng Jiu threw down just now.

Cheng Jiu laughed and seemed to be in a good mood.

The dream scene was distorted for the second time at this time.

I saw a broken room, which seemed to be an old-fashioned wooden house. It was damp, dark and in very bad condition.

Cheng Jiu turned his neck and looked at his face in front of a dirty mirror.

He was young, not as downtrodden as I had seen him before, but he looked gloomy.

With a bang, he swung the mirror to the ground. The mirror was not broken, the plastic shell on the back was on the ground, and the mirror reflected the light from the chandelier on the ceiling.

Cheng Jiu was in a very bad mood, bored and irritable. He stood up from the pony and walked around the narrow room twice.

I felt that the yin energy in him was different from before. He became weak.

Cheng Jiu rushed to the door, opened it hard, and ran all the way.

Running across the dirt road, he came to the edge of the farmland.

He looked at the distant sky with a gloomy mood.

He is looking for the entrance and exit to a different space.

"Ajiu, are you willing to work?" A middle-aged man speaking Minqing dialect greeted Cheng Jiu.

Cheng Jiu gave him a cold look, turned around and left.

The middle-aged man spat behind Cheng Jiu and cursed: "Just a pretty boy. He's so proud of himself."

Cheng Jiu clenched his fists.

I could feel Cheng Jiu's angry heart.

He was thinking about his apartment in a high-end apartment, his luxurious life, and the days when he would be king.

This is not a chuunibyou fantasy. He is a real king in his own territory.

The dream jumps for the third time.

Someone was cheering and shouting something.

Cheng Jiugang woke up, got up from the bed, put on his pajamas, and walked to the balcony.

The scenery outside the window has changed. The sun is setting and the sunlight shines on the glass curtain wall, reflecting dazzling light.

The TV in the living room turns on automatically.

"...Currently, the number one option in online voting is the reasoning of a citizen whose ID card ends in 3244. His interpretation of today's keyword 'remote control' is as follows: 'The remote control in the photo is made by Songmen The P32 LCD TV is equipped with a remote control. A major product safety incident occurred three months ago, and three batches of refrigerator products were recalled. At the same time, Tanaka Goro was responsible for the supervision of the design and production of this batch of products. In 2031, he married Ono Mika, the leader of the P32 LCD TV production and development project team. Ono Mika died unexpectedly while on vacation in May last year. Tanaka Goro was a witness to the accident. The recall effort has reached our country...'"

When I listened to the announcer's ramble on TV, I just felt confused. I could understand every word and sentence she said, but I didn't understand what she was talking about.

I don't understand what Cheng Jiu is going to do.

What are his rules?

Cheng Jiu laughed and looked at the crowd gathered downstairs.

Without the clouds and fog blocking it, I looked down and saw a large square below. Now, the square is crowded with people.

Among the crowd, there were several crosses erected with people tied to them.

The crowd chanted "King Jiu" with some abnormal fanaticism.

The TV talked about the person who came second in the vote, and then the person who came in third.

There was some echo in the voice. After listening carefully, I realized that it was the voice coming from downstairs. The residents downstairs also turned on the TV and opened the windows to let the sounds blend in the air.

I don’t know how many people are paying attention to this matter.

Cheng Jiu didn't hear the end and directly made a downward gesture.

The ant-like crowd below seemed to have seen Cheng Jiu, who was aloof. The shouting stopped within two or three seconds.

The sound from the TV also stopped abruptly.

Cheng Jiu didn't use a loudspeaker, nor did he let out a loud roar, but his voice spread far.

"It's execution time!"

As Cheng Jiu finished speaking, flames suddenly burst out from the ten wooden frames below.

The blazing fire turned the wooden frame into a torch.

Someone fell down in the flames.

I didn't see the charred corpses, only the crowd that dispersed.

Of the ten wooden frames, only the person on the second wooden frame did not fall.

The crowd suddenly erupted into chaotic shouts.

The TV sounded again.

The announcer excitedly said: "It's No. 2! It's Xue Ze, who ranked No. 2 in the voting! Ah! We have received the decree from the king. Xue Ze, on August 24, 2034, replaced his mother Yang Qin The drug used to treat heart disease caused Yang Qin to die. At that time, Yang Qin was watching TV. The remote control for the P32 TV produced by Songmen was dropped! However, the TV used by Yang Qin was not Song! P32 LCD TV manufactured by Door..."

There was an uproar downstairs.

They sang and danced around the burning cross.

This was not rejoicing after the murderer was brought to justice, but another morbid emotion of joy.

The announcer is still shouting: "A total of 23,515 people voted for No. 2. The answer provider of No. 2, Xue Ze's cousin Xue Shijun, will receive a cash reward of 100,000 yuan and the right to amnesty once. All voters will receive point rewards. Later, we will update the points rankings of all subjects on the website..."

In this strangely warm atmosphere, the scenery in my field of vision changed again.

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