Aoba Office

Chapter 1441 Clues (6)

"Xiaotian must have been in high school at that time." Miss Han showed a recalling look, "She also established that group in the beginning. This is what I know. She said herself that she suddenly became an orphan. That morning, She made an appointment and met Liu Miao. She thought Liu Miao was here to inquire about some information, but she didn't remember the details. She didn't remember the person she was dating that day. A classmate went to watch a movie and talked about it. At that time, she thought that if something happened and the police investigated, she would be able to testify. By the time the movie was over, she suddenly had no place to remember where her home was. She didn’t remember her parents, and she only remembered what happened in high school and junior high school. She went to the police, but they couldn’t do anything. "

Miss Han shook her head, "She was even worse off than me. After graduating from high school, she took the school fundraiser exam. After entering college, she applied for student loans and grants. After that, there was less contact. She seemed to be in love and was She was cheated and owed a lot of money from online loans..." She frowned, "We also helped her, but she disappeared in the end... Many people in the group lent her money. At the beginning, she was still full of hope. Very proactive and organized a lot of information. ”

"Did you sort out what you people have in common?" Wu Ling asked.

Miss Han nodded, "Yes. She did some sorting and made a guess. Just like you just said... there is a place, and even the people in that place have disappeared. Not only disappeared from the space, but also from all places. Disappeared from human memory and all records.”

Miss Han thought for a while and added: "The scope of that place may be a community, or it may be larger."

"It should include schools, a primary school and a junior high school. The scope is likely to be a district." Wu Ling said.

Miss Han looked at Wu Ling with admiration, "We thought so too. Xiaotian also went to the city library and wanted to borrow Minqing's city planning map. She couldn't find it. Aunt Lu helped find the old map. But that You can basically find the places above, and there is also information that can’t be found.”

"Have others given up one after another?" Wu Ling asked.

Miss Han nodded, "Actually, I was about to give up. If it hadn't been for this time..." She glanced at Nan Tian.

Nan Tian smiled and said: "This is probably fate."

Miss Han was a little excited when she heard this.

The corner of my mouth twitched and I glanced at Wu Ling, Nangong Yao and Gu Mo who had expressionless faces.

Nantian will not understand the lethality of this word to people like us.

Gu Mo asked: "Are those people still alive?"

Miss Han looked confused, "What?"

"How many people were in your group at the beginning and how many are there now?" Wu Ling added the question.

Miss Han answered Wu Ling first: "When I joined, there were only a dozen of them, and now there are ten of them, but they don't chat much anymore." She turned on her mobile phone and opened the communication software. Her movements suddenly stopped, and she suddenly looked up at Gu Mo, her lips moved, and her eyes widened in shock.

"What do you mean?" Nan Tian's face looked ugly.

"If someone disappears later, you will also forget it, right?" Gu Mo did not answer Nan Tian's question.

A chill ran down my back, realizing how horrific the situation Gu Mo had envisioned was.

"You are like a fish that slipped through the net. When the supernatural phenomena occurred, you were not there. Logically speaking, there should be many people like you. The buildings and people in one area disappeared, and the memories of many people in the entire Minqing City were lost. There should be a big chunk missing, and many of them will lose their memories for a period of time."

Such a serious Gumo makes me a little uncomfortable. The horrific situation he described was even more chilling.

"If my guess is correct, in the next few years, that is, until now, some people may disappear." Gu Mo detonated the final bombshell.

The people around him disappeared quietly without anyone noticing at all.

Just thinking about this situation makes me feel a little scared.

Although I have seen many terrifying things, this kind of terror is completely different from the terror caused by ghosts before. I felt a sense of powerlessness, as if I knew my "destiny" for the first time. I felt nothing but powerlessness.

Miss Han was panicked and at a loss what to do.

Nan Tian asked: "In this case, there is no way to investigate, right? It's better to give up!"

He was decisive.

But the people of Qingye will not give up.

Not only for Liu Miao, but also for Ye Qing, who is now behind bars.

Nangong Yao looked at me with a thoughtful look on his face, "No wonder Ye Zi left this matter to you."

I'm a little baffled.

"Ten people, that's about it." Gu Mo said.

When I heard these words, I suddenly became enlightened and felt a sense of trembling. I looked at Gu Mo in horror, and then at the other two people.

Their expressions were calm.

"I said...don't you think..." The thin man was surprised.

"Miss Han, can you show me this group?" Wu Ling asked.

Miss Han was unaware of the tense atmosphere at this time, still immersed in Gu Mo's imagination, and directly handed the phone to Wu Ling.

Wu Ling took out his mobile phone and operated it a few times. After returning the phone to Miss Han, she handed her phone to Nangong Yao. Gu Mo helped bring Nangong Yao's notebook.

"Those people you want to investigate? The people I hired are already doing this." Nan Tian said, glancing at me.

He didn't know what I was capable of.

I know all too well what I'm capable of. Although I can't control my abilities, I know the activation conditions of my abilities.

I have some doubts about the patience of Aoba and the others, and even more doubts about their lower limit.

Ten people...

The quickest solution is to let me see the information of these people and then kill them!

As long as they die, I can possess them and enter their dreams.

They have lost their memory, but as long as I use their souls to return to the past time and space, these troubles will be solved!

I am afraid.

It's one thing to prioritize the completion of a task without caring about the life or death of others, but it's another thing to kill someone for it.

Gu Mo and Wu Ling handed over the investigation to Nangong Yao.

Gu Mo stepped back, got out of the way, walked to me, stretched out his hand, and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Don't be nervous, Xiao Linzi." Gu Mo said, "We are not that unscrupulous."

I believed this sentence before it was released. Today, I can't help but doubt it.

My body tensed.

"Besides, there's no need for us to do this." Gu Mo added, "If I were really right, these ten people probably wouldn't be able to last long. The world is deteriorating rapidly."

Gu Mo's slightly relaxed tone and relaxed attitude made me even more nervous.

"What are you talking about?" Nan Tian asked, looking at me suspiciously, "What can this demolition agency do?"

I didn't answer.

No one else spoke.

Nan Tianqian tilted his nose and looked at his brother Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao had already checked the information of those group members, turned his notebook around, and rushed towards me.

Miss Han stood up and asked anxiously: "Do you have any ideas? What are you going to do?"

"Please relax, Miss Han." Wu Ling reassured without sincerity, "We hope to unravel the truth of this matter and rescue our friends. We also hope to help you. However, this matter is very complicated. Our The means are limited, so it depends on luck. With luck, this matter may be solved quickly.”

Nan Tian said: "What are you going to do? Is this person a police dog with a search function?" He pointed at me and said to Nangong Yao: "What you are doing is not dangerous, is it? He said that you are Logistics staff don’t need to be on site.”

Nangong Yao ignored his brother.

"If you are lucky, one of these people will take Lynch to the place where he disappeared." Wu Ling said.

"How to take them? Catch them when they disappear and follow them through time?" Nan Tian asked back.

"Absolutely." Wu Ling replied, "Miss Han, you said that a gentleman is dead, right?"

"Yes..." Miss Han was very nervous and looked at Nan Tian for help.

Nan Tian's expression was uncertain, and he said to Miss Han, "Don't be afraid."

"Who is it?" Wu Ling asked.

Miss Han looked at Nan Tian again, and after getting Nan Tian's approval, she said her name, "Yu Biao."

"Not in the group?"

"Yeah. He doesn't know much about this. Uncle Wang happened to hear about him when he was checking his files at the Civil Affairs Bureau."

Nangong Yao searched for Yu Biao's information and showed it to me.

"Then, that's it for now." Wu Ling said.

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