Aoba Office

Chapter 1458 Darkness Comes

There was no way to get a taxi on the road, so we could only walk to the nearest express delivery point according to the map Nan Tian had drawn before.

I didn't see any yin energy belonging to ghosts there. There were only two people in the delivery point, smoking cigarettes and asking us what we wanted to do.

As they were talking, a young man came back with two bottles of mineral water. As he walked in, he was cursing, saying that everyone in the supermarket was crazy.

I shook my head at Shouzi and Nantian, and we walked out of the express delivery point.

We followed the map and visited two more express delivery points to find out other places where we could send Yixun Express.

There is also Xun Express in the real world. Sometimes when I shop online, I will receive goods delivered by Xun Express, but I have never found any abnormalities.

Halfway through, I saw a subway entrance and a shared bicycle parked at the subway entrance. The thin man suggested riding a bike.

However, the signal is interrupted and it is impossible to unlock the door.

"Knock it off." The thin man said decisively.

I thought about it and found that this was the only way. In doing so, there are almost no consequences.

This alien space will either go into an endless loop on October 2nd, or it will continue to collapse. In either case, no police will come to arrest us.

The three of us have never done this kind of thing before, and we all don’t know how to start.

According to the experience of the three of us watching TV movies, we assigned tasks and asked Nan Tian to look after the situation. The thin man and I tried to steal three cars and pick the locks in the blind spot behind the subway platform.

We didn't have any tools at our disposal, so we went to pick up bricks from the construction waste dump in the neighborhood next to us.

This action is very suspicious.

But I saw thugs smashing windows on the road.

It was a private supermarket. The boss and his wife shouted loudly, but they could not stop the crazy plundering of three or four young people.

I hugged the brick and ran away quickly.

I returned to the subway station out of breath, with lingering fears.

Even though I had anticipated this situation and was doing illegal things myself, I still felt scared when I saw it with my own eyes.

It's not that I'm afraid of encountering such thugs, but that I'm afraid of what this different space will look like.

I pray again that time here will fall into an endless loop.

But there was a dull pain in my head, which seemed to indicate that my prayers would not work.

With a bang, the thin man and I finally broke the lock of the shared bicycle.

I was alert at this moment, but I didn’t see the spirit of shared bicycles around.

That spirit may not be in this different space, and may not be able to control the situation in this different space.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Nan Tian gave me a heads up.

The subway was stopped, and people in the subway station poured out at this time.

We quickly pushed the bicycles to the road, got on the bike and ran quickly.

When I turned the corner, I looked back and saw the crowd, and heard the angry sounds from the crowd.

"It's too dangerous." Nan Tian said.

Compared to ghosts, these countless talents are more dangerous.

We dare not get out of the car now.

Even when I arrived at the express delivery station, I was the only one who went to check on the situation.

On the way, we saw two more incidents of vandalism, smashing and looting.

The ones that were robbed were all supermarkets.

Three hours later, we saw the gold shop that had been attacked.

The crying salesperson and the rampant mob formed a sharp contrast.

The other party saw us and let out different shouts.

"Call the police! Call the police!"

"Fuck you! What are you looking at?! You're looking for death!"

"Brother, they look quite rich." A man grabbed a gold necklace and showed a greedy expression to Nan Tian.

Nan Tian wears a famous watch and is well-dressed. It is not surprising that he is considered a rich man.

"And there's a computer!" the man added.

The computer bag carried by the thin man was also noticed.

We had a tacit understanding at this moment, and we all started pedaling our bikes quickly.

"Don't run!" someone shouted from behind.

A siren sounded at the intersection.

Along with the sound of sirens, there is also the sound of loudspeakers.

"Citizens and friends, please stay indoors and wait for further notice from the government. In extraordinary times, citizens and friends are asked to stay indoors..."

Those chasing us stopped.

The police car approached and suddenly accelerated.

Those people screamed a few times, turned around and ran away.

The three of us breathed a sigh of relief as the police car drove past us.

"It's better to have a car." The thin man muttered.

"There's nothing we can do about it." Nan Tian sighed.

With a heavy heart, I turned my head and glanced.

Those people got into the alley.

"Many people must have discovered it...the water and electricity were cut off, and communications were cut off." I said.

"Have the surveillance cameras been turned off?" the thin man asked.

The public security in Minqing is very good. This does not mean that Minqing did not commit crimes. The police force in Minqing, or in other words, the police force in any big city, is not enough. However, in a city like Minqing, the number of vicious cases is relatively small. Smashing and looting in the street rarely happen.

But now, everything is not good.

The government and police department should have discovered that Yangshan District has become an island.

Many people may not realize this yet.

When they realize this, they will immediately understand that the police force of a district in Yangshan District cannot control the situation at all. The material reserves in Yangshan District are not enough to meet the daily needs of millions of people.

At that time, it was a real disaster.

More terrifying than the zombie virus outbreak in the movie. Because the people here have no way to escape and cannot wait for outside rescue.

The three of us rode in silence.

After checking four express stations, it was getting dark.

We can't stay in a hotel. Check-in at the hotel should not be possible at this time.

Even though we were prepared, we still tried to inquire at a few hotels.

"No. The system can't be used." The hotel manager waved his hand at us.

In some cases, the door is simply closed.

"I'm going to sleep in the open." The thin man sighed.

I looked around.

The sun was setting. Normally, there would be lights on in many places, but there was no light at all in the whole city.

I thought of the future world.

Except for the dark clouds covering the sky and the gloomy air, this place is no different from that scene.

I suddenly felt a chill in my heart.

Yangshan District was erased from everyone’s memory. Before that, I didn’t even know such a place existed. Is it possible that there are many places similar to Yangshan District?

These places may have completed the transformation of their social form a few years ago, with ghosts occupying the dominant position in the city. Desperate people will choose to obey the rule of ghosts to gain a chance of survival.

When these alien spaces merge into the real world, or return to the real world, the thoughts of the residents here will immediately spread to the entire world.

The disappearing area is most likely no smaller than the real world.

Those strange ghosts are different from ghosts in the real world. It may be because of this special environment that they have formed their own unique acting style-the kind of acting style that is similar to that of spirits.

The more I thought about it, the more it made sense, as if I had discovered a new world.

But this discovery did not help my current situation in the slightest.

The sky darkened very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the surrounding area was completely dark.

Perhaps without the city lights, the nights here are darker than in the real world.

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