Aoba Office

Chapter 1460 Massacre

I wanted to go in and take a look at the situation, but the police station was now crowded and the police had blocked the way, preventing anyone from entering casually.

If I had known this earlier, I should have followed that woman in just now.

I'm a little annoyed.

Just as I was thinking about what to do, I felt a gloomy air coming in from outside the door.

As soon as I turned around, I saw a shadow slowly walking into the police station door.

The thin man grabbed me and lowered his head unnaturally to hide his expression.

Nan Tian is very keen, but he doesn’t have yin and yang eyes. He can only make a judgment based on the look in our eyes.

The ghost looked like a thin old man, using a cane. His walking movements were very awkward, and his expression was dull and dull, like a wandering spirit without consciousness.

However, his actions were very purposeful. He passed directly through the crowd and obstacles and floated into the police station. Along the way, he encountered no obstacles.

I became more and more uneasy and wanted to see what happened.

This phenomenon, which is so abnormal that it does not conform to the supernatural laws, is likely to be an important clue.

What people don't know, ghosts may know.

I quietly had a brief exchange with Nan Tian and Shouzi.

Nan Tian had the best image and took the initiative to find a policewoman to inquire about the situation.

His luck seemed to have run out at this point. The policewoman was not a fan of his, so she just wanted him to wait outside.

After a while, the policewoman came back and said, "That lady is fine now, don't worry."

Nan Tian smiled and thanked us, and returned to me and the thin man.

It seems that this is not possible.

I sighed.

Many people who stayed in the lobby of the police station curled up and dozed against the wall.

The police station didn't have that many beds and bedding, so it only invited women and children to rest in the office inside the police station. For the remaining people, they asked and registered their identities one by one, but they had to arrange a place to go, and there was nothing they could do for the time being.

The district's temporary shelters are full. Conditions over there are not much better.

Some people muttered that they worked in the company and missed this information.

The three of us were running around the streets for most of the day, and we also didn't hear any announcements from loudspeakers.

There's no point regretting it now.

I stared at the corridor leading to the office, only to feel that the gloomy atmosphere there was gradually getting stronger.

At eleven o'clock, another ghost floated in, also an old man. At 11:20, a woman with a big belly floated in. At 11:27, another male ghost came.

My face gradually turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on my body.

The skinny man also looked very bad.

Nantian asked me what happened.

"Hospital..." I spat out two words.

Nan Tian immediately frowned.

The three ghosts who came in just now were all wearing hospital gowns!

Power outage!

After a power outage, not only does it cause all kinds of inconveniences, not only is the network interrupted and there is no light source, but more importantly, the instruments in the hospital will lose their function!

The hospital should have a backup generator, but that backup generator won't last long.

I already had a premonition of what was going to happen next.

At eleven thirty-four, a middle-aged woman wearing a hospital gown floated in.

At 11:57, a child wearing a hospital gown floated in.

At 01:11, another old man wearing a hospital gown came in.

The yin energy in the police station has become extremely clear, which is completely different from the ethereal state just now.

It's terrible!

I felt the yin energy surging, developing from peaceful to violent.

I pushed Nan Tian and whispered to him to be ready to run away at any time.

He and the thin man were both helpless and weak in front of the ghosts, but I was able to deal with several ghosts with my abilities. But even I am helpless when faced with a group fight.

Why does this place attract so many ghosts?

I was really anxious and couldn't sit still.

I should be able to handle it until these ghosts get restless. When they all turn into evil spirits, it will be really difficult for me to deal with them.

I exhaled, went to the policeman at the reception desk, and asked to use the restroom.

The toilet is in another corridor, not inside the police station's internal office.

I went to the toilet for a walk, but couldn't find the way. When I came back, I told the police that the toilet over there was blocked.

The water supply was originally cut off and so many people gathered here, so the burden on the toilet was quite heavy.

The police also have a headache.

I'm a little annoyed now that I wasn't so smart before. Sure enough, people need to be pushed. Under tension, adrenaline is secreted, allowing people to perform well.

I was thinking wildly and was finally released by the police.

I cast a look at Shouzi and Nantian.

Thin people can see ghosts. If the situation is bad, he can directly pull Nan Tian away and escape.

I followed the Yin Qi into the corridor and found the location where the Yin Qi was strongest.

Before I could find the place, I heard screams.

The yin energy seemed to have exploded, suddenly becoming extremely explosive.

My heart tightened, and I rushed in following the yin energy and sounds.

Several offices in the police station opened their doors, and someone rushed out. They noticed me first, stopped me, and told me not to move.

Two policemen blocked my way and regarded me as a suspect.

The screams started again, extremely shrill.

The woman we saved earlier ran out like crazy.

Behind her, another figure rushed out, stretched out his hand, and showed a pleading look.

The man was wearing a policewoman's uniform, with disheveled hair and blood on his face.

The police who rushed over grabbed her hand, but her body was pulled behind the corner wall with a swish. The policeman who rushed at the front lost his legs and fell to the ground, crawling back in horror.

The woman's scream sounded again, carrying an air of despair.

A few policemen stopped blocking me and rushed over to investigate the situation.

The woman who escaped had a look of terror on her face, bumped into me, and held on to me as if she was holding on to a life-saving straw.

"There's a ghost! There's a ghost!" she cried, rolled her eyes, and fainted.

I put her on the ground and ran after the police officers.

After turning a corner, I saw bloody handprints on the ground. It seemed like someone was being dragged away, and the broken fingernails were left on the ground.

I followed the blood line and reached the next corner.

As before, the corridor was dark with no lights.

The policemen who had just been chasing him were gone.

The emergency lights also seemed to have run out of batteries and no longer functioned.

There was no sound in the corridor, it was eerily quiet. There were sounds coming in from outside. I could hear the angry shouts of the police and the commotion of the crowd.

Knock, knock, knock...

The sound of the crutches hitting the ground gradually approached.

I thought of the old man on crutches who floated into the police station.

The corridor is full of Yin Qi, but there is a group of Yin Qi that is moving. My eyes cannot see the scenery, but I can see the changes in Yin Qi.

"What do you want to do?" I asked aloud.

The sound of the cane stopped.

I felt several eyes on me.

"Let me tell you... you should know this situation better than ordinary people, right? Killing people can't solve the problem..." I said sincerely.

The Yin Qi of these ghosts is very chaotic, manic and excited, but they are not simply malicious. When they entered the police station, they were still lacking consciousness, so they should not undergo such drastic changes together in a short period of time.

I don't want to be besieged, but with a glimmer of hope, I want to communicate with the ghosts here.

There must be something unique here to have so many ghosts gathered here.

I want to find a clue, which is also a glimmer of hope for all living people and ghosts in this different space.

Suddenly, a dazzling light lit up in front of my eyes.

The emergency lights flickered, leaving an afterimage on my retinas.

It was only for a short moment, but I actually saw the scene in the corridor clearly.

The office doors were all open, and there was a ghost standing in front of each door. The corridor was filled with blood. The police officers who had just entered the corridor fell to the ground. I saw blood. Those cops could be dead.

The old man with a cane was standing among the corpses, five steps away from me.

I also saw a body hanging in the corridor.

The man in a black top hat and black suit was hung from an incandescent lamp above the corridor.

That is……

Ghost difference.

I swallowed, realizing the reason why so many ghosts gathered here.

"'t go to the underworld..." I said tremblingly.


Goodnight everybody.

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