Aoba Office

Chapter 1451 The person who sends the courier

"They asked you to identify the list and then ignored you?" I asked in surprise.

This unfolding was something I had not expected at all.

Su Xiaoyu nodded, "They... ignored me... I asked them what happened here, but they were too lazy to answer. I was hungry, but they ignored me. There was no food... I could only... Side activities. I couldn’t see them anymore..."

The tears in Amelia Su’s eyes flowed down her cheeks again.

"No one there wants to talk to me. I died several times... I died and came back to life... until a sister secretly gave me two small tomatoes and told me what happened here..."

My mind is a mess.

Shouzi and Nantian also frowned.

Amelia Su wiped away her tears and continued: "That sister said that this place was divided and thrown into a void. It was like the exile of people in the past. They were driven to barren land or thrown into the sea to let them fend for themselves. We can't get out. There is no running water, no power plant, and all the food and water we had have been consumed over the years. But food and water will not come back. The dead will come back to life and continue to live like this. It's like the plot in a science fiction movie... But I was already there. I died once... really, I starved to death..."

Amelia Su trembled.

"There were people nearby, and some of them were sitting there waiting to die. There were also people who were watching others die...I slowly died like that...I waited until dawn the next day, until three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and I came back to life. . The others also came back to life. Keep going like this... I wanted to escape, but... it didn't work... They were very strict, but there were not enough people. , and there are no seeds. The water is almost gone. The sister said that at most one or two thousand people can have a full meal here. In the past, people were organized and gathered in one place. The supplies were all put together. They thought that the food and drinks would be the same as the house. Even if they smashed the windows and broke things, they would be restored the next day... but now it is getting worse. The harder it gets...many people just wait to die, come back to life, and then die..."

I shuddered to find that this place was probably more desperate than the apocalypse in the movie.

Su Xiaoyu trembled and wiped her tears carelessly, "I want to go back...find a way back. To leave here...that sister said that she had tried it a long time ago. Go to the edge, step over, and everything will be gone. They organized it many times. People who went out said they lost consciousness immediately and returned to where they were the next day.

Amelia Su touched the bicycle, "I still want to try...I am different from them. I got here later."

"What about the express delivery?" Nan Tian asked.

Amelia Su's body was shaken and she buried her head, "This is the method they came up with. They said... because someone is not here... Originally, someone like me should come here with them and disappear from the world. Because people like us are gone, something goes wrong here, and time here stops for that day. People will die, but things that are fixed here will be restored. As long as people like us come back, this place will change. It needs to be normal. Maybe it can develop... into a new world. They believe in this..."

"Is express delivery a medium?" I asked warily, "Who created this?"

Amelia Su shook her head vigorously, "I don't know. I only know that they try their best to fill in the express delivery form. As long as the recipient's name and address are correct and someone receives the express delivery, that person will be pulled here. They... I don't I don’t know how many people they successfully brought over... It seems that the sister was also brought over later.”

Amelia Su bit her lip.

I suddenly understood how she felt at this time.

She lost her memory and had to become independent at a young age, finish her studies and get into college. She lost her parents and home, but suddenly found them again. But the situation was completely different from what she expected.

Her parents didn't come to her because they loved her or cared about her.

They just want to find the fish that slipped through the net.

They desperately want to turn this alien space into a normal world so that they can live well.

As for how Amelia Su lives in the real world and how much suffering she has to face when she comes here, they don't care.

"It's impossible to get them all back." Nan Tian said rationally at this moment.

"The senders are people here. They can only rely on their memory to send express delivery to people they know. How big is this place? How many people are there?" The thin man asked while analyzing.

Amelia Su did not answer.

"At least it's a district with a primary school, a high school and a university." Nan Tian said, "We have already analyzed this."

"But at that time, we didn't know that this was the way to find people here." The thin man said, "If it was God or something, we would just arrest people one by one, or maybe all of them. But now we use this method , there are too many people who can't be found. And what about her situation? She has met new people in the real world for five or six years, and they have to be found. Well, what about their children?”

I remembered that when the devil fulfilled the contract, he killed all the children of the "beneficiary". Those children were all beings who could never have been born.

In this current situation, there will be many children born that are impossible to be born, right?

I support Shouzi and Nantian's views.

It is impossible to achieve the goal by doing this.

This alien space will never become a complete new world.

Scenarios from science fiction movies and science fiction novels don’t happen here.

Amelia Su had stopped crying and raised her head and said, "But some of them seem sure to succeed."

All three of us grown men stared at her.

Su Xiaoyu shrank her neck, "That's what that sister is like. There are other people... on the outside, I mean, those who are waiting to die, have given up. But inside... they occupy a place, a university. We You can't enter the school... No one can see what's going on inside. I saw my parents going in, but I was stopped when I tried to sneak in and found someone patrolling inside. . There were security guards, policemen and firefighters, and there seemed to be soldiers. I...I saw them sneaking out again. She...she was very angry. Gentle, but... weird... kind of like a crazy fan, um, a pyramid scheme. I asked her for a bicycle and ran out. There was no one in the whole city. They all gathered next to the school.”

"So, you don't know who is sending the express?" I asked.

Amelia Su shook her head.

The thin man looked at me.

I gave the thin man an affirmative look.

Such a strange incident made me immediately understand what happened here.

It's a ghost from the future world!

This ghost is related to express delivery. It can use the express delivery order to send false express delivery and bring people to this different space.

Liu Miao appeared here probably because he wanted to investigate the ghost.

This area disappeared from Minqing's territory and everyone's memory. It may be God's thunderous means at that time.

There may also be an entrance and exit to a different space here.

Fresh fruit, it makes sense that there are healthy and positive people in the university. They can completely use that different space entrance and exit to import supplies from a certain area of ​​the future world controlled by that ghost.

Judging from my previous experiences, the entrance and exit of the different space in the Sixth Gongnong Village is closed all year round and occasionally opened; the entrance and exit of the different space in the Huixiang Cave are filled with human heads, which may be deliberately blocked by the guide; the entrance and exit of the different space in Guangyuan Mountain That one is like an automatic door that opens when someone passes by. Although it is not 100% certain, there is a high probability that the entrances and exits of different spaces are different. The entrance and exit here is a door that allows people to enter and exit freely.

Food and drinking water are no longer a problem.

People here can even go to the future world.

That world may be better than this, or it may be worse than here - at least here, time is trapped in a strange cycle, people will not die, and to a certain extent they can be said to be immortal.

And that ghost has no intention of giving up. It controls this place, and it probably hasn't given up on its ambitions for the real world.

The question now is whether my series of guesses here are accurate, and whether God will let this alien space return to reality.

As long as both conditions are met, I can kill the ghosts here and erase the entrance to the different space. By then, it will be safe here. As long as God "agrees", this place can return to the real world.

I clenched my fists.

Goodnight everybody.

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