Aoba Office

Chapter 1448 Frank disclosure

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! What do you mean when you say your abilities are not used in this way?" Nan Tian frowned, "Each of you, what abilities do you have? You are still hiding them, and you are not willing to confess. ? You are completely misleading me!"

"No one misled you. It's just that we wanted to kick you away, and you tried your best to get in." I pointed out this fact bluntly.

Nangong Yao has made it obvious enough. But this naughty kid doesn't know how to look at people at all.

Nan Tian was not angry, but emphasized: "I am doing it for my brother's safety. I don't understand what secrets you are hiding. Are these things more important than family?"

"It's just for the sake of my family that I won't tell you." I got a headache.

"Shut up and follow now." The thin man said, looking at Nan Tian suspiciously, "Are you really incompetent?"

"No." Nan Tian spread his hands, "If I had, I would have confessed to my brother long ago. I belong to your group at this time, and you are not satisfied with me, right?"

His logic was clear and he grasped the key points.

But this is still useless.

"Don't mess around again." I warned Nan Tian, ​​"My abilities are limited and I may not be able to save you. Your brothers and others are all in the real world and don't even know what's happening here."

"I understand." Nan Tian said calmly, "But if you don't tell me anything, I won't be able to make a correct judgment. You think I'm fooling around. Why am I fooling around? It's not because you refuse to tell me the truth."

Nan Tian's logic fell into an endless loop.

His personality is obviously different from mine.

Gu Mo and Xuan Qing used lame excuses like "it just happened" and "it wasn't the right time" to deal with me, and didn't explain anything to me. Ye Qing didn't even say a word. I endured all these without persisting. What to do after encountering a supernatural event.

Nan Tian has a spirit of inquiring. Maybe he is used to being strong and wants to investigate the matter into something ugly. He will not give up until he achieves his goal.

The thin man and I looked at each other.

The thin man has no idea.

I thought about it for a long time.

If Nan Tian continues to run rampant like this, it may drag down both of us.

It was Nangong Yao's decision not to tell Nan Tian the truth. I originally respected his idea of ​​being an older brother. There is nothing wrong with being an older brother and taking care of your younger siblings. I can also understand Nangong Yao's choice.

But now, Nangong Yao is not here, and Nan Tian is tied to the two of us. Thinking about it from a pessimistic point of view, it’s hard to say whether the three of us can go out. There seems to be no difference whether some things are concealed or made public.

I exhaled.

Nan Tian's eyes lit up, his expression became serious, and he listened attentively.

"Let me tell you this. According to the operating principles of this world...well, the operating principles of supernatural beings, people like us have committed sins in previous lives and are now receiving retribution."

As soon as I started talking, I saw Nan Tian's split expression.

"That's what your brothers told me." I said, "We killed people, set fires, and did bad things in our previous lives. In this life, we have some extra abilities. This is not preferential treatment, but a curse. With such abilities, we will be We will all be entangled by supernatural events. If we don’t look for those things, ghosts will come to our door every time, and we may die at any time and harm the people around us.”

Nan Tian's expression turned into contemplation.

"Have your parents ever told you about your brother? He can see the future and see things that ordinary people can't see. If you have an elder in your family, he has seen the future. This ability to predict has side effects, that is The future he sees will change immediately, and it will change in the opposite direction. The injury he sees will turn into immediate death. This is why he left home and sealed most of his abilities. In this way, the danger still exists. If this natural law does not change, all of us will have to be subject to this restriction," I said.

Nan Tian asked: "Is that why?"

I frowned.

"We are a family. Even if there are such side effects and dangers, we should bear them together." Nan Tian said, with a sullen look on his face, "For our own good, why are you hiding the truth and leaving us?"

"The more you are exposed to supernatural events, the more dangerous it is. It's like gambling, do you understand? Once you're involved, it's impossible to quit. If you want to quit, those who gamble with you will also come to you. Pull you into the water. The further away, the better.”

"Are you the kind of person who would give up on a close relative if he gets involved in gambling?" Nan Tian asked me.

I was stunned.

"I won't." Nan Tian said firmly, "If he wants to gamble, I can lock him up. If he can't quit, then I can make more money to prevent him from owing loan sharks. If he wants to open a big hole, there is really no way. The medicine can save him, but even if I break his hands and feet and tie him up completely, I can't let him die in the hands of loan sharks or in the gutter where no one knows."

The thin man was surprised: "You are still a holy father!"

"It's not the Holy Father. That's my family. I can't give up on him. These things should be borne by the family. Isn't that the case with close relatives?" Nan Tian said calmly.

His attitude was magnanimous and his words were sonorous and forceful. It seemed that he was not just saying something casually, but he really thought so.

The thin man and I were both speechless under his gaze.

I know, neither of us are that kind of person. Our family is not like that either. But in another situation, if our family members are addicted to gambling, it is hard to say what we will make.

In the concept of modern society, the ideas of me and thin people are the mainstream.

After we encountered supernatural events, we also adhered to the same idea: since we are family members, we should not bring danger and trouble to our families. We demand this of ourselves, and we also expect the same of our families. However, within our ability, we will want to help our families and provide support.

Nan Tian means that he will never give up on his family no matter what. Whether he can afford it or not, he will bear it.

"Have you ever thought that when the day comes..." I blurted out and stopped abruptly.

"When that day comes, I won't regret it. Isn't that what I have come to now?" Nan Tian shrugged.

"You freak," the thin man complained, "you even got us into trouble. All our plans were disrupted."

"Sorry. I didn't expect you to follow me." Nan Tian shrugged again, "It was an accident. I just thought of saving Han Ji. If I was swallowed... I would be forgotten anyway. By then, my brother and you It will all be easy.”

When he said this, he sighed with sadness.

"You two brothers are completely in conflict with each other and cannot be saved." The thin man said sharply, "I think that one is a stubborn person. All five of them are like that."

"There's nothing we can do about it. We're brothers." Nan Tian smiled, "My parents also said that my brother and I are very similar."

He had a bright smile and looked like a big boy.

Apart from being stubborn, I don't see any similarities between the two brothers.

"Now that we've said it, what are your abilities?" Nan Tian suddenly asked, "I always need to know what abilities my teammates have before I can take action, right?"

The thin man and I exchanged opinions.

"The more you know, the more you have to bear. You may need to bear the side effects of our abilities." I said seriously.

"It doesn't matter. You don't just have to die immediately after listening to it." Nan Tian waved his hand.

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