Aoba Office

Chapter 1465 Where the target is

Chengxin Garden is the community where Amelia Su lives. Speaking of which, it’s also where the only person we know by name lives.

Nan Tian's question made my heart lift.

If it were really in Chengxin Garden, based on my past experience of encountering supernatural events, Amelia Su would probably be dead.

Liu Miao looked at Nan Tian and asked curiously: "Have you been there?"

"Well, I met one of my fans and she helped me." Nan Tian said.

"It's not there. However, not being there is not necessarily a good thing." Liu Miao said.

Liu Miao then explained the reason: "We found that there is a blank spot in the ghost activity area in Minqing. The place is not big, just a few buildings in the center of a community. So, we suspect there is a problem there."

"You mean, every inch of Minqing's land, except that place, is full of ghosts?" the thin man asked in horror.

"Ghosts have all been active. We can't say that with certainty. Even if we include the movement trajectories of ghosts, the only blank spot is there. That's why it's strange." Liu Miao said, "Nangong designed the software and ran the program. Over the years, taking into account the commissions we have encountered, the intelligence we have collected, and the historical doubts found in the news and archives, there is only one 'pure land' there."

If it is true as Liu Miao said, this phenomenon is indeed extremely suspicious.

"We have checked before and there are no ghosts there. We originally planned to split up to collect information and ask the people living there if they had noticed any strange phenomena. Before I could take action, I passed out." Liu Miao said regretfully, " I originally thought I was being plotted by something. I didn’t expect... well, speaking of it, is this amnesia caused by everything happening again, or is it a kind of confusion caused by being isolated into a different space? "

Liu Miao looked at me.

I'm the only one who feels the same way.

I don't know why.

We know too little about this alien space.

No one has investigated in detail how many ghosts and spirits there are and where they are from the future at the entrances and exits of different spaces in Minqing City.

The work done by Qingye is already a very groundbreaking systematic project.

If they hadn't encountered this kind of thing, Ye Qing and Liu Miao might have discovered the entrance to the different space hidden in Minqing City, and then made further discoveries.

Liu Miao didn't get my answer and didn't care. "The blank spot is in the Lantian Community next to Chengxin Garden. It's an old community. Buildings 13 and 14 in the center are the specific blank spots. The scope may need to be expanded or narrowed. . Something happened in Building 15, and it may be haunted in Building 11.”

"Have you found this out too?" the thin man asked.

"One found the file. A family died one after another within a year. The house was vacant. The leader saw the evil spirit. He went to investigate there. The other was Building 11. Someone reported in the news that there was a house that was very strange and often There was a commotion and strange noise in the middle of the night. The reporter was unable to contact the residents. The police had been here before and found out that it was a family dispute. It seemed that a family member was mentally disturbed." Liu Miao said about the situation in the two buildings.

"Where are the other buildings?" the thin man asked.

"Others are more blurry. Let's find the blank spot first, and then expand the area to check if there are any supernatural events in the nearest location. I remember that there was an area there, and it seemed that a ghost had passed through it. It passed through it in a straight line. "Liu Miao smiled and said, "This kind of search idea cannot be said to be completely correct. The boss also had doubts at first. He felt that something was wrong in Minqing. Nothing could be found in Feng Shui. Nothing special happened in history. Serious tragedies affect fortune, so I decided to do a systematic screening. I heard that before the boss entered this industry, Master Xuan Qing used a very primitive method, which was to check Min Qing. Minqing walked every road and looked everywhere. The leader was discovered by Master Xuan Qing at that time."

I listened to Liu Miao telling these stories and asked, "So, Minqing had problems very early?"

"That's not true. Master Xuan Qing and some other seniors in the circle discovered the existence of entrances and exits to different spaces very early. They didn't call it that name at that time. They just felt that there might be some ghost gates in this world. These ghost gates If the underworld ghosts are not managed, ghosts will slip out of the underworld and cause harm to the world. The industry rules are to notify the ghosts when they find the entrance to another space. This should be the case for whoever started to do this first. Got it. I thought it was a different space. It was also later that when our generation grew up, our concepts were influenced by film and television works... Also, ghosts can't do anything about those things, which made the supernatural circle realize that something was wrong. But really. When they woke up, Gui Cha couldn't explain what was going on. Their existence was very strange, like worker bees, they instinctively obeyed the instructions of the mother bee, that is, they did what God told them to do. If they really need to give an order, they have never seen God or heard God’s voice, so they know what they want to do.”

Wu Ling has never talked about these contents.

I looked at Liu Miao suspiciously.

In terms of professional knowledge, I trust Wu Ling more.

Liu Miao is not a professional. He became a monk halfway and didn't understand many things. He needed to consult Ye Qing and Wu Ling. Why does he know better than Wu Ling when it comes to different dimensions?

Liu Miao looked at me, "What's wrong? Is it difficult to understand what I said?" He tilted his head, as if he was worried about how to explain to me.

"This is the first time I heard it. Wu Ling didn't even tell me this." I tried a little.

It's not that Wu Ling didn't say it, it's that she didn't know much about different dimensions. According to her, the entire supernatural circle should be in this state.

"Well..." Liu Miao looked a little sad, "Ling died on December 9, 2015. Someone from the Wu family..."

There is nothing wrong with this timing.

It seems that after Wu Ling's death, Ye Qing and Liu Miao made a new discovery.

"Have you ever entered a different space?" I asked.

Liu Miao shook his head, "We have never entered the one at the entrance of the office. It should be said that we have never seen it open."

I've seen it open before.

"I have been to other different spaces, but no one knows whether the different spaces behind each entrance are the same place. In fact, your experience can't prove this, right?" Liu Miao said to me.

I opened my mouth.

"We have been to other different spaces, Ling, and the boss and I. We went to different spaces. The properties of several places are completely different, and the methods of entering are also different."

When Liu Miao mentioned this, I remembered Qingye's files.

"But I have seen the same entrance and exit to a different space." I said.

The one in Guangyuan Mountain, the one in Huixiang, and the one in front of the office are all black holes with strong suction. The ghosts related to it are also ghosts who possess huge Yin Qi and can manipulate the Yin Qi to form a certain form. They also have their own set of rules and do things according to their own written characters.

Speaking of which, when we entered Yangshan District, we also passed through a similar black hole.

This should prove that different spaces with such entrances and exits are part of the real world, right?

"The one in Lantian Community is not necessarily that kind of alien space." Liu Miao said calmly, "But one thing can be confirmed, it is not the kind of entrance and exit that is always open. It may open automatically, or it may require specific actions. Things can turn it on.”

"No wonder you were so anxious that you had to rush there overnight." Nan Tian interjected.

"Yes. If the transformation of Yangshan District into a different space is related to that thing, it should have changed now. Unfortunately, when I woke up, I appeared too far away and rushed all the way here, which delayed a lot of time." Liu Miao said.

We also experienced the same day. We saw a lot of chaos throughout the day.

We reached the end of the community at this time.

Liu Miao took the lead and emerged from a small iron door. He raised his hand and pointed, "That's the community."

Supplementary update

Good night everyone~

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