Aoba Office

Chapter 1456 Discovery

I found out on the Internet that this place is called Yangshan District, with nine streets, a total area of ​​about 65 square kilometers, a registered population of 920,000, and a permanent population of 2.03 million. This is the information registered in the 2015 survey.

Although I was prepared in my heart, I still really saw the gloomy road ahead in front of the data.

The driver had a strange expression on his face after listening to the thin man's question.

"Haunted? Are you saying the hospital is haunted? I heard that the morgue in the second hospital here is not peaceful, and there are corpses running out in the middle of the night." The driver tried to remember and gave an answer.

This kind of hospital morgue ghost story is all too common. It seems that every forensic medical school, hospital, funeral parlor, and police station morgue is haunted. I don’t know whether it is the public’s inherent impression that is causing trouble, or whether supernatural events have really happened.

"Looking at the accent, are you locals? Why do you want to" The driver hesitated.

The thin man laughed haha.

I continue to check the news on the Internet.

A population of more than two million is very large. But in the face of the entire Internet, the population of more than two million in one jurisdiction of Minqing City is really just a drop in the ocean, and there is no way to generate new news all the time. In the old news, there is very little content about Yangshan District. Most of them are local news in Minqing, reports from the Yangshan District government or subordinate streets, and no other news.

This is also normal.

Storytellers rarely talk about Yangshan, and usually mention Minqing directly. Yangshan District is obviously not the kind of place with a lot of news and events, nor does it have any special attractions or buildings.

I only found out that this place was originally an old industrial area, but it was completely reformed around 2000. It sounds like it is reborn, but in fact it is half-dead.

The meter on the car has jumped to twenty yuan.

The thin man gave up asking the driver for information. The driver also became silent.

I put down my phone and looked out the window casually, feeling a sense of despair that I was powerless.

I really had no clue at the moment and didn't know what to do.

At this time, I saw a large supermarket passing by the vehicle.

A truck was parked at the back door of the supermarket, and boxes of mineral water and instant noodles were loaded onto the truck.

I feel strange.

Normally, trucks should be unloading goods to supermarkets, not transporting goods.

The staff surrounding the truck looked uneasy.

The taxi hit a red light and stopped.

I turned to look at the truck.

There were people loading goods all the time, and it was still very hurried and panicked.

The red light turns to green and the car drives away.

I saw young and old people in a hurry on the road again.

I became uneasy and had a bad feeling in my heart.

I subconsciously checked my phone and posted a piece of content on the social networking site.

Some people on the Internet have discovered that many marketing accounts and public accounts have suspended updates and are not refreshing the screen anytime and anywhere as usual. Among these retweets and questions, I see people being vague and saying big things.

The person who sent this message is a private account, has no fans, and has not posted any meaningful content.

I just think this news is a clear signal.

I found that after arriving here, I had no plan, no preparation, and no thought about what to do and how to do it.

In fact, since I encountered the supernatural incident, I have been drifting through this year.

Gu Mo said to just go with the flow, so I just went with the flow. As a result of fate, I was able to turn disaster into good luck every time and survived to this day. I also solved many supernatural incidents and rescued Gu Mo, Nangong Yao and Wu Ling.

Sometimes I feel that I am lucky, and sometimes I feel that it is all thanks to Ye Qing who has always been by my side to protect me.

This time, without Ye Qing, I didn't have a clear idea, and I was completely unsure.

The thin man also made the same discovery as me. He pushed me gently and motioned for me to look at the people outside carrying large and small bags.

It was a young man who bought a bunch of things from a convenience store and got into a car parked on the side of the road.

Few people are shopping frantically at convenience stores.

I felt a chill on my back and suddenly thought of something.

Yangshan District has been "isolated" and is an independent and different space. People in the real world outside have even forgotten that the entire Yangshan District exists. So what about inside?

I had this idea vaguely before, but there were so many things to think about that distracted me.

I looked at the driver and said, "Master, where do you usually go? Over there in Guangxin District?"

The driver said "Ah", "Go ahead. What's wrong?"

He remembers the outside world!

People here remember that the real world exists!


The phone rang at this time, it was a group text message from the operator.

The Yangshan District Government of Minqing City issued a message asking citizens not to be nervous. The municipal water plant and municipal power plant failed, and there will be a temporary water and power outage for a period of time, which is expected to be restored in two hours.

The traffic broadcast on the car radio was also paused at this time, and this news was inserted.

My brain is literally exploding.

really! The government has discovered the situation!

I shuddered.

The driver was also a little confused and muttered something uneasy.

The thin man looked at me.

My cell phone rang at this time, it was a call from Nan Tian.

I felt a surprise immediately and quickly answered the phone.

"Hey! Where are you!" I asked.

Nan Tian's voice was calm, but he spoke very quickly, "I'm in Room 203, Building 8, Lane 241, Bihai Road, Chengxin Garden."

I asked in shock: "What?"

"My mobile phone is broken. I met a fan of mine and temporarily borrowed her phone and prepared some things. Where are you?" Nan Tian asked.

I said "taxi" and gave the driver my address.

I don’t know the road, but the driver does. The thin man didn't hear the conversation between Nan Tian and I, but he also heard the question and asked the driver how long it would take to arrive.

"Less than half an hour," the driver replied.

Nan Tian didn't say anything on the phone. We told each other to be careful and hung up the phone.

I was miserable for the next half hour.

There is already some confusion on social networking sites and people are panicking.

The Internet has brought people closer, but it has also made people receive too much and too mixed information.

Everyone on the internet says anything.

Power plants exploded, water plants were polluted, and there were reports of missile attacks.

In short, everyone's imagination is very rich, but it is still within the scope of normal people.

In comparison, reality is even more bizarre and unbelievable.

The car drove all the way to the community called Chengxin Garden.

Along the way, I saw people frantically snatching goods.

To be honest, I have seen similar incidents several times, but mostly I saw empty supermarket shelves in the news. I haven’t been involved myself, nor have any of my family or friends.

Minqing has a relatively good geographical location, and there are few major disasters. Typhoons, tsunamis, and earthquakes have nothing to do with Minqing. As a financial metropolis, the supply of materials here is also sufficient. Price increases are common, but shortages of food and water are impossible.

Most of the people rushing to buy large and small bags on the road are elderly. Young people may still be stuck in the company at the moment. Moreover, those young people should have the same idea as I did in the past. They all firmly believe that places like Minqing will be protected by the country as a priority.

The question is, what will happen if one day a financial city becomes an isolated island without external material supplies?

I shuddered.

At this moment, I sincerely hope that time in this different space will repeat itself in cycles. Among the two conjectures that Shouzi and I mentioned, this one can be fulfilled.

That way, the worst-case scenario won't happen.

Moreover, the cycle also means that people here will repeat the behavior of this day.

I lose my memory, maybe that's why.

This caused trouble for my actions, but it also ensured my safety.

I wanted to pray to God at this moment.

The car is parked at the gate of the community and cannot be entered.

We paid, got out of the car, and saw the driver driving away worriedly.

There were people carrying plastic bags walking into the community.

We found the address Nan Tian mentioned. We followed the resident who opened the door and went in without ringing the doorbell.

The middle-aged woman stared at us warily, turned back three times every step, walked to the door of a house on the first floor, and made uneasy gestures to take out the key. She carefully protected the plastic bag she was carrying, with a defensive look on her face.

I can guess what she is thinking, very helpless. Go straight upstairs with the thin man.

There was no more movement from downstairs.

We found the door to room 203 and rang the doorbell.

Happy Laba. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

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