Aoba Office

Chapter 1462 Liu Miao (2)

Instantly, demons danced wildly in the police station hall.

The souls of people who had just been killed by ghosts floated out and immediately transformed into new ghosts, brutally attacking their murderers.

The hazy moonlight was dyed gray at this moment.

The shocking scenes, coupled with the screams and roars of ghosts, make everything more terrifying, absurd and weird.

The fragmented soul becomes weak and gradually loses the power to act.

I saw the Yin Qi gathering, but the appearance of the ghost was crumbling. They seemed to have turned their tangible bodies into invisible yin energy.

The crutch melted and disappeared like snow.

The child's cry echoed in the police station, and in the end, this was the only sound left.

Even this voice is gradually getting weaker and weaker, becoming almost non-existent.

I looked at Liu Miao.

Liu Miao had no expression on her face. When the dust settled, she sighed and turned to look at me.

His eyes were very dark, maybe because of the light, which made people see the moonlight in his eyes.

I have an amazing feeling.

Liu Miao and Qingye are really different. He looks like an ordinary person who can be seen everywhere on the streets, without the indifference that repels people thousands of miles away.

If I met someone from Qingye on the street and had to find someone to ask for directions, I would definitely choose Liu Miao, who is the tallest and strongest, not the older Gu Mo, nor the one who is the only woman and also very beautiful. Wu Ling, Nangong Yao, a person who looks like a social elite at first glance, I can't imagine that he can walk on the street in an "approachable" way.

"Let's find a place to talk." Liu Miao said proactively, with a serious look on his face, yet also revealing his friendliness.

However, Liu Miao is not really a warm-hearted and good person.

Some of the people who had escaped from the police station were still lying on the ground.

There may be survivors in the police station who have not escaped or been killed by ghosts.

Liu Miao ignored him.

Someone reached out to Liu Miao for help, but Liu Miao only told them to leave as soon as possible.

I followed Liu Miao outside the police station and saw Shouzi and Nantian hiding behind the wall.

The thin man still looked a little embarrassed, while Nan Tian was standing against the wall, as if he was still posing.

"This is my friend. This is..." I introduced Liu Miao.

The thin man stared at Liu Miao and asked me with his eyes. He must have guessed something.

Nan Tian took the initiative to reach out.

"Are you... Nangong's younger brother?" Liu Miao was surprised and shook hands with Nan Tian.

"You can call me Nantian, or you can call me Aye." Nantian introduced himself, "Nantian is my stage name."

"Oh? Oh..." Liu Miao was still surprised and looked at the three of us, "You guys... forget it. Let's find a place first and talk slowly."

It was late at night, and there was no suitable place to talk in this hellish place with no water or electricity.

Liu Miao took us to the park. There was finally a small pavilion and stone tables and chairs where people could sit.

It's a small pavilion in the park in the dead of night, surrounded by plants. This place is somewhat scary.

The thin man didn't scream just now, nor did he run away, but when he arrived at this place where there were no ghosts and no evil spirits, he shrank back, turned his head, and carefully observed his surroundings.

With a professional smile on her face, Nan Tian took the initiative to ask about Liu Miao's current situation.

Liu Miao was straightforward, "Boss and I are here to investigate the different space. Well. You all know about the different space, right?"

Nan Tian frankly said that he did not know.

I added: "He is an ordinary person. He just followed us to find your clues and followed him into this different space."

Liu Miao asked strangely: "Looking for me? Shouldn't he be looking for Nangong? Have you found Nangong?"

I didn't expect Liu Miao to look so careless and react so quickly.

In Aoba's audio file, he is always called a fool. He is also a bit silly when talking and asking questions. Of course, the kind of stupidity is that of ordinary people who know nothing about supernatural things and want to ask questions about everything they encounter.

I feel close to Liu Miao, probably because of this. I myself always want to ask Qingye's people about anything I encounter, seek their opinions, and report my own situation.

Liu Miao looked very smart at the moment.

I saw his clenched fists and widened eyes, and I understood immediately.

Nangong Yao disappeared around 2014. He disappeared quietly, and he disappeared directly in the office. The people in Aoba probably have no clue about this. Maybe he figured something out through divination or something like that, but he couldn't figure it out and there was no way.

When Gu Mo disappeared, Ye Qing was determined to save him. To this end, a certain spell created by the great wizard was used to erase Gu Mo's archival records in society.

Ye Qing knew about my existence very early and had expectations for me, or in other words, he had a plan to use me.

In this case, Nangong Yao disappeared, Wu Ling died, and Ye Qing had arrangements. Liu Miao, who has spent the longest time with Ye Qing, should also be the one who knows the most.

Liu Miao was not that surprised when she saw me. He was even more surprised by Nan Tian's appearance.

Now he is also surprised, but there is more element of surprise.

After meeting Nan Tian, ​​he probably had an expectation.

I nodded and gave Liu Miao a positive answer, "Gu Mo, Nangong Yao and Wu Ling have all been found."

Liu Miao was stunned, her body slowly relaxed, and her expression relaxed.

"That's great..." Liu Miao murmured, "That's great... The boss succeeded..."

I feel a little sour in my heart.

The office I saw was a cold room with only Ye Qing as a lonely soul.

Then, the office Liu Miao saw might be even more lonely.

After all, I have never spent time with anyone from Aoba.

Ye Qing, who was left last, deserves sympathy. Liu Miao, who has been with Ye Qing the longest, must also have suffered a lot.

Liu Miao sniffed, "Sorry, I'm a little excited. Well, by the way, in this case...hasn't a long time passed?"

Liu Miao’s question surprised me again.

"When we entered here, the real world was 2023." Nantian answered.

Liu Miao was in a daze, "So, it's been the past five years. Well..." He looked at me and Shouzi, "No wonder I feel like I've forgotten a lot of things. What about you?"

He simply ignored Nan Tian.

Nan Tian raised his eyebrows.

The thin man shook his head.

I nodded, "I also feel like I forgot something."

"In this case, now this place has become a different space. It may be that the time here flows normally. Your arrival broke the balance and made the time reach 2017... It is not necessarily true. It is also possible that you have arrived here in 2017. There is another way Maybe, in the past five years, every day here is the day when the accident happened in 2017." Liu Miao came to the same conclusion as me.

I was very happy, as if I was a primary school student who got perfect marks in the exam.

This feeling is something I don't have when facing other people in Aoba.

Liu Miao scratched his head, "It's really troublesome. I'm not good at this kind of thing. What are your abilities?" He looked at me and the thin man again.

I didn't answer.

The thin man glanced at me and remained silent.

Nan Tian said: "Before this, you should prove your identity, right? Although you are very consistent with our impression of 'Liu Miao' in every aspect, we have never seen you. You are also big-hearted, so you believe in us." Is it the person your partner found?"

Liu Miao smiled, which was completely different from Nan Tian's charming smile. It was very sunny and frank.

"I believe in the boss. He will definitely save us. As for your identity, I saw your photo at Nangong's place. Well, and the other thing is, now in this ghost place, we are all the same Grasshoppers on the rope have no other choice but to work together. Even if you are enemies, we can only cooperate now." He spread his hands, still with the same calm attitude, without any hiding.

"Then use your abilities to prove your identity. I've seen the files, and you used your abilities in the video." I said, "As for our identities, there seems to be no way to prove our relationship with Aoba."

"It doesn't matter." Liu Miao waved his hand, "If you want to see my ability, you have to find a target first. In this case, I just want to go to a place."

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