Aoba Office

Chapter 1443 Clues (8)

Now I have some doubts about whether Nan Tian is Nangong Yao's biological brother.

Who is this shameless person inherited from?

Could it be that one of the two brothers is like his father and the other is like his mother?

Nan Tian had no consciousness at all and continued to pester me, asking me about my abilities and Nangong Yao's plan.

Although he talks a lot and is not reserved at all, Nan Tian is not stupid. On the contrary, he is sharp.

"...My brother, what are they going to do to those people? Do you need to meet certain conditions before your ability can be used? Is it a bad thing? Didn't you look good at that time?" Nan Tian said, and put some food in the dish. Eat, chew slowly, "kidnapping? Then put something on the body and perform a ritual? Or blood, heart? It should be this kind of thing, right? I haven't heard about superpowers, but I want to talk about spells or something , can’t do without those human organs, right?”

"It's not that scary." I interrupted Nan Tian's imagination.

"In fact, if we investigate this matter, we can't find it out. At least it can be found out to a certain extent." Fatty said.

He had promised Nan Tian to have dinner together before, so he must have had an idea.

I thought the fat man wanted to distract Nan Tian's attention and tell some plausible lies. As a result, the fat man said: "Do you know how many primary and secondary schools and hospitals there are in Minqing?"

I looked at the fat man blankly.

"There are also government agencies and units." The fat man added.

"You mean, you know where the place is missing?" Nan Tian asked in surprise.

I also understood what the fat man meant, but this was incredible.

Judging from Miss Han's account, this is a complete erasure of traces of a person's existence. It's not Ye Qing's magic that makes people mosaic.

How could anyone find something missing under such circumstances.

"I've seen it somewhere before. In the Minqing school rankings, among the primary schools, the first and second primary schools are still there, the third primary school was changed to the Minqing University Affiliated Primary School, and the fourth primary school became Yongkang 1st Primary School. Now there are still The No. 5, 6, 7 and 8 elementary schools in the middle are all gone. Among the junior high schools, there are four missing, including No. 8 Middle School, No. 13 Middle School and No. 14 Middle School. "Definitely." Fatty said eloquently, "The other thing is the courts in Minqing. People will not notice the lack of grassroots courts. Minqing has the First Intermediate Court and the Second Intermediate Court, but there is no intellectual property court in the First Intermediate Court or the Second Intermediate Court." In 2019, Minqing opened a special intellectual property court, and major intellectual property cases in the city are under its jurisdiction. Is this a bigger problem than schools? "

I had a feeling of enlightenment.

In 2019, Minqing’s establishment of a special intellectual property court made news. Minqing TV made a special report accordingly. I vaguely remember the report mentioning that that court filled a void.

Some professionals online complained that Minqing, an economic metropolis, had finally paid attention to intellectual property laws.

I noticed this kind of news because a college classmate I knew had entered the public security system and forwarded this news in his circle of friends.

My college social circle is basically the same as that of fat people and thin people, so they must have noticed this too. However, now only Fatty immediately thought of the connection between this incident and those disappearances.

"In this case, we can roughly define a range. How big is the missing area and how many people may there be. Minqing's urban planning has always been very organized, expanding from the inside out, with supporting public facilities, such as schools, hospitals, The court was also built according to this model." Fatty drew a circle on the table. "If we can find out some urban construction plans, we might be able to piece together the missing area and find its approximate location. Connected to somewhere."

"You can also find a lot of useful clues from the road names!" The thin man became excited, "The names of the roads here and the names of the old roads are all based on the zones. The names of the new roads are random, but the old roads have rules! "

The fat man nodded.

"This is a systematic job." I said and looked at Nan Tian.

Nan Tian was thoughtful, felt my gaze, and looked back at me calmly.

"Mr. Nantian, here's your chance to show off your superpower of money." The thin man joked.

We don’t have time to do this kind of systematic work. Qingye and the other three have limited manpower, and they have other tasks, so it’s probably hard to spare their hands. Nan Tian is willing to spend money and hire people to study this, which is perfect. He may even invite historians, old professors, and retired planning bureau employees who have studied Minqing to study these missing areas.

Nan Tian nodded, "It's a good idea. But you are too naive to think that you can get rid of me this way. I can just hire someone to do this. I still have time to keep an eye on you." Nan Tian After saying that, he spread his hands.

The thin man asked: "Don't you need to make a movie? Don't you have any filming appointments? Don't you have to catch up on the announcement?"

"My brother's safety is the most important thing now. I have given up all my jobs." Nan Tian said calmly.

"Are you a brother-controller?" the thin man asked.

Nan Tian was still very calm, "I just care about my brother. If your sister was in danger, you would do the same, right?"

Nan Tianhou naturally asked me a question.

"You stay away from my sister." I warned her.

Nan Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry. I won't hurt your sister. Is that little girl a fan of mine? I remember she was there at the Film and Television City."

When I mention the movie city, I feel bad.

Nan Tian was very discerning and immediately changed the topic, "I understand what you are talking about. Can you answer the question I asked now?"

"Why?" the thin man asked.

I stopped the thin man and said, "I still say the same thing. Mr. Nantian, for the sake of your brother, you'd better not get involved too much. You are willing to pay for people, which is already enthusiastic enough. To put it bluntly, it is enough to take care of others." It's no business. Your brother has his own life, and he has been living like this for many years. Besides, he is doing it for your own good. If you stay away from us, your brother will be safer. You can also feel more at ease.”

"Why don't you want to say it?" Nan Tian changed his attitude sincerely, "When my brother left home, I was still young. He and his parents kept it secret from me, which I can understand. I am now an adult and have my own job. I My parents were willing to tell me what happened back then. Why did he, and you, reject me so much?"

"Because if you get it, you will have bad luck. Since you have checked me and found my sister, don't you know what my sister has been through this year?" I asked coldly.

Nan Tian was startled.

"If I could, I would choose to leave home and stay away from them like Nangong Yao." I continued, "Your brother has done a lot for you and your parents. Don't make it difficult for him anymore."

Nan Tian was silent.

We didn't eat much during the meal, so we ended the meal quickly and left. Nantian didn't bother me anymore.

I then sent a message to Wu Ling about Fatty’s discovery. She expressed her appreciation.

Chen Xiaoqiu is more interested in this kind of investigation and is very good at it.

By the time this week passed, Chen Xiaoqiu had sorted out a lot of things.

I never saw Nan Tian again.

Nangong Yao's running procedure was not smooth. Because the number of people screened out has reached 2,481. Among them, it is difficult to identify how many files are missing under normal circumstances and how many people are related to this matter. It can be said that it is almost impossible to distinguish from the paper content. In Miss Han's case, if she moved to Minqing from another place during high school and entered Minqing's high school through connections, it is entirely possible that there would be gaps in the file. It is impossible to conduct individual investigations one by one with our limited manpower.

In this way, the ideas provided by Fatty seem more promising to produce results.


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