Aoba Office

Chapter 1453 Bells

Amelia Su’s proposal is the safest, but it is also the most unacceptable to us.

Not related to each other, but just because we are Nantian fans, Amelia Su helped us like this, which made me feel very uncomfortable.

Nan Tian is not someone who takes advantage of fans, otherwise he wouldn't be standing here right now.

Nan Tian refused directly and did not say any nice words. He just thanked Amelia Su for his kindness.

Amelia Su was very disappointed, "I will find a way. Nan Shen, I can really do it well. I can find that sister and my parents. I..."

"Don't be anxious. I just think it's too dangerous." Nantian said, "I'm not rejecting your help. This has nothing to do with your ability. Your situation is actually no different from ours."

"But -" Amelia Su was very anxious.

Before she finished speaking, I heard an eagle chirping.

The sound seemed to pierce one's eardrums.

Immediately, there was a fierce wind howling, like the air wave after a nuclear explosion.

Amelia Su screamed and was thrown to the ground.

The three of us were blown to the ground and couldn't get up for a while.

"Why... why are you here again..." Su Xiaoyu shouted in panic.

"What do you mean, coming again?" I asked anxiously.

Amelia Su lay on the ground, shivering, "It's a hurricane. There is a hurricane! It came just now. A few hours ago..."

"Hasn't this happened before?" Nan Tian asked.

Amelia Su shook her head blankly, "I don't know either... They said they had, and they laughed at me. There had been wind before, but not..."


Another strong wind came.

I saw that the glass windows in the building were shaken by the shock, and some of them were not strong enough to shatter to the ground!

Amelia Su screamed in fear.

Nan Tian crawled on the ground and moved to Amelia Su's side to protect her.

The bike was blown up and rolled away from us.

I heard the hawk chirp again. I am not a rabbit, nor am I a rabbit spirit, but hearing such a sound still makes my hair stand on end, and I feel a sense of fear welling up from the bottom of my heart.

I reluctantly raised my head and looked in the direction of the bell tower.

The bell tower shook, and the teaching buildings trembled slightly.

The wind blew across my face like a sharp knife.

My skin felt like it was about to be rubbed off, and the pain made me shiver all over.

Finally, another gust of wind brought panicked shouts from the crowd in the distance, and I saw something different.

Behind the clock tower, a dark shadow rose.

My eyes widened and I saw the fiery red mane and feathers in the sun.

Even though we were so far apart, I could still clearly see the appearance of that behemoth.

"What is that?" Su Xiaoyu read out a few syllables dryly.

Nan Tian suddenly turned his head to look at me.

"Monster..." I said.

It has the head of a lion and the body of an eagle, and its feathers are like the legendary fire phoenix. It is extremely gorgeous, but also weird and terrifying.

The lion's head grinned, revealing its fangs. Sometimes it let out the roar of a raptor, and sometimes it let out the roar of a lion.

Its wings flapped, each time bringing up a hurricane.

I saw it landed on the bell tower, and the eagle's claws smashed the bell tower directly.

The big bell fell, making a dull sound, rumbling, and the ground shook.

The bell rang at this strange time.

This was supposed to be a recording of the bell, whether it was a battery or something else that made it ring throughout the campus and spread to where we were.

The beautiful sound was immediately covered up by the lion's roar.

I saw with my naked eyes the yin energy rising from the bell tower of the school.

The monster was so stimulated that it flew into the air, circled in a circle, and swooped down rapidly.

The earth-shaking loud noise made the earth start to shake. This was a louder sound than the giant bell falling just now.

My heartbeat was crazy.

Now, I can confirm that the main premise of my speculation is correct.

There is an entrance to a different space here.

There is a ghost from the future here.

The entrances and exits of different spaces here can be relatively freely entered and exited.

What I didn't expect was that a monster would come out of that alien space.

It focused on the ghost.

This should be a good time for the snipe and the clam to compete, and the fisherman to profit.

However, I was pressed to the ground by the wind stirred up by the monster, and my legs were a little weak. It was really difficult to become a fisherman!

The crowd's shouts grew louder. Cries, screams, and running sounds.

People gathered near the school should start running for their lives.

"We have to get out of here." Nan Tian said decisively and glanced at me.

I nodded in agreement.

It's better to wait for those two things to fight out, and then I'll take advantage.

I'm really frustrated, but other than that, I don't have any other options.

The monster's wingspan seemed to be fifty or sixty meters, and this was still completely unexpanded. Just a few flaps of the wings can create a strong typhoon. If I insist on rushing over, I will end up like the bicycle.

I can't find the bike now.

Taking advantage of the temporary lull in the wind, we quickly got up from the ground.

Nan Tian picked up Amelia Su and carried Amelia Su who was paralyzed with fear on her back.

The thin man and I were tied up, then we spread our legs and ran in the direction we came from.

"Where are you going to hide? Or do you have other ideas?" Nan Tian asked me as he ran.

I smiled bitterly.

"You've seen the monster. Do you think it's possible for it to wait for me to get close?"

I have seen several ghosts that sneaked into the real world, but the only monsters I have seen in the real world are the Nian beast and the Behemoth. The former is a monster that has existed since ancient times. It has not appeared in the world for many years, and its size is within an acceptable range. In the end, the fat man "fighted fire with fire" and tricked him to death. The latter's size was also within an acceptable range, and he was caught by Ye Qing and imprisoned for many years.

In addition, the monsters I saw in that future world were all huge monsters, often seven or eight stories high, and might even exceed the height of a skyscraper.

The griffin-headed monster that appears here is also huge.

It can also fly.

What should I do?

I was thinking about this, and Liu Miao's name came to mind.

People here die and are resurrected, repeating the process. Liu Miao is by no means a "native" here. Did he get this "privilege" when he was isolated in this space? Or is he dead, turned into a ghost, hiding somewhere?

I glanced back.

No one was seen running over.

I'm worried that Liu Miao will be affected in the melee over there and die completely.

Such worries did not inspire me, and there was nothing I could do about the situation.

However, when I turned around, I saw the monster flying into the sky again.

An eagle's cry and a lion's roar came from its mouth, and the two sounds were intertwined.

I feel something is wrong.

There seemed to be a sense of panic in the voice.

The surrounding scenery began to shake.

I couldn't help but stop, stand in the swaying scenery, and stop to observe.

Nan Tian and Shouzi also stopped and turned to look at me. Their mouths opened and closed as if they were saying something, but their movements and sounds were stretched and slowed down, turning into a weird slow motion.

The broken glass shards on the ground flew up and fell into the empty window frame, slowly restoring the glass window.

Time seems to be going back.

Shouzi, Nantian and Amelia Su were unaware of anything.

I heard the wind.

The wind was blowing from the opposite direction and seemed to be sucked into somewhere behind me.

The wind passed through my body without any strong push, but instead just blew by me in a strange way.

I seem to have become a transparent person. I can feel the wind, but the wind cannot affect me.

The monster's voice has stopped.

The cries of the crowd also disappeared.

I heard the bell.

The school bell carries the rhythm of music.



My eyes suddenly went dark, and my body fell straight down.

Goodnight everybody.

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