Aoba Office

Chapter 1433 Searching (1)

Since Ye Qing said this, he must have some reliance on it.

He was the last person in the firm to die. He may not know the truth about Nangong Yao's incident, but he knows very well what happened to Gu Mo and Wu Ling, and he thought of a way to leave them a glimmer of hope.

He probably also knows what happened to Liu Miao and where he is now.

The only problem is that he didn't have time to tell us what happened.

"The clues will probably be in the files." Wu Ling guessed.

I nodded and prepared to go back and look through the files.

At this moment, I no longer care about Gu Mo's theory of "just letting things happen". I have to find clues first, and I have to discuss with Wu Ling and the others what to do next.

We left the office in low spirits and parted ways with Wu Ling and Gu Mo downstairs. They drove away, and the three of us returned to the neighborhood committee.

On the way, the thin man asked me: "Brother Qi, are they planning to use my ability? That fake book will be effective with my ability, right?"

I nodded and admitted, but my answer was ambiguous, "That's probably it." I asked again, "What were you thinking at the time?"

"Well, I was suspicious at first. You didn't stop the fat man and I from following, so I was a little suspicious. Later, when I saw them taking out something, it seemed quite similar, so I gradually started to believe it." The thin man replied.

"It's still useless." The fat man sighed.

"There's nothing we can do about it. This is just to use a gun to kill ghosts, right? No matter how real the gun is or how powerful the firepower is, it's wrong. You can't kill ghosts." I sighed.

"Those things are really perverted." The thin man sighed, "How can someone be so powerful? They are more powerful than the legendary alchemists, witches, and black magicians."

I feel the same way.

I originally thought that Master Kuchan and Ye Qing were already the best among the people in the paranormal circle that I had met. The virtual Buddha is also very powerful. But they all died, and Ye Qing's condition was not good either. I subconsciously feel that Ye Qing is probably the most powerful one. This is not to say that Ye Qing is the strongest, I think Ye Qing has the strongest willpower. After dying and becoming a ghost, he persisted until now and managed to wait until the day when his partner was resurrected, which has to be admired.

But after learning the true identity of the devil, I felt that my previous admiration was a bit childish.

People who can accomplish great things probably have genius wisdom and perseverance that surpass ordinary people.

The devil didn't do anything good. When he was a great wizard, he probably wasn't a peaceful person, but the fact that he could do this on his own was amazing.

The real Tianyi who also lived for many years and died under the ax of a game player was not enough to watch.

I suddenly thought of Tianyi Zhenren, and I felt a little more confident.

Tianyi Zhenren is very strong, but so what?

Killed by the game. In the end, he died at the hands of a girl in the second grade of high school, with no power to fight back.

Think about the spirit of that game again, how awesome it is, Nangong Yao was tricked, Ye Qing was helpless, and finally he was killed by me, a layman, and he may not have a chance to be "resurrected" until now.

Wu Ling also used wind chimes and Chen Xiaoqiu's special physique to kill a spirit.

This is not impossible.

At least in the supernatural world, strength is not absolute. Innate abilities allow people to enter a special chain, making it possible for the weak to restrain the strong.

Ye Qing made a decision and asked me to go find Liu Miao. It should be that the time is right and I now have the strength to save Liu Miao. There must be clues related to Liu Miao in the files.

After returning to the neighborhood committee and explaining things to Guo Yujie who was waiting, we waited until after get off work time.

I can't wait to go home.

On the way, I saw Shouzi explaining the whole process in detail to Guo Yujie and Chen Xiaoqiu in the group.

When I got home, I started digging through the archives.

Without having to listen to audio or watch videos, my actions are very efficient. I didn't even read the words in those files carefully, I just looked for Liu Miao's name.

It didn't take me much time to scan through more than a dozen files after Wu Ling's death.

I didn't find Liu Miao's name.

I didn't give up and read it again from the beginning.

"It's time to eat." Mom knocked on the door and urged.

When she urged me for the third time, I scanned the files five times, and I had to admit the reality: there were no records in the files.

I put down the files and had dinner first.

I hurriedly put the rice into my mouth and devoured it. I returned to my room and called Wu Ling.

Wu Ling was also a little surprised by this result.

"In this case, we have to think of other ways." She said, changing the topic, "By the way, Nangong has checked. When there was a problem with the entrance and exit of the different space in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, there was no abnormality in other places. Ye Zi might be We caught a monster and came back to study it. We know too little about the future world behind the different space, and there is no way to speculate on the situation there. But it is difficult to find ghosts in the underworld now... …Another situation is that even if there is a problem with all the entrances and exits of different spaces, it will be difficult for us to grasp the specific situation if it does not cause riots and abnormal deaths.”

Wu Ling seemed to have regained his composure and no longer felt as depressed as he had in the afternoon.

After she informed me of the situation, she also talked about looking for Liu Miao.

"Since there are no clues in the files, let's do a blanket search. I will ask Nangong to search the video surveillance near the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. When is the date of the last file record?"

I flipped through the file and gave Wu Ling the date.

Wu Ling responded.

"This should be useless, right? Can you find it?"

It's not that I'm discouraged, but this method of finding people through government public facilities has been used by the demolition office since the beginning. The four of us couldn't find the owner of Qingye Supernatural Firm, and we couldn't find out where the people who couldn't find Qingye had gone. After Chen Xiaoqiu joined, he also used a more primitive method, starting from the source of the house.

"The surveillance video cannot be preserved for so many years. But there should be other clues... Ye Zi put my body under his nose. If possible, he would also put the idiot within his control."

"What if it's Gu Mo and Nangong Yao?" I blurted out.

These two people were both trapped in a special alien space. One was trapped by the old singer Christina, and the other was trapped and killed by the spirit of the game.

"This is also possible. Then, there should be someone who can make you enter the dreamland." Wu Ling said.

This statement, full of uncertainty, is unsettling.

Wu Ling was very calm, with a kind of confidence in his tone.

I feel that her confidence does not come from her own strength, nor from her belief in Nangong Yao's search ability, but from her belief that Ye Qing will not do useless things.

"It may take a long time. This was originally part of the original plan. You can just be the same as before." Wu Ling also comforted me.

I even heard another confident tone in her calmness.

I seemed to see another Ye Qing.

Ye Qing also thought the same way when his partner died and he died, right?

It may take a long time and a long wait, but they all believe they will succeed.

I was somewhat infected and my mood settled down.

Good night everyone~

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